Saturday 30 June 2018



The Charismatic Movement contends that:

i) The New Testament gift of tongues should be sought and spoken by ALL Christians today. They seek to revive all gifts, but none are given so great importance as tongues.

ii) The tongues gift is the true Biblical sign of the "Baptism in the Spirit."
iii) Those receiving tongues receive a second blessing after salvation, enabling them to live more sanctified, powerful and joyful witnessing lives.
iv) The tongues movement is claimed to be the "latter rain" revival foretold in Joel

We must test all religious movements on the basis of:
a) Their doctrines. 2 Timothy 4:2,3
b) Their fruits. Matthew 7:15,16

c) Their spirits or powers behind a movement. “Test the spirits.” 1 John 4:1-4..

Note the following reasons why tongues are not needed for Christians today:

1. Tongues were classed as one of the lowest gifts.
In 1 Corinthians 12:28 tongues are mentioned last in a list of 8 gifts. These are ranked in order of importance because we have "first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."
2. God gives the gifts "according to his own will," not according to our seeking.
"Gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will." Hebrews 2:4.
1 Corinthians 12:8-11 lists 9 gifts, the last being tongues and interpretation of tongues:

"For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gift of healing by the same spirit,…. But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."

Note: Tongues were spoken on 3 occasions in Acts (2:4; 10:46; 19:6), but on none of these occasions are the recipients seeking, waiting or expecting to speak in tongues. At Pentecost, only the Apostles (12) spoke in tongues, but all who were saved (3000) received the Holy Spirit (2:38,39).

a) "Covet earnestly the best gifts”(12:31); tongues are not the best gifts, but one of the least gifts.14:1
b) Spiritual gifts could be desired (14:1) but not claimed in faith as a birthright. There is no command to seek them.
3. Most modern tongues are a learned behaviour.

People are told to blank out their mind and say whatever comes out; then go home and practice it. This is foreign to the New Testament.
4. Tongues speakers may be deceived.
Because a person speaks unintelligible sounds, it is not proof that he has the N.T. gift of tongues. Few Charismatics are prepared to examine tongues. We must “prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21). How do you prove that tongues are genuine languages? In 1 Corinthians 14:27-29, Paul discusses wrong tongues which are not interpreted in the church, and wrong prophecy, thus teaching that others need to judge a prophecy. Tongues have been spoken by heathen religions, Mormons, etc..

5. Tongues were a sign of God's wrath, displeasure and judgment on unbelieving Israel, never a sign of His blessing and approval on Christians.
"Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe,but to them that believe not"1 Cor.14:22

a) Acts 10:44-47; 11:16-18. Tongues used by Cornelius' household was a sign to unbelieving Peter and unbelieving Jewish Christians, that Gentiles were to be received into the family of God. In Acts 11:15 the phrase "as on us at the beginning" means that tongues had not been spoken since Pentecost which was 10 years earlier.

b) "Forbid not to speak in tongues" (1 Corinthians 14:39) was always on the understanding that tongues was a valid sign to warn Jewish unbelievers, until judgment came in 70AD. You don’t warn people after judgment has come.
c) In meetings where there were no unbelieving Jews, all teaching, praying etc. was to be in the language of those present (1 Corinthians 14:23-28). 1 Corinthians 14:19 states that in the church, 5 words understood are better than 10,000 words in tongues that are not understood.
d) Israel wanted signs, but the church must live by faith. “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.” (Matthew 12:39).
e) The Corinthians were using tongues as a mark of spirituality, for personal gratification, and to gain attention. Paul rebukes this childish, selfish practice.
6. Tongues is one of several temporary gifts.
i) Apostles. "are built upon the foundation of the apostles
ii) Prophets, …and prophets." Ephesians 2:20.
Neither they nor the Lord appointed any successors to their office. "12 apostles of the Lamb." (Revelation 21:14). There are no Apostles or prophets alive today.
iii) Knowledge. This was intuitive, revealed knowledge of doctrine before the Bible was completed. A completed, perfect Bible ended this gift along with prophecy in 96AD.1 Corinthians 13:8-13. Today we must study to gain Bible knowledge. 2 Timothy 2:15. (1 Corinthians 14:21,22.
iv) Tongues. With the setting aside of Israel in 70 AD, tongues and other sign gifts ceased.
v) Interpretation of tongues - ceased in 70 AD when tongues ceased.

iv) Gifts of healing. Paul lost this gift, as he could not heal Epaphroditus in 64AD (Phil. 2:26,27), Timothy's stomach in 65AD (1 Timothy 5:23) nor Trophimus in 66AD (2 Timothy 4:20). In Acts 5:12-16, Peter healed every one in 33 AD.

vii) Gift of miracles -no one can work miracles today at their will as could the first century apostles.
viii) Discerning of spirits - no one today has this gift because discernment comes through Bible knowledge of strong meat, full age Christians who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14). No one today would claim infallible judgment always in every issue of life, which is what this gift demands (1 Corinthians 12:10).

7. Historically, tongues ceased after 63-70 AD.
Tongues were withdrawn when Israel deliberately rejected the apostles testimony of Christ, as seen in Acts 28:22-28 where Paul pronounces God's judgment on Israel (63AD). Judgment fell in 70AD. In all New Testament epistles written after this pronouncement in 63AD (Romans; Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 & 2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon; Hebrews; 1&2 Peter; John; 1,2 & 3 John; Jude and Revelation) there is no mention of tongues. Why? Because with the setting aside of Israel, and the
confirming of the word of God, sign gifts were no longer necessary. These facts of the gospel and the apostles message of the Bible having been established, confirmed, and authenticated for all time, it is now an act of unbelief to seek for signs today.

Early church writers such as Polycarp, Papias, Cyprian, Chrysostom, Augustine, Origen, Clement of Rome, Justin Martyr etc. never mentioned tongues. Why? Because they had been withdrawn. Chrysostom says: "tongues....used to occur, but now no longer take place."

8. Modern tongues and Charismatic Movement is not another Pentecost or "latter rain" of Joel 2:23.

Joel's prophecy discusses Israel's restoration to their land in the Millennium. When this happens, and not before, the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh. What happened at Pentecost was only an illustration, a small sample of what will happen in the Millennium. At Pentecost, there were no signs in the sun, moon etc, thus indicating that Joel's prophecy is to be fulfilled in the future Millennium. Joel said nothing about tongues being a sign of renewal. This age will end in apostasy and departure from the Faith, not in Joel's revival. KEY: “Afterward” in Joel 2:28 means that the Spirit will be poured on all flesh after Christ’s second coming, and not before.

9. Tongues is not a sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

"For by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body." 1 Corinthians 12:13.
i) All believers have the Holy Spirit Baptism.
"If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." Romans 8:9.
ii) All believers have the Holy Spirit, but few believers spoke in tongues.

If we have received Jesus Christ as Saviour, we also have the Holy Spirit in us, because we cannot separate members of the Godhead.

10. Tongues were never intended to edify the speaker himself or the church.
i) "He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort,"
Corinthians 14:3.
"For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted." 1
Corinthians 14:31.

The edification, exhortation, learning and comfort of the local church was always the responsibility of the one who prophesied (gave instruction in an understandable language).

ii) "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself," (1 Corinthians 14:4) does not teach that personal holiness is found in tongues speaking. On the contrary it describes the Corinthians selfishness who used tongues for personal pleasure and public display. Tongues speaking in a church does not instruct, edify, warn or strengthen believers. Holiness through tongues will always be shallow because it is based on feelings, not on Biblical edification.
iii) Of all the tongues spoken today, new prophesies, new revelations and visions, not one iota of truth have been added to the inspired scriptures.
11. Tongues were never intended for prayer, praise or worship of God.

"For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the Spirit he speaketh mysteries." 1 Corinthians 14:2.

God does not need to be spoken to in a foreign language. This verse teaches that the Corinthians were using the gift of tongues out of place. Tongues were meant to be spoken to men, that is to JEWS. A person praying or singing in tongues simply spoke
"mysteries" in his own spirit. He received no real benefit, the hearers were not helped, and God was not glorified. Prayer and praise must be with understanding in the common language. "What is it then? I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding shall.....the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks?" 1 Corinthians 14:15,16.

This is not two different kinds of prayer, but two conditions of all prayer, praying in the leading of the Holy Spirit and with an understanding mind. If understanding is not present, hearers cannot say "Amen" to your prayer.

12. Tongues is not a sign of salvation.

Assurance of salvation comes from faith in God’s Bible promises, not from any feelings of tongues.
13. Tongues is not a condition of keeping us saved.
Pentecostalism, as a movement, does not believe in the eternal security of the believer who trusts in Christ alone for salvation. Many Charismatics think that their future preservation depends on continuing in the Charismatic experience. Many fear of grieving the Spirit and losing the power, and hence losing salvation. Some Charismatics do believe in the security of a believer in Christ.

14. Tongues are not a means of attaining holiness.

The nine fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22,23 have no relation to tongues. The Corinthians came behind in no gift (I Corinthians 1:7), yet Paul called them carnal and babes (1 Corinthians 3:1). True spirituality is not determined by one's experience, gift or feelings, but by inner godly character (e.g. 1 Peter 3:4, "a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price", for ladies.) It is right to be happy, joyful and to praise the Lord, but valuable character is better seen in times of testing, persecution, misunderstanding and suffering.

15. All spiritual gifts should exalt Christ, not the Holy Spirit.

Many Charismatics exalt the Holy Spirit above Christ. The Holy Spirit seeks to exalt Christ (John 15:26; 16:14). Hence the mark of a Spirit filled believer is that in life and speech, he glorifies Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:3).

“Christ shall be magnified in my body." Philippians 1:20; 3:8.
All gifts are given so that we may grow to the "fullness of Christ." Ephesians 4:13. Charismatics use the earthly, human title "Jesus", as did demons. No disciple ever addressed the Lord as "Jesus", but as Lord, Christ or Master, or Lord Jesus Christ. Let us give Christ His full honour as the Lord Jesus Christ.

16. All gifts were given to produce church unity and harmony.
All gifts were given that there be no schism in the body (1 Corinthians 12:25). Truth unites, error divides. The continual search for tongues, healing, prophecy, gifts etc., has split many churches, broken friendships and divided homes. The Charismatic Movement claims a new kind of unity not based on Bible doctrine, but on having the tongues experience. One can be a "spirit-filled" tongues speaker and believe almost anything. Many Christians who a few years ago opposed the heretical World Council of Churches, now cheerfully unite with Catholic Charismatic renewal, hence compromising essential Bible truths.

17. Tongues and all spiritual gifts were to promote order and peace.

"God is not the author of confusion but of peace." 1 Corinthians 14:33. "Let all things be done decently and in order." 1 Corinthians 14:40.
Church services should have one person speaking or praying at a time. In today's Charismatic meetings, there is much unrestrained noise, singing, clapping, shouting, tongues and dancing.
18. No Christian should surrender control of his mind and will.

Paul insisted that tongues and prophecy speakers should retain control of their mind and understanding:
"If there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church." 1 Corinthians 14:28. "The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets." 1 Corinthians 14:32. Famous Charismatic leader, Oral Roberts, instructs tongues speakers as follows:

"We have to by-pass our mind and make it inactive for the moment. The mind slips into the background when we are praying in tongues and remains in a state of neutrality." [“Baptism With The Holy Spirit,” 1966, p. 42.]
New Age occult seminars similarly tell people to blank out their minds to yield control to some higher force, which in reality is to demons.
The New Testament never asks us to lay aside our sound mind, our self-control, our judgment or our reason, but to exercise these faculties in accordance with God's Word. Charismatics are told to overcome their inhibitions by by-passing their minds. People are brainwashed in cults like Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and the Charismatic Movement by surrendering their minds and wills to the group or leader. The danger for a believer who submits his mind without resistance to outside influences to receive tongues, is:

a) He opens himself up to psychic and demonic deception and control.
b) He can place himself beyond the protection of the Holy Spirit, by asking for things contrary to God's will.
19. The last days will be characterised by deception, signs, lying wonders and more demon activity

Satan has always opposed believers and God's work. Satan opposes us as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). The Corinthian believers were open to Satanic deception of another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel (11:4) as Satan’s ministers come as ministers of righteousness (11:15).
"There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24).
In Old Testament times God permitted false prophets to work miracles in order to test His people.
Two tests of false prophets are:
a) If he performs signs to turn you away from the Lord. (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).
b) If he speaks in the name of the Lord, but the prophecy does not come to pass. (Deut.18:20-22).
Isaiah 8:19 describes familiar spirits that "peep and mutter", like tongues.
Israel rejected the Word of God for more sensational dealings with the spirit world. Many see the Charismatic Movement as a Satanic deception permitted by God to test Christendom, and to pave the way for the Antichrist and the one world united Babylon religion of the last days.
"Even him (Antichrist) whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness....." 2 Thessalonians 2: 9,10. "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:22,23).

20. Charismatics confuse Baptism in the Spirit (a once only experience at salvation -1 Cor. 12:13) with the filling of the Spirit (a continual daily experience for service obtained by confessing sin, prayer, and yielding to Christ. (Ephesians 5:18).
21. Doctrinal compromise.

Ministers who deny fundamental Bible truths such as the virgin birth, verbal inspiration, creation, etc. are often warmly welcomed and accepted if they claim a Charismatic experience. Charismatics warmly accept Roman Catholic priests and people who continue to seek salvation through the sacraments, who still pray to Mary, and still celebrate the mass. Doctrinal errors are ignored to keep Charismatic unity.

22. Most Charismatics are not diligent students of Scripture.

One can remain comfortable in his false beliefs as long as he refuses to face Biblical evidence to the contrary. One Australian Charismatic pastor could not find the book of Daniel in his Bible. He had to look up the table of contents. He thought Daniel was near Exodus.

23. Emphasis on Experience.
Personal experience is a great enemy of truth. When confronted with a mass of Biblical evidence, most Charismatics typically reply: "I know I am right. I have experienced tongues or healing myself. I have seen a prophet make correct predictions. I have seen people healed. The Bible teachings must have another explanation."
Tongues is mostly a learned behaviour. If you blank out your mind, anyone can say gibberish. Most healings are temporary and are achieved by hypnotherapy. What about the false predictions? These make him a false prophet. Studies show that most Charismatic healings revert back to the illness. Hypnotise a person, tell them they feel better, and they will feel better, for a time, but later they revert back to the illness.

24. New Revelations.

Charismatics continually claim to receive extra-Biblical revelations from God by tongues, prophecy, visions and dreams. Cults and Catholicism also claim revelations outside the Bible.
25. Damage to the local church.

Many Charismatics use a local church as a base for propaganda purposes to invite people to a home Bible study and prayer group governed by self-appointed spiritual leaders who instruct in tongues and try to heal people. A local church seems too confined, compared with many people from many churches coming together for a Charismatic rally.

26. Laxity and moral danger.

Some Charismatics think that they have "arrived" spiritually. They often lack motivation to press on further. The goal has been attained. Time for relaxation has come. Such carelessness explains much worldliness, sin and a rock music party atmosphere among Charismatics. Some receive "revelations" to divorce their spouse and remarry another person. Truth and reason then take a back seat.

27. Move back to Rome.

The Charismatic Movement reversed the decline of the Ecumenical Movement from 1960. It is not a threat to Rome. Both emphasise emotionalism, miracles, healing, and the lack of final Bible authority. Charismaticism is not true Protestantism because it is not solely based on the Bible.



1. GEHENNA 1067 referred to the continually burning rubbish dump on the south west side of Jerusalem, known as the valley of the sons of Hinnom (or Tophet). Jesus used the word "Gehenna" to describe the place of everlasting punishment because hell is a place of filth and stink, a place of smoke and pain, a place of everlasting fire and suffering. This garbage dump was likened to hell. It is used as a name for the place of everlasting punishment of the lost. It occurs twelve times in the New Testament. It is the ultimate hell of fire. It is the same as the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14,15).

Matthew 5:22 “whosoever shall say, “Thou fool”, shall be in danger of hell fire” (gehenna of the fire).

Matthew 5:29 “And if thy right eye offend thee ... and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell” (gehenna).

Matthew 5:30 “And if thy right hand offend thee ... and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell” (gehenna).

Matthew 10:28 “...fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell”(gehenna).

Matthew 18:9 “And if thine eye offend thee, ... rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire” (gehenna).

Matthew 23:15 “Pharisees, ... ye make him twofold more the child of hell (gehenna) than yourselves.”

Matthew 23:33 “Ye serpents,... how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (gehenna).

Mark 9:43 “And if thy hand offend thee, ... two hands to go into hell (gehenna), into the fire that never shall be quenched.”

Mark 9:45 “And if thy foot offend thee, ... two feet to be cast into hell (gehenna), into the fire that never shall be quenched.”

Mark 9:47 “And if thine eye offend thee, ... two eyes to be cast into hell fire” (gehenna of fire).

Luke 12:5 “Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell” (gehenna).

James 3:6 “the tongue is ... set on fire of hell” (set on fire by gehenna).

2. HADES 86 is the intermediate state between death and the ultimate hell (gehenna), the Lake of Fire. It is where unsaved departed spirits reside. Luke 16:23. Hades never denotes the physical grave, nor is it the permanent region of the lost. Hades occurs 10 times in the New Testament, and Sheol, the Old Testament equivalent occurs 59 times.

Hades is associated with privation, detention and just punishment of the unsaved dead. Matthew 11:23 “Thou, Capernaum...shalt be brought down to hell” (hades). Luke 10:15 Hades here expresses Capernaum's absolute overthrow, from pride to humiliation.Matthew 16:18 “The gates of hell (hades) shall not prevail against it” (the churches’ attack). Luke 16:19-31 “And in hell (hades) he lifted up his eyes, being in torments 931 (punishment)” v.23. Hades here has two compartments, close to each other, yet different. Acts 2:27 “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell (hades).” Acts 2:31 “That his (Christ's) soul was not left in hell (hades).”

Christ here descended into the underworld of the departed (Ephesians 4:9,10), to take the believers in it (eg: thief on the cross) up to heaven.

Believers now go to heaven at death, while unbelievers still go to hades at death, a place of punishment. Revelation 1:18 “I (Christ) ... have the keys of hell (hades) and of death.”

Revelation 6:8 “a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and hell (hades) followed with him.” Hades here is personified as the temporary destiny of the unsaved.

Revelation 20:13 “death and hell (hades) delivered up the dead which were in them.”

Revelation 20:14 “death and hell (hades) were cast into the lake of fire.” Note: Fire is used 27 times in the New Testament to describe the after-death punishment of unbelievers and of demons. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Matthew 13:42, 50 “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire.”

Matthew 5:22; 18:9; Mark 9:43,45,47 “cast into fire unquenchable, hell fire.” Isaiah 66:24 “... look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me, for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched.”

Mark9:44,46,48. Isaiah 33:14 “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with the everlasting burnings?” Matthew 18:8 “Two hands or two feet be cast into everlasting fire.”

Matthew 25:41 “Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil
and his angels.” Jude 7 “Sodom and Gomorrha ... an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” (Literally: of fire eternal, the penalty undergoing).

Revelation 19:20 “Beast, .. false prophet, ... and them that worshipped his image.
These were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.”

Revelation 20:10 “the devil ... shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever” (for the ages of the ages).

Revelation 20:14,15 and Rev. 21:8 “death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.”

Revelation 14:10,11 “tormented with fire and brimstone ... the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever (for ages of ages), and they have no rest (respite) day nor night...” 

3. SHEOL 7585 is hades of the Old Testament. In Hebrew, it means the depth, abyss, pit, world of the dead, underworld. It occurs 66 times in the Old Testament (grave 31 times, hell 30 times, pit 3 times). Though all Old Testament people went to the grave, the souls of some will receive punishment in sheol. Numbers 16:30 “Korah, Dathan and Abiram went down into the pit.”Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell (sheol).” 

4. TARTARUS 5020 is the deepest abyss of Hades; a place where evil angels are imprisoned in torment, awaiting judgment and everlasting punishment. 2 Peter 2:4 is its only reference in the Bible. “If God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (tartarus), and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”



Question: How is the Trinity of the Godhead seen in nature as in Romans 1:20 ‘for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

Answer: a) We see God’s eternal power in earthquakes, volcanoes, wind, millions of stars, galaxies, waves, floods, lightning, sun, moon, nuclear bombs, etc.

b) We see the Trinity of the Godhead with so many things coming in ‘threes’, reminding us of Father, Son, Holy Spirit, all three members of the creator Godhead. Examples include:

1) The Physical Universe: Space, mass, time.

2) Space: 3 dimensions of space are: length, breadth, height.

3) Mass: 3 phases of matter are: solid, liquid, gas.

4) Time: 3 tenses of time are: past, present, future.

5) Light: 3 directions of light wave oscillation are: horizontal,
vertical, back and forward.

6) Colours: 3 primary colours of light are: red, blue, yellow.

7) Kingdoms: 3 Kingdoms are: Animal, vegetable, mineral.

8) Animal: 3 main kinds of Animal are: fish, bird, land animals.

9) Minerals: 3 main kinds of Minerals are: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.

10) Heavens: 3 heavens are: atmosphere, space, God’s throne.

11) Man: 3 components of Man are: body, soul (personality), spirit. (I Thess. 5:23).

12) Divine institutions: 3 Divine institutions are: marriage, human government, church.

13) Musical notes: 3 notes make up a musical chord.

14) Sub-atomic particles: 3 main sub-atomic particles are: proton, electron, neutron,.

15) Mankind: 3 divisions of the human race: Jew, Gentile, Church of God. (I Cor.10:32).

Greek Scholars & The Watchtower: Julius Mantey

Greek Scholars & The Watchtower: Julius Mantey

Julius Mantey was arguably the greatest Greek scholar of the 20th century. He was co-author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, a Greek grammar that was in use for half a century to teach Greek in prominent schools. Along with other Greek grammar book authors A. T. Robertson and Daniel Wallace, Mantey disagreed with the Watchtower’s (Jehovah’s Witnesses’) book, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT). For several years, Mantey was quoted in a footnote to the NWT, with the Watchtower trying to use Mantey’s grammar book to support their view of the bible. Mantey took offense, and wrote the letter below.

The significance of this letter is that it is from a respected author of a Greek grammar. We live in a free country, and Wathtower supporters have, and likely will continue, to disagree with any point they desire.

I am not in a position to defend Mantey; a scholar of his caliber does not need a defense from me. I am not a language scholar, do not pretend to be one, nor will I hide my ignorance of the languages. Concerning grammar and translation, too many arguments are made from those who should have remained silent, and I do not wish to contribute to the problem by adding my words to the conversation.

But I know enough to use the tools and quote the scholars. Of the three Greek grammars I mentioned, all specifically disagree with the NWT. The Watchtower can protest all they want, but their disagreement is with the unified opinion of all the language scholars. If the Watchtower ever publishes a Greek text that is used in accredited schools to teach Greek, or can find one that is in agreement with them, they will be taken seriously. Until then, they will not. Below is a top-tier scholar’s view of the Watchtower and their book.

Anyone can write a book claiming to know what they are talking about, but this does not make them true. The only objective reference we have for language is the recognized grammars. If the Watchtower claims all of the grammars are wrong, they have made a self-refuting statement.

Julius R. Mantey
414 Palmette Road
New Port Richey, FL 33552
July 11, 1974

Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
117 Adams St.
New York 11201

Dear Sirs:
I have a copy of your letter addressed to Caris in Santa Ana, California, and I am writing to express my disagreement with statements made in that letter, as well as in quotations you have made from the Dana-Mantey Greek Grammar.

(1) Your statement: “their work allows for the rendering found in the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures at John 1:1.” There is no statement in our grammar that was ever meant to imply at “a god” was a permissible translation in John 1:1.

A. We had no “rule” to argue in support of the trinity.

B. Neither did we state that we did have such intention. We were simply delineating the facts inherent in Biblical language.

C. Your quotation from p.148 (3) was in a paragraph under the heading: “With the Subject in a Copulative sentence.” Two examples occur there to illustrate that “the article points out the subject in these examples.” But we made no statement in the paragraph about the predicate except that , “as it stands the other persons of the trinity may be implied in theos.” And isn’t that the opposite of what your translation “a god” infers? You quoted me out of context. On pages 139 and 140 (VI) in our grammar we stated: “without the article theos signifies divine essence . . . theos en ho logos emphasizes Christ’s participation in the essence of the divine nature.” Our intepretation is in agreement with that in NEB and the TEV: “What God was, the Word was”; and with that of Barclay: “The nature of the Word was the same as the nature of God”, which you quoted in your letter to Caris.

(2) Since Colwell’s and Harner’s articles in JBL, especially that of Harner, it is neither scholarly  nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 “The Word was a god”. Word-order has made obsolete and incorrect such a rendering.

(3) Your quotation of Colwell’s rule is inadequate because it quotes only a part of the his findings. You did not quote this strong assertion: “A predicate nominative which precedes the verb cannot be translated as an indefinite or a ‘qualitative’ noun solely because of the absence of the article.”

(4) Prof Harner, vol. 92:1 (1973) in JBL, has gone beyond Colwell’s research and has discovered that anarthrous predicate nouns preceding the verb function primarily to express the nature or character of the subject. He found this true in 53 passages in the Gospel of John and 8 in the Gospel of Mark. Both scholars wrote that when indefiniteness was intended the gospel writers regularly placed the predicate noun after the verb, and both Colwell and Harner have stated that theos in John 1:1 is not indefinite and should not be translated “a god”. Watchtower writers appear to be the only ones advocating such a translation now. The evidence appears to be 99% against them.

(5) your statement in your letter that the sacred text itself should guide one and “not just someone’s rule book”. We agree with you. But our study proves that Jehovah’s Witnesses do the opposite of that whenever the “sacred text” differs with their heretical beliefs. For example the translation of kolasis as cutting off when punishment is the only meaning cited in the lexicons for it. The mistrnalstion of ego eimi as “I have been” in John 8:58. The addition of “for all time” in Heb. 9:27 when nothing in the Greek New Testament supports it. The attempt to belittle Christ by mistranslating arche tes ktiseos “beginning of the creation” when he is magnified as “the creator of all things” (John 1:2 and as “equal with God” (Phil. 2:6) before he humbled himself and lived in a human body here on earth. Your quotation of “The father is greater than I am” (John 14:28) to prove that Jesus was not equal to God overlooks the fact stated in Phil. 2:6-8. When Jesus said that, he was still in his voluntary state of humiliation. That state ended when he ascended to heaven. Why the attempt to deliberately deceive people by mispunctuation by placing a comma after “today” in Luke 23:43 when in the Greek, Latin, German and all English translations except yours, even in the Greek in your KIT, the comma occurs after lego (I say) — “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” 2 Cor. 5:8, “to be out of the body and at home with the Lord.” These passages teach that the redeemed go immediately to heaven after death, which does not agree with your teachings that death ends all life until the resurrection. Cf. Ps. 23:6 and Heb. 1:10.

The aforementioned are only a few examples of Watchtower mistranslations and perversions of God’s Word. In view of the preceding facts, especially because you have been quoting me out of context, I herewith request you not to quote from the Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament again, which you have been doing for 24 years. Also that you not quote it or me in any of your publications from this time on.

Also that you publicly and immediately apologize in the Watchtower magazine, since my words had no relevance in the absence of the article before theos in John 1:1. And please write to Caris and state that you misused and misquoted my “rule”. On the page before the Preface in the grammar are these words: “All rights reserved — no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher.” If you have such permission, please send me a photo-copy of it.

If you do not heed these requests you will suffer the consequences.

Respectfully yours,

Julius R. Mantey

Try Answering These From Your NIV

Try Answering These From Your NIV

By Rex L. Cobb


Using the New International Version Bible, answer the following questions to this NIV quiz.

Do not rely on your memory. As the Bible is the final authority, you must take the answer from the Bible verse (not from footnotes but from the text).

Fill in the missing words in Matthew 5:44. "Love your enemies,__________ them that curse you, ______________ to them that hate you, and pray for them that __________ and persecute you."
According to Matthew 17:21, what two things are required to cast out this type of demon?
According to Matthew 18:11, why did Jesus come to earth?
According to Matthew 27:2, what was Pilate's first name?
In Matthew 27:35, when the wicked soldiers parted His garments, they were fulfilling the words of the prophet. Copy what the prophet said in Matthew 27:35 from the NIV.
In Mark 3:15, Jesus gave the apostles power to cast out demons and to: ____________
According to Mark 7:16, what does a man need to be able to hear?
According to Luke 7:28, what was John? (teacher, prophet, carpenter, etc.). What is his title or last name?
In Luke 9:55, what did the disciples not know?
In Luke 9:56, what did the Son of man not come to do? According to this verse, what did He come to do?
In Luke 22:14, how many apostles were with Jesus?
According to Luke 23:38, in what three languages was the superscription written?
In Luke 24:42, what did they give Jesus to eat with His fish?
John 3:13 is a very important verse, proving the deity of Christ. According to this verse (as Jesus spoke), where is the Son of man?
What happened each year as told in John 5:4?
In John 7:50, what time of day did Nicodemus come to Jesus?
In Acts 8:37, what is the one requirement for baptism?
What did Saul ask Jesus in Acts 9:6?
Write the name of the man mentioned in Acts 15:34.
Study Acts 24:6-8. What would the Jew have done with Paul? What was the chief captain's name? What did the chief captain command?
Copy Romans 16:24 word for word from the NIV.
First Timothy 3:16 is perhaps the greatest verse in the New Testament concerning the deity of Christ. In this verse, who was manifested in the flesh?
In the second part of First Peter 4:14, how do [they] speak of Christ? And, what do we Christians do?
Who are the three Persons of the Trinity in First John 5:7?
Revelation 1:11 is another very important verse that proves the deity of Christ. In the first part of this verse Jesus said, "I am the A______________ and O___________, the _________ and the _______:"
Conclusion: Little space is provided for your answers, but it's much more than needed. If you followed the instructions above, you not only failed the test, you receive a big goose egg.

(Ed. These are all missing in the NIV.) So now what do you think of your "accurate, easy to understand, up to date Bible"?

If you would like to improve your score, and in fact score 100%, you can take this test using the Authorized (King James) Bible.



No 1820 Revival; 1st Vision Unreliable

Joseph Smith alleged that because of a revival in 1820 in the vicinity of Palmyra, NY, he went to the woods to pray for guidance as to which church he should join. He claimed that two glowing personages appeared to him and told him to join none of them, as they were all wrong, their creeds an abomination and their professors corrupt.

There is no evidence from the churches of Palmyra that there was a revival in 1820. Baptismal records show that there was a revival 4 years later in 1824, but this destroys the chronology established by Smith as recorded in official church history.

There are also problems with his first vision story:

The official version was not recorded until 18 years after the event supposedly occurred.

There is no mention of it in Oliver Cowdery’s history of the Latter Day Saint movement written in 1834 under Smith’s supervision.

In 1828, Smith attempted to join the Methodist church, a direct violation of the command he

allegedly received from God 8 years earlier.

But most troubling of all, is the fact that early church publications and records document at least 6 distinctly different versions of his first vision. The differing versions contradict each other in regard to Smith’s age, the reason he went to the woods to pray, the number and identity of the personages who appeared to him, and most notably, the message he received.

BOM not Translation

Joseph Smith claimed that he translated the text of the Book of Mormon from gold plates through the Urim and Thummin by the power of the Holy Spirit. The title page of the Book of Mormon published today contains the words “Translated by Joseph Smith.” This is a core belief of his followers.

You will be shocked to learn that the above account did not happen. According to the witnesses present in the room when Joseph Smith was dictating the text of

the Book of Mormon, “Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into a hat, and put his face in the hat, drawing it closely around his face to exclude the light.” (quote David Whitmer)

The gold plates were under a cloth or hidden in the woods and were not used directly in the creation process. Other witnesses included Emma Smith, Martin Harris, Oliver

Cowdery, Isaac Hale and Michael Morse (Joseph Smith’s brother in law).

These details do not contradict the statements by the 11 witnesses. The unavoidable conclusion is, the Book of Mormon is not a “translation” within the commonly held meaning of that word.

No BOM Archeology

No person mentioned in the Book of Mormon has ever been identified in the ancient archeology of the Americas. No place mentioned in that book has ever been located geographically.

The language referenced in the Book of Mormon is Reformed Egyptian and no evidence for that language has been found anywhere on the earth. No event mentioned in the Book of Mormon has been confirmed from any objective source.

Many objects mentioned in the Book of Mormon (e.g. steel, coins, wheels, swords, horses, Christian or Hebrew artifacts) have not been confirmed with archeology. Many objects and customs that archeology confirms did exist during that time period (e.g. obsidian, human sacrifice, dogs as food, adobe brick, terrace farming, hieroglyphics, cotton, tobacco) are not mentioned in the Book of Mormon. In contrast, hundreds of archeological findings support the accuracy of the Bible.

Archeologists and researchers who have examined Book of Mormon claims have rejected its validity. Thomas Stuart Ferguson, Dan Vogel, Dee Green, Michael Coe and the Smithsonian Institute have all issued statements denying the historicity of the Book of Mormon.

DNA Refutes BOM

In 1830, Joseph Smith presented the Book of Mormon to the world, declaring it to be the most correct of any book on earth. It has been promoted for the past 174 years by his followers, not only as a scriptural supplement to the Bible, but also as a literal history of the ancestors of the American Indians.

Joseph Smith taught that Native Americans were actually descendants of Jews who had traveled to the Americas in three migrations; the first at the time of the Tower of Babel, the last two, approximately 600 BC

However, recent DNA analysis of American Indians from more than 150 tribes, both ancient and present-day, reveals that Joseph Smith’s claims have no basis in fact. Of the thousands of Native Americans tested, 99.4% were of North East Asian descent, while the remaining 0.6% were of African and European descent.

No DNA evidence supports Joseph Smith’s assertion that American Indians are of Jewish or Hebrew descent.

BOM Text Impossible

The Book of Mormon text contains logical impossibilities. The Book of Mormon’s Old Testament portion (BMOT) quotes heavily from the New Testament of the Bible. There are at least185 quotations and 2,500 unique vocabulary words from the New Testament in the BMOT such as: “Bible,” “Jesus,” “Christ,” “Christian” and “baptism”.

These New Testament words do not appear in the Old Testament of the Bible but they do appear in the BMOT. It is impossible to quote a text 600 years before it came into existence.

Similarly, circa 550 BC, Nephi quoted four verses from the Book of Malachi over 100 years before they were written, circa 425 BC. Since these verses were not

Of the three biblical priesthoods, Joseph Smith included in his church the two that are unavailable to Christians
written until after Lehi left Jerusalem, Nephi could not have had access to them. In short, this is a double impossibility of both time and space.

The Book of Mormon also contains 18 chapters of the book of Isaiah from the 1611 King James Version of the Bible, including most of the italicized words.
Nephi quotes from that version 2,000 years before it came into existence.

Smith Convicted

In 1826 at Bainbridge, New York, Joseph Smith was arrested, tried and convicted of the crime of “glass looking,” an occult practice similar to crystal ball gazing. This trial was the direct result of Smith’s attempt to find buried treasure for Josiah Stowell, for a fee, with the use of a seer stone.

For many years, followers of Joseph Smith denied the reports of those present at the trial and accused them of being Smith’s enemies. Court documents including a bill of costs from Justice Albert Neely have now been found that confirm that the trial occurred and that Joseph was convicted of the crime of “glass looking.”

The significance of this conviction is more than the fact that Joseph Smith was convicted of a crime. The described use of the seer stone is eerily similar to the method Joseph Smith actually used in creating the Book of Mormon as described herein.

Smith and Polygamy

On July 12, 1843, in Nauvoo, Illinois, Joseph Smith allegedly received a revelation commanding the practice of polygamy, which he labeled celestial marriage. His diary contains the following entry, “I received the following revelation in the presence of my brother Hyram and Elder William Clayton.”

Excerpts from the revelation read, “…I [the Lord] reveal unto you a new and everlasting covenant and if ye abide not in that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory…If ye abide in my covenant…then shall…[ye] be Gods.”

William Clayton, Smith’s personal secretary, recorded the following, “I did write the revelation on celestial marriage given through the prophet Joseph Smith, on 12th of July, 1843.” Many sworn testimonies given by those living in Nauvoo at the time the revelation was made public, verify the fact that Joseph Smith not only gave this revelation but also practiced polygamy himself.

Two Invalid Priesthoods

The Bible speaks of three priesthoods: the Aaronic, the Melchizedek and the Royal Priesthood of All Believers.

The Aaronic priesthood consisted of priests and a single high priest. It was instituted by God in the Old Testament to be a mediator between God and man, with the high priest offering sacrifices for the sins of the people. This priesthood was made obsolete with the death of Christ on the cross, since he was the last sacrifice for sin and the new mediator between God
and man. Neither the Bible nor church history records the existence of the Aaronic priesthood in the New Testament Christian church. Any attempt to “restore” this priesthood shows contempt for Christ’s sacrifice.

The Melchizedek priesthood was unique. The Bible records it being held by only two people, Melchizedek in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ in the New Testament. No evidence exists of any other person holding this priesthood. “Every reference in the Bible to a Melchizedek priesthood is in reference to the specific and unique ministry which Jesus Christ alone fulfills as God’s chosen means of salvation for his people.” (Paul Trask)
The Royal priesthood consists of all born-again believers who make up the body of Christ, with Jesus as their great high priest. He is the only high priest for the Christian church. Because he will never die, his high priest status can

never be transferred to another. Any attempt to appropriate Christ’s high priest title or ministry to oneself usurps His unique title and function and constitutes blasphemy. Consequently, Joseph Smith’s priesthood system, which includes multiple high priests, is heretical.

Of the three biblical priesthoods, Joseph Smith included in his church the two that are unavailable to Christians – The Aaronic and the Melchizedek. Tragically, he ignored the only priesthood that is available to Christians, the Royal Priesthood.

Salvation By Works

In over 30 LDS scripture passages Smith altered the requirements for salvation. He said, “ye are justified by faith and works through grace” (Rom. 4:16 Insp. Ver.) and “if ye keep the commandments of God ye shall be saved.” (Mosiah 7:94 BOM)

The Bible says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us.” Titus 3:5. The Bible doctrine of salvation may be summarized as: we are saved from sin and death through faith in the grace of Jesus by his sacrifice for us on the cross -- and that alone.

Churches that remain connected to Joseph Smith do not teach the essentials of the Christian faith. Salvation by works is neither Biblical nor effective. If a church does not teach the Christian doctrine of salvation its members will be confused. They might perceive wrongfully that God has abandoned them. We are never good enough to merit God’s love and can only obtain God’s acceptance through Jesus’ atonement for our sins, which is the basis for our salvation.

Jesus–Faithful Shepherd

We understand what you may be feeling after reading the facts above. The fear and turmoil you may be experiencing is temporary. As former followers of Joseph Smith we have found Jesus is the only Faithful Shepherd. The broken-hearted can turn to Him for comfort.

It is our prayer that you will know the truth because the truth will set you free. If you are a follower of Joseph Smith who cares about the truth, you will surely be disturbed as you confirm the facts above. You may want to deny the evidence. The allegations here are too serious not to be tested.

If you discover this ad is true, you may feel that you have wasted your life. But you haven’t, if you make sure you follow Jesus, not Joseph. You may be angry with us but we are only telling you the truth.

You may experience pain about the loss of identity and heritage. Jesus will never forsake you. He will send you the Holy Comforter. He will give you new friends. You may feel guilt at your part in the perpetuation of a false system. Fear not -- Jesus can make you new and clean, but you must let the sin cease. In all religious experience, only Jesus is real. If you seek him, you will find him — it will be worth the cost.

How I Know That The King James Bible Is The Word Of God

How I Know That The King James Bible Is The Word Of God

There are many good works that one can read on the authority of the King James Bible, and this particular effort offers nothing really new. However, it does attempt to explain the issue in a simple and brief manner for all to understand. Over the years I have learned a great deal about this issue, and I believe that a truth worth learning is a truth worth telling.
Many preachers and teachers across our land talk about "preferring" and "using" the KJV, but I haven't heard them speak much about BELIEVING it. Many prefer it and use it, because that's what their congregations prefer and use, but they do not BELIEVE it to be the infallible words of God. They are taught in college to USE, PREFER, and RECOMMEND the KJV, but they are NOT taught to BELIEVE it. Most "Christian colleges" teach that the King James Bible is only a translation, and that NO translation is infallible. Consequently, the average minister today uses a Book which he doesn't even believe.

Now, I thank God that I don't have that problem. I don't have to play make-believe with anyone about the word of God. I believe it. I believe the King James Bible is the preserved and infallible words of God. It doesn't merely "contain" the word of God: it IS the word of God. I'm absolutely sure of it, and I'd like to give a few reasons why. Here are twelve reasons how I know that the KJV is the word of God:

God Promised to Preserve His Words

Psalm 12:6-7 says, "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." Then we read in Psalm 100:5 that ". . . . his truth endureth to all generations," and Jesus said in John 17:17 that God's WORD is truth.

These words state very clearly that God's preserved word MUST be available to us today, because God PROMISED to preserve it for us. There MUST be an infallible Book somewhere.

You say, "But ALL translations are God's word, not just one." That's impossible, because the various translations contain different readings, and God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). Besides, if all of the versions are the word of God, then where are the "corrupt" and "perverted" versions that we are warned about in II Corinthians 2:17 and Jeremiah 23:36? If everyone is innocent, then where are those who are said to be GUILTY of subtracting from and adding to the word of God (Rev. 22:18-19)? God wouldn't have warned us about Bible perversion if it wasn't going to be a reality. According to the scriptures, there must be a single Book that is the word of God, and there must be MANY which are involved in CORRUPTING the word of God.

Now, if the Authorized Version isn't the infallible word of God, then WHAT IS? There has to be a Book somewhere in "all generations" which is God's word; so what book is it? Those who "use" the new versions believe that these are good and reliable translations, but they do NOT believe these to be INFALLIBLE translations. However, I know MANY people who believe the King James Bible to be an infallible Book. Why? Because they know that the One True God has ONE TRUE BOOK. He promised to preserve His words, and we believe that He has done just that. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35). If His words didn't pass away, then where are they? I want to read them. There has to be a perfect volume somewhere. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because God promised to preserve His words.

The Authorized Version Was Translated Under A God-Ordained English King

The main subject of the Bible is the kingdom which God intends to give to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who will be crowned "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS," according to Revelation 19:16. Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" Unlike the modern versions, the KJV was translated under a king. In fact, the king's name was "James," which is the English word for "Jacob," whom God renamed "Israel," because he had power with God and with men (Gen. 32:28).

The new versions have been translated in America, which is not a monarchy. God's form of government is a theocratic monarchy, not a democracy. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that His word would be translated for the English speaking people under a monarchy with an English king. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because it was translated under a king.

Because It Has No Copyright

The original crown copyright of 1611 does not forbid anyone today from reprinting the Authorized Version. It was only copyrighted then for the purpose of allowing the printer to finance the publication. For nearly four hundred years now we have been printing millions of copies of KJV's without requesting permission from anyone. Over eight-hundred million copies of the Authorized Version have been printed without anyone paying royalties. This cannot be said of any of the new translations.

The new "bibles" are the work of MEN, but the KJV is a divine work of the Holy Spirit. The term "Authorized" has traditionally been applied to the King James Version alone, for this is the one Book which the Holy Spirit has blessed and used for so long. The fact that it bears no copyright allows printing ministries throughout the world to print millions of copies each year for the mission field. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because it has no copyright.

Because God Always Translates Perfectly

The words "translate" and "translated" occur three times in the Bible, and GOD is the Translator each time. The scholars insist that the KJV cannot be infallible, because it is "only a translation." Do you suppose that such scholars have checked II Samuel 3:10, Colossians 1:13, and Hebrews 11:5 to see what GOD has to say about translating?

In II Samuel 3:10 we are told that it was God Who translated Saul's kingdom to David. We are told in Colossians 1:13 that Christians have been translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and Hebrews 11:5 tells us that God translated Enoch that he should not see death. God was the One doing the translating each time. What's the point? The point is that a translation CAN be perfect, if God is involved in the translating.

When the New Testament writers would quote the Old Testament (Mt. 1:23; Mk. 1:2; Lk. 4:4; Jn. 15:25; Acts 1:20; 7:42; I Cor. 2:9; Gal. 3:13, etc.), they had to TRANSLATE from Hebrew to Greek, because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, but THEY wrote in Greek. So, if a translation cannot be infallible, then EVEN THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE "ORIGINAL GREEK" ISN'T INFALLIBLE, because it contains translations from the Hebrew text!

Obviously God assisted them in their translating by the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and He assisted the King James translators as well. The scholars will never understand this, for most of them have QUENCHED the Holy Spirit in their own lives by looking to higher education for truth, rather than seeking the Lord's leadership (Jn. 16:13).

The Holy Spirit Who inspired the word of God through "holy men of God" (II Pet. 1:21) is quite capable of guiding His servants to KEEP the words which Jesus told us to keep (Jn. 14:23). In essence, the KJV translators were merely INSTRUMENTS which God used in translating and preserving His word. In fact, they said this themselves in the Dedicatory to the Authorized Version: ". . . . because we are poor instruments to make God's holy truth to be yet more and more known to the people. . . "

I know the King James Bible is the word of God, because God is very capable of using anyone He pleases as His very own instruments of righteousness in order to preserve His word.

Because It Produces Good Fruit

The Lord Jesus said that every good tree will bring forth good fruit, and we can know them BY their fruits (Mt. 7:17-20).

God had the KJV translated for the purpose of bringing forth fruit, and it has been very obedient to the call. The greatest preachers of the past four centuries have been King James Bible believers. Billy Sunday is said to have led over one million people to Christ, and he was a KJV believer. Spurgeon, Moody, Whitfield, and Wesley were all KJV men, and the list goes on. God has richly blessed the ministries of such men as these because they stayed busy OBEYING His word rather than questioning its authority.

The KJV produces good fruit. I was led to Christ with a King James Bible. Nearly every Christian I know was led to Christ with a KJV. Why? Because it produces good fruit.

The new translations produce EVIL fruit. The modern perversions of scripture are producing infidels who do not even know what the word of God is, much less where to find it. The new translations produce spiritual babies who are totally incapable of discussing Bible doctrine. The new versions produce NEWER versions, which produce MONEY for the publishers, and I Timothy 6:10 tells us that the love of MONEY is the root of all EVIL.

The Holy Spirit doesn't bear witness to the modern translations, but He DOES bear witness to the King James. I've always believed the KJV to be God's word, even before I was saved. No one ever told me to believe this, but the Holy Spirit just bore witness to the King James--not the others. After being saved, I spent several years of my Christian life not being aware of the big debate going on these days between King James Bible believers and New Age Version believers. The whole time I believed only ONE BOOK to be God's word, and even then I was suspicious of the new versions, although no one had told me to be. When I discovered that over eighty percent of the "Christian" schools in our nation do not believe the KJV to be the word of God, I was shocked.

How is it that one comes to believe the KJV naturally, but must be EDUCATED OUT of his belief in it? Why is it that King James believers are accused of following men when GOD is the One Who led them to believe it? Why do opponents of the KJV accuse us of following men, when THEY are the ones who allowed MEN to talk them out of believing the KJV?

The KJV produces good fruit, because the Holy Spirit bears witness to it like no other book in the world. It's easier to memorize than any new version, and the beautiful old English language gives the reader the impression that he is reading a Book very different and far superior to the rest. It reads different because it IS different, and it IS different because it has a different Author. We shall know them "by their fruit", and I know the King James Bible is the word of God, because it produces GOOD fruit.

Because the King James Translators Believed They Were Handling the Very Words of God

One can see this truth by reading the Prefatory and Dedicatory remarks in the Authorized Version. These men didn't believe they were handling "God's message" or "reliable manuscripts." They believed they were handling the very words of God Himself. As I Thessalonians 2:13 says, they ". . . . received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."

Like the serpent of Genesis 3:1, modern translators approach the scriptures in skepticism, saying, "Yea, hath God said?" This was the first recorded sin in the Bible, and it still runs rapid through the hearts and minds of most scholars and new version promoters.

God has always allowed such people to be DECEIVED because of the IDOLS in their hearts (Ezek. 14:1-9; II Thess. 2:10-12; I Kings 22). A man who lacks faith in God's word is in no condition to translate it. This eliminates every revision committee in the past one hundred years, because these committees have consisted mostly of highly educated men who were heady, high-minded, and proud, thinking that their intelligence qualified them to tamper with the pure words of God.

The KJV translators were not like this. Their scholarship FAR EXCEEDED that of modern translators, yet they remained humble and allowed God to use them in order to produce an infallible masterpiece. They didn't set out to "judge" and "correct" the word of God. Their purpose was to translate God's word for the English speaking people, as they were told to do by their appointed king. I know the King James Bible is the word of God because the KJV translators believed it themselves.

Because the King James Translators Were Honest In Their Work

The critics of the KJV enjoy making a fuss about the words in italics, which were added by the translators, but the argument is entirely unnecessary and unfair.

The italic words in the KJV actually PROVE that the translators were honest in their work. When translating from one language to another, the idioms change, thus making it necessary to add certain words to help the reader grasp the full meaning of the text. When the KJV translators added such words they set them in italics so that we'd know these words were added, UNLIKE we find it in so many new versions today, which do NOT use the italics.

Besides, no one has ever PROVEN that the italic words are not the words of God, because no one has "the originals" to check them with. In fact, we know for sure that the translators were led by the Holy Spirit to add at least some of the italicized words.

One good example of this is found in II Samuel 21:19. When the translators came to this verse in the Hebrew text, they noticed that an exact translation would give Elhanan credit for slaying Goliath, but we know from I Chronicles 20:5 that he actually slew THE BROTHER OF Goliath. So the KJV translators added the words "the brother of" to II Samuel 21:19. If the Lord had not led them to do so, then II Samuel 21:19 would contradict I Chronicles 20:5 (as it DOES in the New World Translation!).

Another fine example is I John 2:23. The last half of the verse was missing at the time, but the KJV translators inserted it anyhow (in italics), feeling that it was necessary. This naturally disturbed many people, but since that time new manuscripts have been found which CONTAIN the last half of I John 2:23. The translators were RIGHT in adding the italicized words.

One last example of the Holy Spirit's guiding influence on the KJV translators is found in Psalm 16:8, which says, "I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." As you can see, the words "he is" are in italics. According to many scholars they should be omitted, but according to the Apostle Peter they should NOT be omitted. Peter quotes Psalm 16:8 in Acts 2:25, and he USES the italicized words! How did the translators know this if the Lord didn't lead them?

The italics in the King James Bible are the marks of an HONEST translation, for no one added these words to mislead us, or to change the word of God. They added the words to help us, and they set the words in italics so we'd know they were added. That's honesty. I know the KJV is the word of God, because the translators were more honest in their work than any of the modern Bible translators.

Because All New Translations Compare Themselves to the KJV

The new versions do not compare themselves with each other, because they're too busy comparing themselves with one Book--the King James Bible. This fact alone proves that there is something very special and unique about the KJV.

Why does everyone line up in opposition AGAINST the King James Bible? Why not attack one another? That's easy: Satan has no desire to divide his own kingdom (Mt. 12:26). His desire is to discredit the word of GOD, not himself; so he attacks only one Book, God's Book, the KJV.

Those who oppose the KJV are unsure of themselves, for they have no Final Authority; so they despise those of us who DO have an Authority. They're unstable, insecure, dishonest, and very inconsistent. They're all TERRIFIED of One Book, the KJV, and they'll stop short of nothing in their efforts to rid the Body of Christ of that Book.

I know the KJV is the word of God, because it's the standard which all others use for comparison.

Because of the Time in History in Which It Was Translated

The King James Bible was not translated during the apostate and lukewarm Laodicean church period, like the new translations. The Laodicean period is the last church period before the Second Coming of Christ. It is the last of the seven church periods in Revelation chapters two and three. One can clearly see that we are living in the Laodicean period today by simply comparing modern churches to the church of Revelation 3:14-22. This lukewarm period began toward the end of the 1800's and will continue until Christ returns. The new versions fit well into the lukewarm churches, because they are lukewarm "bibles."

The Authorized Version, however, was translated LONG BEFORE the Laodicean churches appeared. It was translated during the Philadelphia church period, which is the best church period of all. It was this church that the Lord Jesus COMMENDED for KEEPING HIS WORD( Rev. 3:8-10)!

In 1611, when the King James Bible was completed, the scourge of lukewarm Laodicea had not yet swept over the world. There was no "scientific" crowd around in 1611 to put pressure on the translators. There was no civil rights movement going on at this time to influence the work of these men. The women were not screaming for "equal rights," and the humanists and socialists had not yet taken control. The massive army of liberal and modernistic preachers had not yet been assembled. The open public denial of God's word and the Deity of Christ was practically unheard of among ministers. It wasn't until the twentieth century that professing Christianity became flooded with lukewarm preachers who would be willing to compromise the word of God for self gain.

The greatest missionary work in church history occurred between 1700 and 1900, so it makes perfect sense that God would have a Bible ready for this great work, and He did - the KJV. Unfortunately, the new translations appeared a bit LATE on the scene! Think about that. I know the KJV is the word of God because of the time in history in which it was translated.

Because No One Has Ever Proven That the KJV is Not God's Word

Any honest American should know that innocence is supposed to prevail in our land until guilt is proven. The KJV should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Has anyone proven it guilty? No. Has any scholar actually PROVEN that there are errors in the King James Bible? No. Enemies of the KJV delight in IGNORING the facts about the Authorized Version, while never PROVING anything. All apparent "errors" in the KJV can be explained through prayer and a careful study of the scriptures, but the opponents of the KJV aren't interested in looking for TRUTH; they're interested attacking God's word, while never proving anything. I know the KJV is the word of God, because, over nearly four hundred years, no one has proven otherwise.

Because of the Manuscript Evidence

Only a very deceived individual could believe that the new versions are equal to the King James Bible. Ninety-five percent of all evidence SUPPORTS the text of the King James Authorized Version. The new versions are supported by the remaining five percent evidence.

The new "bibles" are supported by two very corrupt fourth century manuscripts, known as the "Vaticanus" and the "Siniaticus." These manuscripts are filled with many text alterations to meet the demands of Roman Catholic tradition. They also include the Apocrypha, which the Lord Jesus Christ EXCLUDED from the Old Testament in Luke 24:44. All new versions contain readings from these corrupt manuscripts, and all new versions use their tiny five percent evidence to attack the ninety-five percent majority text of the King James Bible.

The Textus Receptus (received text) from which the King James Bible came can be traced clear back to Antioch, Syria, where the disciples were first called Christians and where Paul and Barnabas taught the word of God for a whole year (Acts 11:26). The other "bibles" do not come from Antioch. They come from Alexandria, Egypt, and from Rome. We don't need an Egyptian version, for Egypt is a type of the WORLD in the Bible. God called His people OUT of Egypt (Exod. 3-14), and God called His Son out of Egypt (Hos. 11:1 with Matt. 2:13-15). Why, the Bible says that "every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians" in Gen. 46:34, and the Lord Jesus Christ is called a SHEPHERD in John chapter ten. Alexandria, Egypt, is associated with SUPERSTITION in Acts 28:11, and Aquilla and Pricilla had to set an Egyptian straight on his doctrine in Acts chapter 18. Alexandrians are also found DISPUTING WITH STEPHEN in Acts 6:9. So we don't need a "bible" from Alexandria, Egypt.

Then there's the Roman text, also called the "Western Text." We can also do without a Roman "bible", because it was ROMAN soldiers who nailed our Lord to the cross. The harlot of Revelation 17 is a perfect description of the Roman Catholic Church, which has persecuted Christians for thousands of years. Romans persecuted the Christians in Acts18:2, and in 70 A.D. the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. Rome is the "dreadful and terrible" beast of Daniel chapter seven, and Christ will destroy the "Revised Roman Empire" at the Second Coming (Dan. 2; 7; and Rev. 13). It has been estimated that Rome is guilty of the blood of some 200 million people who have rejected her corrupt system. A "bible" from Rome is another thing we can live without.

There's only one line of manuscripts that we can trust, and this is the line from Antioch, called the "Syrian" or "Byzantine" type text. The word of God speaks POSITIVELY of Antioch, and NEGATIVELY of Rome and Egypt. We should TAKE THE BEST AND DUMP THE REST! I know the King James Bible is the word of God because of the manuscript evidence.

Because It Exalts the Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus said, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: And they are they which testify of me." John 5:39.

A REAL Bible will testify of the Lord Jesus Christ. The true word of God will always EXALT Jesus Christ, and it will NEVER attack Hid Deity, His Virgin Birth, His Blood Atonement, His Bodily Resurrection, His Glorious Second Coming, or any other doctrines concerning His Person. However, the new versions attack ALL of the fundamental doctrines concerning the Lord Jesus Christ at one time or another.

By perverting the many important verses of scripture which deal with the fundamental doctrines of Christ, the new "bibles" have a CONTINUOUS ATTACK launched against our beloved Savior, and this is NOT an overstatement! His Virgin Birth is under attack in Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:34, and Luke 2:33. His Blood Atonement is under attack in Colossians 1:14, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 1:7, and Revelation 1:5. The Bodily Resurrection is under attack in Acts 1:3, Luke chapter 24, and the last twelve verses of Mark. His Deity is under attack in Acts 10:28, John 9:35, and I Timothy 3:16. The new versions attack the Second Coming in Revelation 11:15, and Titus 2:13, and the list goes on, because the new versions have an extreme bitter HATRED toward the Authorized Version and the way it gives the Lord Jesus Christ the preeminent place.

If the reader doubts this, we challenge you to take whatever version you want and compare the above verses in it to the same verses in the King James Bible. If you still doubt it, after checking the verses, then write us and we will send you a great many more references to check. The new "bibles" have a very consistent record of attacking the Lord Jesus Christ; so they cannot possibly be "the scriptures" that He said would testify of Him in John 5:39. They testify AGAINST him.

The King James Bible NEVER attacks our Lord. More than any book in the world, the Authorized Version of the Protestant Reformation EXALTS the Lord Jesus Christ. If we had no other reason for receiving the Authorized Version as the word of God, this reason alone should be enough to convince any true believer, for how could we not become suspicious of the new versions for making such changes? I know the King James Bible is the word of God because it always exalts the Lord Jesus Christ.



‘I am Jehovah - that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another.’ (Isaiah 62:8).

The glory of these 119 attributes are jointly owned by the Father and the Son, and nobody else.

Jesus Christ is Jehovah God, equally with the Father, because both the Father and Son alone
have the following attributes:

1. both are to be honoured equally (John 5:23)
2. both are the I AM (Exodus 3:14-15; John 8:24,58)
3. both are the Mighty God (Isaiah 10:20,21; Jer 32:18; Psalm 50:1; Isaiah 9:6; Gen 49:24)
4. both own the same throne (Psalm 45:6,7; Hebrews 1:8; Revelation 22:1,3)
5. both accept worship (Exodus 34:14; I Chronicles 16:29; Hebrews 1:6; Matthew 28:9)
6. both laid the foundation of the earth (Psalm 102:24-27; Isaiah 48:13; Hebrews 1:10-12)
7. One God has created mankind (Mal. 2:10; Prov. 16:4; Isaiah 44:24; Col 1:16; John 1:3)
8. both are the Shepherd (Psalm 80;1; Gen 49:24; John 10:11; Hebrews 13:20; I Peter 5:4)
9. both are from Everlasting (Psalm 90:2; Habakkuk 1:12; Micah 5:2; Hebrews 7:3).
10. both are the First and Last (Isaiah 44:6; Revelation 1:17,18; Rev. 2:8; See p.54).)
11. both are the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8; 21:5-7; 22:13-16; See p.54)
12. both come and Reward (Isaiah 40:10; 62:11; Revelation 22:12)
13. both are unchangeable (Malachi 3:6: Hebrews 13:8)
14. both have unsearchable riches (Romans 11:33; Ephesians 3:8)
15. both are the Holy One (Isaiah 43:15; Acts 3:14)
16. both are omnipresent and fill all things (Psalm 139:7; Jer. 23:24; Eph. 4:10; John 3:13)
17. both are omniscient (Psalm 147:5; Prov. 14:3; John 21:17; John 16:30; Colossians 2:3)
18. both are omnipotent (Genesis 17:1; Matthew 28:18; Hebrews 1:3)
19. both are eternal (Deuteronomy 33:27; Hebrews 7:3; Micah 5:2)
20. both own the everlasting Kingdom (Psalm 145:13; Daniel 7:14; II Peter 1:11)
21. both are Lord of all (Psalm 103:19; Matthew 11:25; Acts 10:36)
22. both are the only Saviour (Isaiah 43:11; Titus 1:3,4; Philippians 3:20; II Peter 1:1; 3:18;
Luke 2:11; Hebrews 5:9; Acts 4:12)
23. both are the Truth (Deuteronomy 32:4; John 14:6)
24. both are sinless (Deuteronomy 32:4; Hebrews 4:15)
25. both are in the beginning (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1)
26. both God and the Son are the Judge (Psalm 82:8; John 5:22), but the Father is not the
Judge (John 5:22 ‘The Father judgeth no man’).
27. both are our Hope (Psalm 39:7; I Timothy 1:1)
28. both shelter believers under their wings (Psalm 91:2,4; Matthew 23:37)
29. both are our Redeemer (Psalm 130:7,8; Isaiah 44:6; Galatians 3:13; Titus 2:14)
30. the glory of both was seen by Isaiah (Isaiah 6:3,5; John 12:41)
31. both are the Rock (Deuteronomy 32:3,4,18; Psalm 18:31; I Corinthians 10:4)
32. both are to be looked to for salvation (Isaiah 45:22; John 1:29; John 6:40)
33. to both shall every knee bow and every tongue confess (Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:10;
Romans 14:10,11)
34. the enemies of both shall perish (Psalm 92:9; Philippians 3:18,19)
35. both send the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28; John 16:7)
36. to both shall all men come (Psalm 65:2; Isaiah 45:24; John 12:32)
37. both forgive sins (Exodus 34:7; Mark 2:5,7; Colossians 3:13)
38. both blot out sin (Isaiah 43:25; Hebrews 1:3; I John 1:7)
39. both still storms (Psalm 107:29; Matthew 8:26)
40. both own the Holy Spirit (Matthew 10:20; Romans 8:9)
41. both seek the lost (Ezekiel 34:16; Luke 19:10)
42. to both are applied 10 aspects of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13; see page 954)
43. both receive believers to glory (Psalm 73:24; John 14:3)
44. both are our One Master (Malachi 1:6; Matthew 23:8,10)
45. both are served by believers (Deuteronomy 10:20; Colossians 3:24)
46. both lead believers to living waters (Psalm 23:2; Revelation 7:17)
47. both correct believers (Proverbs 3:12; Revelation 3:19)
48. both prepare a place for believers in heaven (Hebrews 11:16; John 14:2)
49. both are all in all (I Corinthians 15:28; Colossians 3:11)
50. both are known by believers (Galatians 4:9; Philippians 3:10; John 17:3)
51. both are cleaved to by believers (Deuteronomy 10:20; John 15:4)
52. both are the light of the world (Psalm 27:1; John 8:12)
53. both are the Light of the New Jerusalem (Isaiah 60:19,20; Revelation 21:23)
54. both give eternal life (Psalm 36:9; John 10:28)
55. both are called ‘My Lord and my God’ (Psalm 35:22,23; John 20:28)
56. both are our Righteousness (Isaiah 45:24; I Corinthians 1:30; Jeremiah 23:5,6)
57. both have the same voice as of many waters (Ezekiel 43:2; Revelation 1:15)
58. both are witnessed to by believers (Isaiah 43:10; Acts 1:8)
59. both own the peace given to believers (Philippians 4:7; John 14:27)
60. both own the gospel (I Thessalonians 2:2; Romans 1:16)
61. both give saving grace (Titus 2:11; Acts 15:11)
62. both are our peace (Judges 6:24; Ephesians 2:14)
63. both are pierced and looked upon (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:37)
64. both sanctify believers (Exodus 31:13; I Corinthians 6:11)
65. both give victory to believers (Psalm 98:1; I Corinthians 15:57)
66. both heal people (Exodus 15:26; Matthew 9:35)
67. both equally own the churches (I Corinthians 15:9; Romans 16:16; I and II Thess. 1:1)
68. both own the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33; Rev. 11:15).
69. both are glorified by the Gentiles (Isaiah 24:15; II Thessalonians 1:12; Matthew 12:21)
70. both own the Day of the Lord (Isaiah 13:6; Philippians 1:6; II Thessalonians 2:2)
71. both give grace to believers (Romans 5:15; Colossians 1:6; II Cor. 8:9; Galatians 6:18)
72. both own the same glory (Romans 5:2; II Corinthians 8:23)
73. both own the same love (John 5:42; II Corinthians 5:14)
74. both own the same Word (Psalm 119:11; I Thessalonians 2:13; Colossians 3:16)
75. both own salvation (Luke 3:6; Jonah 2:9; Acts 4:12; II Timothy 2:10)
76. both were served equally by Paul (Titus 1:1; Romans 1:1);and by James (James 1:1)
77. both own the commandments (I John 5:3; John 14:15)
78. both had their way prepared by John the Baptist (Isaiah 40;3; Mark 1:1-3)
79. both search all hearts (Psalm 139:1; Revelation 2:23)
80. both own the same flock (I Peter 5:2; John 21:15,16)
81. both ascend on high, lead captivity captive, and give gifts to men (Psalm 68:17,18;
Ephesians 4:7-10)
82. both are like a Bridegroom (Isaiah 62:5; Mark 2:19,20)
83. both receive the glory of God alone forever and ever (Isaiah 42:8; Galatians 1:4,5;
I Peter 5:10,11; II Peter 3:18; Hebrews 13:21; I Peter 4:11; Revelation 1:5,6)
84. both are the source of fruit (Hosea 14:8; John 15:5)
85. both are our source of strength (Psalm 119:28; Philippians 4:13)
86. both give rest for our souls (Jeremiah 6:16; Matthew 11:29)
87. both shall appear at Christ’s return (Psalm 102:16; Zechariah 14:3,4,5; Titus 2:13)
88. both will come to earth (Isaiah 40:10; Revelation 22:7,12,20)
89. both are to be trusted in (Jeremiah 17:7; Ephesians 1:12; John 14:1)
90. both are our King (Isaiah 6:5; 33:22; Revelation 17:14; 19:16; I Timothy 6:14,15)
91. both will wound their enemies’ heads (Psalm 68:21; 110:6)
92. both take vengeance (Romans 12:19; II Thessalonians 1:7,8)
93. both will be opposed by the Antichrist’s armies (Isaiah 34:22; Revelation 19:19)
94. both will fight against the Antichrist’s armies at Armageddon (Zechariah 14:3;
Revelation 19:11,13,21)
95. both will destroy death (Isaiah 25:8; II Timothy 1:10).
96. both receive the faith of believers (I Thessalonians 1:8; Galatians 3:26)
97. both are our life (Deuteronomy 30:20; Colossians 3:4)
98. both are to be prayed to (Matthew 6:9; Acts 7:59)
99. both raised up Christ (Acts 2:32; John 2:19,21)
100.both own all of the other (John 16:15)
101.both enter the east gate of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 44:1,2; Luke 19:37-45)
102.the man on the throne in Ezekiel 1:26 is identified as the God of Israel in Ezek 10:20
103.both names are placed on the same level in the baptism formula (Matthew 28:19)
104.both fellowship equally with believers (I John 1:3).
105.both comfort believers (Isaiah 66:13; Philippians 2:1).
106.both receive doxologies of worship in heaven (Revelation 5:8-10; 5:11,12; 5:13,14).
107.both jointly send grace and peace to the churches (Romans 1:7).
108.both the love of the Father and love of the Son are an equal privilege given to us.(John
109.both jointly declare themselves to be Jehovah, “I am the first,& I am the last”(Isaiah 44:6)
110.both come to his temple, ‘the Lord shall suddenly come to his temple.’(Malachi 3:1; Mat
111.both are the King of Israel (Isaiah 44:6; John 1:49).
112. both can be blasphemed (God-Rom.2:24; HS-Luke 12:10; Christ-Luke 22:65; Acts 13:45; 18:5,6;
113.both are always with all believers (Matthew 28:20; 2 Corinthians 13:14).
114.both are the one lawgiver (God-Rom.7:22; Christ-Gal.6:2; HS-Rom.8:2; James 4:12).
115.both have the same face (Revelation 22:3,4)
116.both have the same Name (Revelation 22:3,4)
117.both own the same servants (Revelation 22:3)
118.both are the Temple of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:22)
119.Heavens are the work of thy hands (Psalm 102:24-27; Hebrews 1:10-12)
Since both Jesus and the Father have these same attributes, both are Jehovah God.
There are not 2 Gods, but One God in 3 persons. One who has these attributes must be God.
The Lord’s Prayer is devoted to worshipping the Father. Jesus conceals His personal glory
in this prayer as seen by other Scriptures which are just as true of Christ as the Lord’s Prayer
is of the Father.

ISLAM -- a Case of Mistaken Identity.

     ISLAM -- a Case of Mistaken Identity.

Allah is not the God of the Bible. Mohammed is not a prophet of God. Quran is not the Word of God. Islam is worship of Allah the Moon God of Arabia.

“I am the LORD (YHWH) thy God,…Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:2,3. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD (YHWH).” Psalm 33:12.


Islam (1.1 billion) is the second largest religion in the world to nominal Christianity (1.9 billion).
Due to liberal immigration policies, millions of Muslims have migrated to the West to seek a better life. In England, there are more Muslims than Methodists or evangelical Christians. They are buying abandoned Anglican churches and converting them to mosques, hoping to convert England to Islam. There are 2.6 million Muslims in the USA and 200,000 in Australia in 1990.

Under Islamic law, no criticism of Islam is allowed. In Muslim countries, any criticism of Muhammad or the Koran is punishable by death. Muslim countries have no freedom of religion.

If Muslims are happy to criticise Christianity, then why do they get upset if Christians criticise Islam?

To refute Islam, we must check the Koran, the Hadith, history and the Bible.

Islam is cultural imperialism, where 7th Century Arabian religion and culture have been raised to the status of divine law.

In the West, Church and State are separated, in order to avoid a repeat of religious persecution by the Roman Catholic inquisition of the dark ages.
This is exactly what happens in Muslim countries, where Muslim law and religion control the State and persecute other religions.
Whenever Islam dominates a country, it transforms the culture to that of 7th Century Arabia. Arab racism claims that Arabs descend from Abraham through his son Ishmael.
The Quran transfers the historical setting of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from Palestine to Mecca.
The Quran even has Abraham rebuilding the Kabah, yet archaeological evidence clearly proves that Abraham never lived in Mecca, but that he left Ur (in Iraq) and moved to Haran, then Palestine.

Question: Why is it that of the 21 Arab nations, not one of them is a democracy

Answer: Muhammad took the political laws governing 7th Century Arabian tribes, where the sheikh or chief had absolute authority, and made them the laws of Allah. They had no idea of civil rights. This is why modern Islamic countries are always ruled by ‘strong men’ as dictators. Islamic law does not recognise freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, or freedom of the press.

i The Muslim is required to pray five times a day toward Mecca. This reminds him five times daily, that he must bow in obedience to Arabia.

ii Muhammad adopted the pagan pilgrimage to Mecca to worship the Kabah, to appease the Meccan merchants who made a lot of money from these pilgrimages. Thus, for financial gain and cultural control, Islam adopted the pagan pilgrimage to Mecca.
iii What Muhammad ate and did not eat is made to be a divine law for all people.

iv What an illiterate, nomadic tribeswoman wore in the desert of 7th Century Arabia to protect her from the hot sun, is compulsory dress code for all Muslim women today.

Imprisonment without a fair trial, torture, cutting off a person’s hands, feet, ears, tongue, gouging eyes out, and murdering your opponents, are all part of Islamic law today, just as they were in 7th Century Arabia.


‘Islam’ is an Arabic word which originally referred to manliness or heroism or bravery in battle. It meant ‘defiance of death, heroism, to die in battle.’

M. Bravmann. ‘The Spiritual Background of Early Islam.’ (Leiden 1972). The word ‘Islam’ only slowly developed to mean ‘submission to Allah’s will’. (Dr Jane Smith, University of Montana Press 1970). ‘Islam’ today is the name for the religion of Muhammad

. A‘Muslim’ is a follower of the Islam religion. Muslims follow the teachings of the book called the Koran or Quran. The English translation of the Quran by A J Arberry comes closest to conveying the impression made on Muslims by the Arabic Quran.

Aim: To show that the Quran is not the word of God, by highlighting its mistakes. To show that Mohammad is not a true prophet of the true God.
To show that Allah is not the God of the Bible, or of Bible prophets. To lead Muslims to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and God.

To inform Westerners of facts showing Islam to be a false, violent and dangerous religion.


Muslims are taught that the Quran and Muhammad’s revelations were given from heaven, and that they do not have earthly human origin.

This belief can be shown to be false if we can find Quranic stories that come from pre-Islamic Arabian culture, custom and religion.
Muslims have done very little research into pre-Islamic Arabian customs, because they are told it is blasphemous to suggest that the Quran and Muhammad’s teachings came from pre-Islamic Arabia rather than from heaven.

Archaeology and linguistics since 1890 have shown overwhelming evidence that Muhammad produced his religion and the Quran from pre-existing Arabian material, and that, with all its mistakes, could not have come from heaven.

Examples of pre-Islamic Arabian culture brought into the Quran and into Islam are:
i) Raiding other tribes to obtain wealth, wives and slaves was common practice before Muhammad.
ii) Pre 600 AD Arabian tribes often punished stealing or crimes by cutting off people’s hands, feet, ears, tongues, heads and gouging out eyes.
iii) Forcing people into slavery or kidnapping women from other tribes to rape them in your harem as your wives, concubines or slave girls, was considered acceptable behaviour. This happens today in Muslim atrocities against non-Muslims in Sudan.
iv) To sneak up behind someone and cut his throat was sometimes seen as the right thing to do. This taking the law into their own hands can be seen today in Ayatollah Khomeini’s call for the death of Salman Rushdie.

The Koran commands violence against non-Muslims: ‘Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them.’ (Sura 9:5). What must Muslims do to people who resist Islam? ‘Their punishment is ... execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from the opposite sides, or exile from the land.’ (Sura 5:33).

In the West, cutting off someone’s hands or feet because he would not accept your religion, is criminal madness.

i Since Mecca was controlled by Muhammad’s Quraysh tribe, and because Mecca was on a major East-West trade route, we are not surprised to find stories in the Quran that came from Egypt, Persia, India, Greece and Babylon.

ii Magic, genies, superstition, curses, magic stones, fatalism, evil eye and jinn being part of pre-Islamic Arabia, all found their way into the Quran. (55,72).

iii Pre-Islamic Arabs believed in Animism, that spirits or jinn existed in trees, stones, rivers and mountains. Sacred magic stones were believed to protect the tribes. The Quraysh tribe adopted the black stone at Kabah as their magic stone.

iv Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs taught that everyone should bow and pray toward Mecca at certain times of the day. This was brought into Islam as divine law.

v They taught that everyone should make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life to worship at the Kabah. On arrival, they ran around the Kabah seven times, kissed the black stone, and then ran a mile to the Wadi Mina to throw stones at the devil. This has been carried over to Islam.

vi They condemned usury or charging interest. (Q 2:275,276).

vii They fasted during a certain month of the year, which was carried over to Ramadan in Islam.

viii The main religion just before Muhammad’s time was that of the Sabeans. They worshipped the moon as a male deity and the sun as a female deity. The Quran warns not to worship the sun or moon (41:37), yet Islam adopted the crescent moon as it symbol. The Sabeans began a month-long fast at the appearance of a crescent moon. This was later adopted as one of the five pillars of Islam.

ix Many wealthy Jews in Arabia had spread stories from the Old Testament, the Talmud and Jewish apocryphal works such as the Testament of Abraham, which found their way into the Quran.

Christianity was well-established in Arabia in Muhammad’s time, even though the New Testament had not yet been translated into Arabic. This was done by 850AD. This explains how oral tradition brought corrupted stories of Jesus into the Quran.

These facts show that the Quran did not come from heaven, but from Arabian culture of the day.

Hence Muhammad of 7th Century Arabia wrote the Quran, not Allah from heaven. Guillaume wrote: ‘The customs of heathenism have left an indelible mark on Islam, notably in the rites of the pilgrimage’. (Islam, Penguin books 1954, p.6).

Nazar-Ali, the Arab scholar wrote: ‘Islam retained many aspects of pagan religion.’ (Islam a Christian Perspective, Westminster Press, 1983, p21).
Professor A H Strong stated: ‘Islam is heathenism in monotheistic form.’ Systematic Theology, p.186.

Key:  If Muslims give up the belief in the Quran’s heavenly origin, then Islam will fall.

Western scholars asked the question: ‘Why does the Quran never explain its ideas or rites as the Bible does? Why does it never define words such as Allah, Islam, Mecca, jinn, pilgrimage, Kabah, etc?’

Answer : Because Muhammad assumed that whoever read the Quran would already be familiar with these terms, stories and people from pre-Islamic sources, culture and religious life.

The use of the crescent moon as Islam’s symbol, which is placed on the Islamic nation’s flags and on top of mosques and minarets, comes from pre-Islamic Arabia where Allah was worshipped as the moon god in Mecca.

The reason that Muhammad never had to explain who Allah was in the Quran is because his listeners had already heard about Allah from paganism.
The word ‘Allah’ comes from abbreviating the Arabic word ‘AL-ILAH’ meaning “the god”. ‘Allah was known to the pre-Islamic Arabs as one of the Meccan deities’. (Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed Gibb I:406).

‘Allah is a pre-Islamic name...corresponding to the Babylonian Bel’. (Encyclopaedia of Religion, I:117).

Allah was the personal name of the moon god, a male deity worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia, who was married to the female sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses called ‘the daughters of Allah’. These were known as AL-LAT, AL-UZZA and MANAT.

The Quraysh tribe of Muhammad was strongly devoted to Allah the moon god, and to Allah’s three daughters, as intercessors between the people and Allah.
Mohammad’s father’s name was ABD-ALLAH. His uncle’s name was OBIED-ALLAH, thus showing Muhammad’s family’s devotion to Allah the moon god.

Archaeologists have dug up many statues and inscriptions where a crescent moon was placed on a deity’s head to symbolise worship of the moon god. The entire fertile crescent was involved in worship of the moon. Hence Islam adopting the crescent moon as its symbol, helped to convert people throughout the Middle East.


‘All the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD (YHWH) made the heavens.’ Psalm 96:5.

Islam claims that Allah is the same God as revealed in the Bible. This means that their attributes should be identical. If they are different, then Allah is a false god because the

Quran endorses the Bible and its prophets.

Mohammad’s god is radically different from Jehovah or the Godhead of the New Testament. It is just as pagan to worship the wrong god as it is to worship no god or to worship a multitude of gods. The key issue is the nature of God and how He relates to man.

Let us compare the attributes of the Biblical God (The Triune Jehovah) with Allah:

1. Knowable versus Unknowable.

Jesus Christ came that we might know God as a personal friend. (John 17:3; I John 1:3). Allah of the Quran is so distant, so abstract, so unpredictable, so angry that no-one can know him.

2. Personal versus Non Personal.

The Biblical God created man in His own image, having personality of mind, emotions and will. Allah is not to be understood as personal, as it would lower him to the level of man. (Gen. 1:26,27).

3. Spiritual versus Non-spiritual.

The Biblical ‘God is a Spirit’ (John 4:24), but Islam thinks that it is demeaning to Allah to be a spirit or person. (See Q19:17 “We sent unto her Our spirit…”)
4. Trinitarian versus Unitarian.

The Biblical God is one God in three persons (Matthew 28:19,20):the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Quran denies the Trinity and confuses it as the Father, Jesus Christ and Mary. (Q5:116).

5. Limited versus Unlimited.

The Biblical God limits Himself to be bound by His own righteous moral attributes: ‘God cannot lie.’ (Titus 1:2).
Allah is not limited by anything, not even his own nature. Allah has no morality; he can lie, cheat, deceive, do anything, any time, anywhere with no limitations.

6. Trustworthy versus Capricious.

The Biblical God limits Himself by His own righteous nature to be completely trustworthy, consistent, honest and always keeping His word.
Allah is totally capricious, untrustworthy, dishonest and unreliable. He is not bound by his nature or his word. (Q2:106 “If we abrogate a verse…”).

7. A Loving God versus an Unloving God.

The Biblical God loves mankind: ‘God so loved the world.’ (John 3:16).
Allah shows little love for mankind, but is detached. Islam believes that for God to have feelings of love for man would reduce him to being a mere man. All Muslims go to hell (Q19:71).

8. Active in History versus Passive in History.

Allah never personally enters human history, but deals with the world through his word, prophets and angels. The Biblical God enters human history through the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ becoming a man as well as God & paying for our sins as our Saviour to bring us back to God.

9. Grace or Works

The Biblical God graciously provides free salvation for man through the Saviour Jesus Christ, who is also man’s intercessor to God.
Allah has no sure method of salvation, no Saviour, no intercessor, no certain forgiveness of sins, and no certainty of heaven.

Just because Christians and Muslims worship one god, it doesn’t mean that the one god worshipped is the true God. The Canaanites could have taught that Baal was the one true god, but Baal is not Jehovah, just as Hitler is not the same identity as Elvis Presley. ‘There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.’

(Acts 4:12). This is the name of Jesus Christ, not Allah. Allah did not die for our sins and rise again.

Allah’s name is nowhere mentioned in the Bible, because up to 610 AD Allah was the name of a pagan moon deity in Arabia. Biblical writers would never have confused Allah with Jehovah.
If some Bible translators translate the Biblical God as Allah, it would be due to either:
i) Their ignorance of the differences between Allah and Jehovah;
ii) Propaganda of Muslim evangelists who say that Allah is just another name for Jehovah, as an opportunity to convert Westerners to Islam.
iii) Political and religious pressure to put Allah in the Bible.

Militant Islamic fundamentalism is growing in power today. Islam is important because:

1. Islam’s doctrine and leaders have vowed to destroy Israel.

Islam believes that God gave the promised land to the Arabs rather than to the Jews.
(Gen. 17:19-21).

2. Islam wishes to take over the world by conquering one nation at a time, then imposing Sharia Islamic law. History shows that they then persecute, torture and murder Christians, Jews and all who resist Islam. All people under Muslim law lose all personal freedoms.

3. Terrorism is their method to gain control, as seen by their 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, their hijacking of the Achille Lauro ship, their bombing of US marine barracks in Lebanon, their constant suicide bombings of civilians travelling in Israeli buses, & the September 11 WTC attacks.

4. Ayatollah Khomeini has ordered Muslim women to have 16 children each, so they can conquer the world by becoming the majority in all countries. They already have 1.1 billion Muslims worldwide.

5. Their influence will increase due to their control of most of the world’s oil reserves.


The ultimate goal of Islam is to conquer the world and rule it by Islamic law. They allow conversion to Islam by persuasion, by force, or by murdering opponents. In the Hadith, Muhammad said, ‘Hear O Muslims the meaning of life ... The pillar is Rakatin prayer. The topmost part is Jihad - holy war’.

Jihad is being fought by Iran, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, President Assad of Syria, Colonel Quadafi of Libya, Al Quaeda and by Sudanese massacre of Christians.
The Quran in Sura 4:93 commands Muslims to kill non-Muslims as follows: ‘Slay them wherever you find them’.
Islam is now the second largest religion in Europe, and the third largest in the US. France now has 1,600 mosques. England has 1,500 mosques.


The name Muhammed means ‘praised one’. Muhammed’s life can be known from the Quran, the Hadith and early Muslim traditions. These facts are not disputed.
Muhammed was born on 8 June 570 AD in Mecca to Abdullah (Abd-Allah) and Aminah of the Quraysh tribe. Both his parents died when he was young, so he was sent at the age of six to live with his grandparents, then to a rich uncle, then to a poor uncle.

In his childhood he began to experience spirit visitations.

His mother, Aminah, often claimed that she was visited by spirits or jinn. This occult association was inherited by her son.
Early Muslim tradition records that, when Muhammed was about to receive a revelation from Allah, he would often fall on the ground, his body would jerk uncontrollably, his eyes would roll backward, and he would perspire profusely. After the trance, he would rise and tell the message given to him.
What caused this? These effects are very similar to an epileptic fit or to demon possession. Never did a Bible prophet of God give a revelation in such a trancelike violent manner. Most of Muhammed’s early pagan religious upbringing was transferred into Islam and did not come from new revelations from Allah as Islam claims.
Muhammed is regarded as the perfect example for all Muslims to follow, so all Muslims should treat other humans following Mohammed’s example, such as the way he treated his enemies, his wives, his manner of eating, drinking, prayer, etc. ‘He who obeys the apostle, obeys Allah.’ (4:80).

If Muhammed murdered his enemies, so can Muslims.
If Muhammed stole whatever he wanted, so can Muslims.
If Muhammed took as many wives/slave-girls as he wanted, so can Muslims.

Fundamental to Muslim belief is the idea that Islamic writings are historically accurate. Most Muslims are not given any opposing evidence.

Islamic thinking is very different from Western, such as lying is not a major sin; murdering non-Muslims in Jihad is heroic.

The traditional view is that Muhammed was a sinless prophet, yet he often asked Allah to forgive his sins. (Q 40:55 and 48:1,2).

Well-known prophets among Muslims in the Quran are: Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Jonah, Zechariah of Luke 1, John the Baptist, Jesus and Muhammed.

Muslims believe that all the prophets were without sin, because the Quran says that they were on a straight path. Muslims ignore that the Quran says that: ‘Adam sinned (2:36; 7:22,23); Abraham sinned (26:82); Moses sinned (28:15,16); Jonah sinned (37:142); David sinned (38:15,16); Muhammad sinned (47:19; 48:1,2; 33:36-38).

The only sinless prophet mentioned in the Quran is Jesus Christ (19:19 and 31). ‘He has purged me of vanity and wickedness’. Main events in Mohammed’s early life are:

He obtained employment with a wealthy woman, Khadijah, ran her business for three years (591-594 AD), and in 595 AD he married her when he was age 25 and she was age 40. She was his only wife for 26 years until she died in 621 AD, after which he took many wives.

At age 40 in 612 AD, when Muhammed was meditating in the cave of Hira, he received his first revelation. He then claimed that Allah had called him to be a prophet and an apostle.
There was no tradition of prophets or apostles in Arabian religion. The term ‘prophet’ was used in the hope that Jews would accept Muhammed as the next prophet, while the term ‘apostle’ was used in the hope that Christians would accept him as the next apostle.

He hence sought to attract Jews, Christians and pagans.

The Quran gives us four conflicting accounts of Allah calling Muhammed to be a prophet:
i) In Sura 53:2-18 and 81:19-24 we are told that Allah personally appeared to Muhammed as a man, and that Muhammed saw and heard him.

ii) This is later abandoned and Sura 16:102 and 26:192-194 tell us that Muhammed’s call was given by the Holy Spirit.
iii) This is also abandoned and Sura 15:8 tells us that angels came down and announced to Muhammed that Allah had called him to be a prophet.
iv) This account is amended in Sura 2:97 so that it is only the angel Gabriel who calls Muhammed and gives him the Quran. This account is well known by Muslims.

Islamic revelation is not the same as Biblical revelation, but means that there are no human authors of the Quran. It means ‘handed down’ directly from Allah to Muhammed. The Quran denies any human or earthly sources for itself.

After this revelation, Muhammed thought that he may be mad or demon possessed. This made him so depressed that he went to commit suicide, but on the way, he fell into another seizure, where he was told in a vision not to kill himself because he was called of God. Yet, he was still depressed and doubtful. When other people saw him in a trance, they also concluded that he was demon possessed. (Q 81:25). He then experienced three years of doubt and darkness. The Quran says that many jinn (demons) became Muslims and promised to spread Islam (Q72:14).

Muhammed practically demands more respect than Allah. This is why, according to Islamic law, people are put to death whenever they say anything unfavourable about Muhammed. When he became ruler of Mecca, many were killed who criticised his brutality, including two young girls who sang a song critical of Muhammed.

Before the people of Mecca were forced to surrender to Islam, they accused
Muhammed of being:

i) ‘A madman taught by others’ (44:13); ‘A mad poet’ (37:35; 68:2; 81:22; 52:29);

ii) ‘A skilled enchanter’ (10:2) influencing people to follow him with lies;
iii) Bewitched and controlled by evil spirits and demons, as a medium (17:50; 81:25);
iv) Soothsayers divination (69:42) revealing secrets from jinn.

When he received a revelation, he heard a bell ring, he got off his horse or camel, covered his head, and ‘the angel presses so hard on me that I think I am going to die’. 1. The Meccans concluded that Muhammed was an impostor because he kept on changing his statements in the Quran. To defend Muhammed, Allah said that it is not Muhammed but Allah himself who keeps on changing his words because he knows best. ‘When we change one verse for another (Allah knows best what he reveals), they say: ‘You are an impostor’. (Q 16:101).

2. As far as the Jews were concerned, Muhammed had no credentials.

A true prophet of God could prove his identity by forthtelling events that lay beyond his ability to know. When these prophecies were fulfilled, believers knew the speaker was a true prophet of God. (Deuteronomy 18:22; Isaiah 41:21-24).

In the Quran, Muhammed repeatedly mentioned that he brought no signs and performed no miracles; neither did he prophesy future events:

‘The unbelievers ask: “Why has no sign been given him by his Lord?” (7:203; 2:118). “But you are only to give warning”’. (Q13:7,31; 6:37,109).
Q 7:203 gives the Quran as the only proof available, yet the Quran contains no fulfilled prophecies to prove it is from God. ‘Say, “This book is a veritable proof from your Lord”.’

3. Muhammed’s friendship with demons was a big stumblingblock for the Jews.(72:1-15; 46:29-31)

The law of Moses commanded Jews to keep away from all who contacted spirits or demons (jinn). ‘Regard not them that have familiar spirits ... to be defiled by them.’ (Leviticus 19:31).

Such people were to be put to death: ‘A man or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death.’ (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-12).

Allah ordered Muhammed that when anything is not clear to him, then he should go to the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) for clarification (Q 10:93,94):

‘If you doubt what we have revealed to you, ask those who have read the Scriptures before you’.

The Quran refers to the Bible as: ‘God’s Book’ (3:23).
When Muhammed could provide no signs of being a true prophet, the Jews rejected him, so Muhammed bound them by a treaty and changed his attitude toward them by:

i) Declaring the Kaba stone at Mecca as the direction of prayer (Qibla) instead of praying toward Jerusalem. This was idolatry by Muhammed because the Kaba at Mecca had 360 idols in it. Eight years later, these idols were removed ‘The foolish will ask, “What has made them turn away from their qiblah (direction of prayer)?”’ (21:142).
ii) He changed the fast of Ashura to the fast of Ramadan.

iii) He charged the Jews with distorting, concealing and misrepresenting their Scriptures

iv) He received a revelation from Allah, accusing the Jews of worshipping Ezra as the Son of God (Q 9:30), which they never did. It was an excuse to kill them two years later.

Muhammed’s first converts were his family. When his message first became public, the people of Mecca angrily laid siege to his part of Mecca. To appease these pagans, he said it was right to pray to and worship Allah’s three daughters, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat. This polytheism led to the Satanic Verses being included, whereby Muhammed, supposedly inspired by Satan, succumbed to the temptation to add this passage to appease the pagan mobs in Mecca. (53:19).

When his disciples at Medina heard of his lapse into polytheism, they rebuked him strongly. Muhammed then reverted to monotheism and stated that Allah can abrogate (or cancel) a past revelation. He later claimed Gabriel came and rebuked him for this polytheism. After Muhammed’s death, the Satanic Verses were not included in the text of the Quran and were cancelled. This led the pagan Meccans to ridicule Muhammed’s Allah as being unable to make up his mind.

Hence, initially, Muhammed claimed that Allah said they could not worship Allah’s three daughters. Then Allah said they could be worshipped. Finally, Allah said they could not be worshipped.

Can’t Allah make up his mind?

Due to growing hostility and ridicule, Muhammed fled to Taif. Here he made no converts, so he returned to Mecca. On his way back to Mecca, Muhammed claimed to preach to and convert the jinn (genies) in Sura 46:29-35 and 72:1-28. The Quran then claims that the jinn agreed to preach Islam to the people (Shamanism). He soon realised that his family and tribe would not give up idolatry unless they were forced to by violence.

The First Battle: He sent six followers to attack and loot a caravan during the truce month. This was known as the Nakhla raid.
The Second Battle: Muhammed led the second battle, winning the battle of Badr.

This great success led to more followers who wanted to take part in the looting and fighting. The Third Battle being against the Jews: Muhammed first tried to get the Jews to accept him as a prophet by preaching monotheism, keeping the Sabbath, praying toward Jerusalem, appealing to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and praising their Scriptures. When it became clear that the Jews would not follow him, he began killing individual Jews, then attacking Jewish settlements. This gained him much wealth quickly.

The Fourth Battle: The Meccans approached Muhammed with a large army. He lost this battle, was struck in the mouth by a sword and almost died, even though he predicted victory.

The Fifth Battle: He then attacked Jewish settlements which were easier targets than the Meccans. After one Jewish town surrendered, 800-1000 Jewish men were beheaded in one day, their women and children were enslaved, and their possessions looted.

The Sixth Battle: Having a larger army, he made a 10-year peace treaty with the Meccan authorities. Yet within one year, he broke the treaty and, with a large army, forced Mecca to surrender and accept him as political and religious leader. He stopped idol worship by

violence. He murdered a woman who ridiculed him for including some of her father’s poems in the Quran. As leader of Mecca, Arab tribesmen began to flock to him from all sides.

8. MOHAMMED’S WIVES. Muhammed’s greatest weakness was women. Several problems here are:

i) Because the Quran in Sura 4:3 forbids taking more than four wives, for Muhammed to have taken more wives would have been a sin against Allah’s word. Being Allah’s prophet, he considered himself above all such laws. The Muslim scholar, Ali Dashti, states that Muhammed had 16 wives and 6 concubines.
ii) In his 50’s Muhammed wanted to marry his friend Abu-Bakar’s six-year-old daughter, Aesha. When Abu-Baker resisted the idea, Muhammed claimed it was the will of Allah, so Muhammed got his way and married her while she was still playing with dolls, aged 6 years. Mohammed consummated the marriage when she was aged 9 years. (Mohammed’s will and Allah’s will were almost identical). In the West this behaviour is paedophilia and child abuse, one of the most despised crimes. “Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Al-Madina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he wrote the marriage contract with Aishah when she was a girl of 6 years of age, and consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.5, 3896).

iii) When Muhammed wanted to marry his adopted son’s wife, Zainab, his son, being happily married, protested. Muhammed claimed it was Allah’s will (Q33:35-37), so they had to divorce and allow Zainab to marry Muhammed. If Allah had been the true God of the Bible, he would have disciplined Muhammed like God did to David for stealing Uriah’s wife.
iv) Muhammed taught that a Muslim man can have up to four wives, but only if he can treat them justly. According to his desires, he got revelation to have more wives. He tried to treat his wives justly by allocating them certain time slots. When it was Hafsa’s turn, Muhammed broke his oath and went off with a beautiful slave girl, Maria the Coptic.

As a result, his wives protested against Muhammed’s continually breaking his oaths and promises with them. Muhammed consulted Allah who, not surprisingly, supported the prophet, rebuking the wives, calling on them to repent, threatening them with divorce, and allowing Muhammed to marry other women instead. (Q 66:1-5). ‘Allah has allowed you to break your oaths.’ (Q 66:2).
Pickthall thinks that this privilege of breaking oaths is for all Muslims.
Hence Muslims can lie as much as they want. The God of the Bible says: ‘Let your yes be yes and your no be no, all else cometh of evil.’ (Matthew 5:37; James 5:12).
v) Allah gave Mohammed full licence to marry or have sex with any woman (33:50-
‘Prophet, we have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slavegirls whom Allah has given you as booty; and any believing woman who gives herself to the prophet and whom the prophet wishes to take in marriage. This privilege is yours alone, being granted to no other believer. You may put off (divorce) any of your wives.’ (33:50,51).

vi) Temporary Marriage or Mutah. Today known as a one-night-stand.
Mohammed allowing Muslims to have a temporary wife was another attraction to follow him. Temporary marriage was practised alongside permanent marriage by Muslims from the beginning of Mohammed’s migration to Medina (622 AD) until the second Caliph banned it in 640 AD.
Muslims do not like non-Muslims knowing about them being allowed to make a temporary marriage. Why?

A Muslim man may marry temporarily a Western woman in the West. This will enable him to bring his own wife or wives and children from overseas. Since Mohammed and Allah allow Muslims to lie to their wives, or in the case of Holy War, they can easily tell any woman that they are not married at all, even though they may have several wives overseas.
The Western woman marries the Muslim man, unaware of his wives overseas. The Muslim man then arranges with the Immigration Department to bring his wives and children into the Western country. When they are here, he may divorce his Western wife or, better still for him, make her live separately so he can collect large weekly payments from social security for his Western wife, as well as family allowance for her children and his newly migrated children. If each of his four wives plus his temporary wife have four children (sometimes up to 12 children each), this is about $2,000 per week family allowance for a total of 20 children. The Muslim man can live comfortably on government handout without having to go to work. Also, he can assure himself of a place in paradise for contributing to Jihad (holy war) against the West and in spreading Islam.

Since Mohammed allowed and did not forbid temporary marriage, Muslims today consider it as legitimate marriage and not adultery. Their reasoning is: ‘Whatever is allowed by Muhammed is all right for Muslims’. Even the Quran allows it by calling spouses of temporary marriage as ‘wives’ or ‘slave girls’: ‘Who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and slave girls, for these are lawful to them’. (Q 23:5-7 and 70:25-31).

It may seem attractive to men to have four or more wives, but the downside is that often the wives have terrible fights with each other, and family life becomes a nightmare.

Samuel Zwemmer, one of the greatest experts on Islam, says: ‘According to orthodox Islamic tradition, a lie is justifiable in three cases:

1. To reconcile two parties;

2. To satisfy one’s wife;

3. In case of war (El Itidayah, Vol 4, p 81; The Moslem Doctrine of God, p 41).

Professor Abdul Natiq explains that ‘it is quite lawful to tell something which is not true at all, that may reconcile people’. He adds a tradition from Umal Kalsum (daughter of Mohammed) that ‘Mohammed only allowed people to lie, firstly, in the case of war to deceive the enemy; secondly, to reconcile two parties, and thirdly, when husband and wife talk together.’

He says that Allah and Muhammed are well pleased by this as it is for the betterment of Islam.
(Islam Studies for Degree Class, p. 77-79).
Examples of Allah and Muhammed in the Quran permitting Muslims to tell lies:

1. If non-Muslim masters persecute Muslim slaves, the Muslim slaves may lie that they have renounced Islam to avoid trouble: ‘Whoso, after he has believed in Allah denies him, if he were forced to do it, and if his heart remains steadfast in the faith, shall be guiltless’. (Q16:106-110).

This applies to Muslims today who are in a difficult situation because of their faith, to lie saying that they are not Muslims, to save their skins.

2. When Mohammed wanted to kill the Jews for rejecting Islam, he had Allah saying that the Jews must be killed because they worshipped Ezra as the Son of God. This is a complete lie, but remember Allah can lie any time to get his own way. And so can Muslims.
‘Allah has given you absolution from such oaths’. (Q 66:2). Allah in Quran 9:29 commanded Mohammad to fight against Jews and Christians. ‘Fight’ (Qatlova) in Arabic means to ‘kill’. ‘Fight (Qatlova = kill) those to whom the Scriptures (Bible) were given ... who do not believe in Allah, ... and do not embrace the true faith (Islam), until they pay tribute and are utterly subdued. The Jews say Ezra is the Son of God, while Christians say the Messiah is the Son of God. Allah confound them! How perverse they are.’ (Q9:29,30).

Thus, Allah, Mohammed and Muslims can lie for the betterment of Islam. Muslims may take an oath, but in reality it means nothing, because Allah has stated that Muslims are free from their oaths. (Q 66:2).

3. When Muhammed had promised to spend the night with one of his wives named Hafsa, he met beautiful Maria the Coptic and spent the night with her instead of Hafsa. This broke his promise to his wives. Allah jumped to his defence with a threat to divorce all his wives if they kept protesting. (Q66:1-5).

4. When Allah put love (lust) in Mohammed’s heart for his adopted son’s wife Zainab, Mohammed wanted to marry her. He realised that there would be a public outcry for him stealing his son’s wife.

So Mohammed made up a revelation from Allah rebuking him for hiding his love for Zainab. This gave Allah’s sanction to Mohammed stealing his son’s wife. (33:36-38).
Because Allah was always there to help Mohammed get any woman he wanted, he could always make rules to justify his deeds.
Question: Was Mohammed a true prophet of the true God?
Answer: It seems that Muhammed made up his own god who gave him a licence to sin.

The Quran tells us that all Mohammed’s past and future sins were forgiven (48:1,2).

When Mohammed could not stop idol worshippers and, with division in his ranks, his wife Khadijah and his uncle/protector died in 620 AD. He felt totally rejected and very depressed, so he went to Al Taif for help. Nobody helped him there except a Christian slave who gave him some food to eat. Here Mohammed cried to Allah for help and jinn (demons) came to help him. These demons accepted his religion and went out as missionaries for Islam.
If evil demons agree to spread Islam, then Islam must be evil and of the devil.

How can we believe a speech of demons whose very nature is to lie and to spread error? Notice that the demons support the Muslim false understanding about Jesus Christ as follows:
‘Our lord hath taken no spouse, neither hath he any offspring.’ (72:1-15).

Jinn (demons) said, ‘O our people, listen to the one who invites you to Allah, and believe in him: he will forgive you your sins and deliver you from a woeful scourge.’ (Q 46:29-31). These demons readily agreed with Muhammed in his denial of Jesus Christ being the Son of God.

They point people away from Christ to Muhammed for forgiveness of sins.

This should convince any thinking person that, if evil demons recommend us to Mohammed, then we should reject Mohammed and Islam, and turn to Jesus Christ whom demons hate.

The Quran teaches that there is no compulsion in religion. (Mohammad made this statement early in his mission to get the cooperation of Jews and Christians in Medina). Yet this is proven to be another lie of Allah’s, as seen from statements to the contrary in the Quran such as:

1. Allah says: ‘If they desert you, seize them and put them to death wherever you find them.’ Q 4:89
2. Allah says: ‘If, after coming to terms with you, they break their oaths, and revile your faith, make war on the leaders of unbelief - for no oaths are binding on them. Make war on them: Allah will chastise them at your hands and humble them.’ (Q 9:12-14).

S Zwemmer in The Law of Apostasy in Islam says. ‘If anyone turns away from Islam he becomes “Kaffir”, and whosoever is a Kaffir deserves death at the hands of the Muslims.’ Hence, Mohammad’s followers today fight those who leave Islam.


On 20 June 622 AD, Mohammed accompanied by Abu-Bakar, arrived at Medina (from Mecca) where he lived till his death. This is called the Hijra (or flight) marking the beginning of the Muslim calendar. The Jews at Medina mocked him when he posed as a prophet. Medina was 60% Jewish, and was 450 km north-west of Mecca. The Quran often mentions the Hypocrites who did not accept Mohammed in their hearts, but put up with him because they were not powerful enough to fight him.

13. RAIDING (Mohammed’s profession) - THE MEANS TO SPREAD ISLAM

When Muhammed moved to Medina, he had been preaching for 13 years and had gained only about 100 followers, most of whom were poor. Farming was difficult in the desert. The only short-cut to wealth was looting caravans and raiding weaker tribes. They stole women and children, selling them back to their husbands and fathers.
The Quran says: ‘True believers are those who fight for Allah.’ (49:15 and 4:76).
In Mohammed’s 10 years at Medina, he planned 150 battles. Mohammed organised raiding parties because he loved women, wealth, fame and to spread his religion. The aim of raiding parties was to steal animals, women and children and to loot the caravans. He sold those he didn’t like into slavery and kept the pretty women for himself. 20% of the loot had to go to Mohammed. When Muslims grew stronger, they looted stronger tribes, Arabia, other countries and finally hope to conquer the world.

There was no change in people’s spiritual or moral state after they became Muslims.
The only attraction was to be protected from Islamic raids and to loot non-protected people. Although Muslims were commanded to brutally kill and loot non-Muslims, they were forbidden to deceive Mohammed and Allah. They were to honestly give them 20% of the loot captured.
Mohammed ordered his men to ‘kill those who disbelieve in Allah’. (LOM, p 672).

After the battle of Badr, Muhammed became so powerful that nobody could criticise him. A woman named Asma criticised Mohammed for killing so many of her tribe.
Mohammed had her killed and their fear of death was so strong that the whole tribe became Muslim.

The poet Kab ibn Al Ashraf wrote against Mohammed. So Mohammed sent some men to kill Kab. They threw his head at Mohammed’s feet, shouting ‘Allah is great.’

The Quran is full of verses where Mohammed incites people to war and bloodshed:
1. ‘Fight valiantly for Allah’s cause, so that you may prosper.’ (5:35).

2. ‘Whoever fights for the cause of Allah ... we (Allah) shall richly reward him.’ (4:74).

3. ‘Fight for the cause of Allah.’ (2:244; 4:84).

4. ‘Lay hold of them and kill them wherever you find them.’ (4:91).

5. ‘Prophet, rouse the faithful to arms (Al-katal means killing). If there are 20 steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish 200.’ (8:65).
6. ‘Fight against those to whom the Scriptures were given (Christians and Jews).’ (9:29).

7. ‘If you do not go to war, Allah will punish you sternly.’ (9:39).

8. ‘Whether unarmed or well equipped, march on and fight for the cause of Allah, with your wealth and persons.’ (9:41).

9. ‘Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and hypocrites.’ (9:73).

10. ‘When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.’ (9:5).
11. ‘Make war on them: Allah will chastise them at your hands and humble them.’ (9:14).

12. ‘Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Allah is with you.’ (9:123).

13. ‘Allah loves those who fight for his cause.’ (61:4).

14. ‘Allah has given those that fight ... a higher rank than those that stay at home.’ (4:95).

15. ‘The offenders are those that seek exemption (from war). They are content to be with those who stay behind ...Hell shall be their home, the punishment for their misdeeds.’ (9:93-95).

These Quran quotes show that if a Muslim did not join the looting and killing of non-Muslims, he was disobedient to Allah and would surely go to hell. What a motivation to murder! An example of Mohammed’s butchery was in the seventh year of his stay at Medina where he attacked Khaibur, a Jewish settlement fort on the way to Syria. The Jews surrendered the fort on condition that they be free to leave the country, giving up all their wealth to the Muslims. The chief’s 15-year-old wife was taken as Mohammed’s wife and the chief was tortured to death. Mohammed then decreed that the men should be killed, the women and children be sold into slavery, and the spoils divided among the Islamic army. During the night, trenches were dug, and in the morning male captives were beheaded in groups of five and their bodies cast into the trench. This butchery lasted all day and into late at night.

What a genocidal man of Allah was Mohammed. What a lie is ‘Allah the compassionate, the merciful.’
Jesus said, ‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning ... he is a liar, and the father of it.’ (John 8:44). Mohammed was inspired by Satan.

Orthodox Muslims believe that ‘by the force of Allah’s eternal decree, man is not free to do what he wants to do’. One well-known Hadith on predestination says: ‘Allah said to Adam, I have created this family for paradise ... and I have created another family for hell.’

A man said to Mohammed, ‘Of what use will good or bad deeds be?’

Allah said, ‘When Allah creates one person for the fire, his actions will be like those of the people of hell till he dies.’ It seems that Mohammed adopted predestination to cover all his evil deeds.

Predestination gave Mohammed the right to do anything he liked because it was the predestined will of Allah, such as marry a six-year-old, marry his son’s wife, and butcher people.

The Quran teaches that people should obey Allah and Mohammed.


Mohammed loved three things: women, scents and food. It was delicious mutton cooked by a beautiful woman that caused his death.
Mohammed went to dine with a beautiful Jewess belonging to a tributary Jewish tribe. She cooked for him a shoulder of lamb that she had poisoned. Mohammed tasted a mouthful, detected the poison and spat it out, but his companion died on the spot. Mohammed asked her why she had done this, and she replied because he had enslaved the Jews. She reckoned that if he died, the Jews would be restored to their former prosperity; but if Mohammed was really a prophet, he would recognize the poison beforehand, no harm would be done, and she herself would believe.’ (Islam and the West p 103).

When Muhammed died, he was supposed to ascend to heaven after three days, but this didn’t happen. So, after waiting 12 days, they had to bury the body because of the smell. Only Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Jesus Christ, being the true prophet, clearly predicted his death in Matthew 16:21.


Since Islam claims that both Jesus and Mohammad were Muslim prophets sent by Allah, then both must agree in all points and never contradict each other. If they contradict, then:

1. Allah is contradicting himself and, thus, could not be the true God;

2. Mohammed is a false prophet, because true prophets never contradict.

Some Muslims try to avoid any comparison between Jesus and Mohammed by claiming that the Bible is corrupt. This is wrong for two reasons:
1. If the Bible is corrupt, when was it corrupted and who corrupted it? We have documents of the New Testament every decade as far back as 90 AD and the vast majority of these are identical to today’s KJV New Testament. The Dead Sea Scrolls, dated 200-100 BC, contain every Old Testament book except Esther, and are identical to today’s KJV Old Testament.

2. If the New Testament is corrupt, so is the Quran, because the Quran uses the New Testament gospels for its information on Jesus, such as His virgin birth, etc.
Which parts of the New Testament are supposed to be corrupt?

Let us compare the life of Jesus Christ from the Bible with the life of Muhammed from the Quran to see who had the credentials of being the true prophet of God.
1) Prophecy: Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection were clearly predicted in the Old Testament, eg Micah 5:2 predicts Bethlehem as Jesus’ birthplace. Neither the Bible nor pagan soothsayers predicted anything about the coming of Mohammed. Examples of such prophesies include:

Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18,24,25  
Tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23,33  
House of David Jeremiah 23:5 Luke 3:23  
Born at Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1  
Preceded by messenger: John the Baptist Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 3:1,2  
Ministry to begin in Galilee Isaiah 9:1 Matthew 4:12,13,17  
Perform Miracles Isaiah 35:5,6 Matthew 9:35  
Teacher of Parables Psalm 78:2 Matthew 13:34  
To enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:6-11  
Gentile Nations to believe on Him Isaiah 60:3 Acts 13:47,48  
To rise from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:31  
To ascend to Heaven Psalm 68:18 Acts 1:9  
Betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 Matthew 10:4  
Sold for 30 pieces of silver Zechariah 11:12 Mathew 26:15  
Money to be thrown in the Temple Zechariah 11:13 Matthew 27:5  
Money to buy a potter’s field Zechariah 11:13 Matthew 27:7  
Forsaken by His disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 14:20  
False witnesses accuse Him Psalm 35:11 Matthew 26:59,60  
Silent before His accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:12  
Beaten, wounded, spat on Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67  
Hands and feet pierced Psalm 22:16 Luke 23:33  
Crucified with thieves Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38  
Garments parted and lots cast Psalm 22:18 John 19:23,24  
Gall and vinegar offered Him Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34  
His forsaken cry Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46  
No bones broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:23  
His side pierced Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34  
Darkness over land from midday Amos 8:9 Matthew 27:45  
Buried in rich man’s tomb Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57-60  
Messiah to offer Himself as Prince to Israel Daniel 9:26,27 Luke 19:41-44  
173,880 days after 5 March 444BC  
Messiah comes, Messiah cut off (dies), Daniel 9:26 by Titus in 70 AD  
Jerusalem and Temple destroyed  
Jews lose power to pass death sentence Genesis 49:10 11AD (Josephus,  
23 years before the trial of Christ Antiquities(17:13:1-5)
Some Muslims claim that Jesus’ promise of the coming of the Comforter in John 14:16-16:15 was fulfilled in Mohammed. This is wrong because:
a) The Comforter is said to be the Holy Spirit in John 14:26;

b) The Comforter will stay with Christians forever (John 14:16) and shall be in you (John 14:17), yet Mohammed did not stay with Christians forever, as he died in 632 AD, nor could he be in Christians;

c) The Holy Spirit Comforter came at Pentecost in Acts 2:1-4, not 500 years later.

2) Birth: Jesus Christ was conceived miraculously in the womb of the virgin Mary. The Quran and orthodox Islam fully accept Jesus Christ’s virgin birth.
On the other hand, Mohammed was conceived naturally of human parents.
This means Mohammed was born with a sin nature, but Jesus inherited no sin nature.

3) Sinlessness: The New Testament states that Jesus Christ lived a sinless, perfect life. It says He ‘knew no sin.’ (II Corinthians 5:21). His enemies could find ‘no fault’ in Him. (Luke 23:4).
Jesus was ‘in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin’. (Hebrews 4:15). But Mohammed was a sinner just like all humans.
He lied, he cheated, he lusted after women, he broke his promises, he murdered people, etc.
Mohammed was not sinless.
Ask: ‘Where in the Quran does it state that Mohammed was sinless?’

Nowhere, but in the following places the Quran states that Mohammed was a sinner:

i Allah commands Mohammed in Sura 40:55 ‘Ask forgiveness for your sins.’

ii ‘We have given you (Mohammed) a glorious victory (taking of Mecca in 630 AD), so that Allah may forgive you your past and future sins ..’ (Sura 48:1,2).

Mohammed was just another sinner needing forgiveness and Jesus Christ’s salvation.

4) Miracles: In Jesus’ three-year ministry, He did many miracles such as healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, multiplying loaves and fishes, stilling the wind and the waves, etc. Mohammed never performed any miracles, as stated in Sura 17:91-95. In the Quran, when doubters asked Mohammed to perform a miracle, he either stayed quiet or referred to his Quran, which contain no prophecies. Every Biblical prophet either did miracles or correctly foretold future events, but Mohammed could do neither, thus making him inferior to every Biblical prophet. The Quran mentions Jesus’ miracles: ‘I shall heal the blind man and leper, and raise the dead to life.’ (3:49).

5) The Love of God: Jesus lived and preached the love of God.

The New Testament shows that God loves sinners:

i ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.’ (John 3:16).

ii ‘He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love.’ (I John 4:8).

iii ‘We love him, because he (God) first loved us.’ (I John 4:19).

iv ‘Then Jesus beholding him loved him (the rich young ruler).’ (Mark 10:21).

v Jesus was called ‘a friend of publicans and sinners.’ (Matthew 11:19).

vi ‘Love one another, as I have loved you.’ (John 15:12).

vii ‘God commends his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.’ (Romans 5:8).

viii ‘As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.’ (John 15:9).

ix Jesus prayed for those who crucified him: ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do.’ (Luke 23:34).

x Jesus said: ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you…’ (Matthew 5:44).

xi ‘Nothing…shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ (Rom. 8:38,39).

xii ‘Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us.’ (Ephesians 5:2).

xiii ‘Husbands love your wives as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.’ (Ephesians 5:22). Don’t beat them. (Q4:34).

In contrast, Mohammed never preached the love of God. The Quran never mentions Allah loving man, or man loving Allah. Instead, Allah delights in sending everyone to hell (Q 19:71). Allah lies, hates his enemies, demands that multitudes be killed and sent to hell, etc.

6) Jesus is both God and Man: Mohammad was only a man. The Bible calls Jesus God in these places:

i ‘Unto us a child is born ... his name shall be called The Mighty God’. (Isaiah 9:6).

ii Jesus allowed Thomas to call Him ‘My Lord and my God’. (John 20:28).

iii ‘Feed the church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood’. (Acts 20:28).

iv ‘God was manifest in the flesh’. (I Timothy 3:16).

v ‘Looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ’. (Titus 2:13). God and Jesus are one. (II Peter 1:1).

vi ‘Unto the Son he saith: “Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever”’. (Hebrews 1:8).

vii ‘In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God’. (John 1:1).
viii ‘There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one’. (I John 5:7).
7) Killing and Robbing People: Jesus never killed or robbed anyone. If he had, it would have been brought up at His trial. On the other hand, Mohammed killed, robbed and enslaved tens of thousands of people. Indeed, robbing and looting caravans, tribes and cities was his chief source of income. (20%M).

8) Telling Disciples to Kill: Jesus never commanded or set an example for His disciples to kill, rob or fight enemies in His name. But Mohammad taught his disciples by command and example to kill, rob, lie and terrorise people to submit to Islam.

9) Physical Violence and Terrorism: Jesus forbad His disciples from using physical violence to force people to believe His message. When a Samaritan village rejected Jesus, His disciples asked:
‘Shall we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?’
Jesus rebuked them and said, ‘For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them’. (Luke 9:51-56). In Matthew 26:51-54 Jesus forbad Peter from using a sword. But Mohammed’s main method of gaining converts was by physical violence of the sword, terrorism and fear of death unless they accept Islam.

10) Taking Other Men’s Wives: Jesus never took another man’s wife to be his wife.

But Mohammed often did. This is one of the most disgusting aspects of his life. Mohammed saw his adopted son’s wife without her veil, he lusted after her, asked Zaid to divorce his wife Zainab and, to quieten the public outcry, manufactured a convenient revelation from Allah allowing it, so they were married. ‘Allah’s commandment (to marry Zainab) must be
performed. There is no fault in the prophet, touching what Allah had ordained for him.’ (Sura 33:36-38).

This Quranic passage has led many thinking Muslims to renounce Islam.

When Mohammed conquered a town, he often killed all the men and married the prettiest women.
For example, when he conquered Khaibar, a Jewish settlement, he tortured to death the chief Kinana, and married Safiyye his 15-year-old wife.

11) Child Brides: Jesus was never a child molester, nor a paedophile, nor was He sexually involved with young children. But when Mohammad was in his 50’s he married six-year-old Aesha when she was playing with dolls, consummating the marriage when she was age 9-14, according to the Hadith.

12) Dying for the Sins of the World: Islam has no concept of a Saviour paying the penalty for our sins. When Jesus died, He died for the sins of all people to save us from hell:
‘That he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.’ (Hebrews 2:9).

But when Muhammad died, he was poisoned for murdering a tribe of people. He did not die for anyone else’s sins. There is no Saviour or Sin Bearer in Islam.
13) Jesus Rose from the Dead After Three Days: When Mohammed died, he stayed dead, as any man does. Muslims therefore have no victory over the grave and death.

14) Jesus Ascended Bodily to Heaven as witnessed by the disciples in Acts 1:8-11. But Mohammed stayed dead and buried.

15) Jesus is now in Heaven as our Intercessor, Mediator and Saviour. But neither Mohammed nor the Quran ever regard Mohammed as a saviour or intercessor. The Quran states that man has no intercessor or saviour. You have to save yourself: ‘They have no guardian or intercessor besides Allah’. (6:51,70). ‘None has power to intercede for you.’ (10:3).

16) Jesus was Often Worshipped as God. ‘Let all the angels of God worship Him’. (Hebrews 1:6).
But the Quran never speaks of worshipping Mohammed. That would be blasphemy. The Quran contradicts itself here by saying that Allah commanded the angels to worship Adam (Q 2:34). This is blasphemy. Yet the Quran doesn’t ask us to worship Mohammed. Is Adam greater than Muhammed? Is Adam God? Jesus accepted worship in Matthew 2:11; 14:33; 28:9,17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38; etc..

17) Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ. When anybody receives Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they become sons of God, with God becoming their loving Heavenly Father. We love Jesus for saving us and giving us eternal life. Which Muslim ever has a personal, loving friendship with Mohammed? Nobody can have a friendship with Mohammed because he is dead.

18) Jesus Gives us a High Moral Example to Follow by living for others, dying for sinners, and living a sinless life always pleasing God the Father. Mohammed did not give us a high moral example. His many sinful, murderous actions explain why so many Muslims are keen to kill their enemies.

19) Jesus Christ’s Beauty of Speech. When you study Jesus Christ’s speeches such as the Sermon on the Mount, (Matthew 5,6,7); the Parables (Matthew 13,20,22,25); rebuking the Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 15,16,23); the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24); the New Birth (John 3); the woman at the well (John 4), Jesus’ credentials (John 5); Jesus the Bread of Life (John 6); Jesus the Light of the World (John 8); Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 10);
Jesus raises Lazarus (John 11); the Comforter (John 14-16); Jesus the True Vine (John 15); Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer (John 17), etc, these show Him to be the greatest speaker that ever lived.

Compare Jesus’ speeches with Mohammed’s repetitive speeches with no logical train of thought, filled with hatred of non-Muslims, threats of hell torture and many commands to go to Jihad war, etc. with little style or substance, and you will realise that Jesus is infinitely superior to Mohammed.

20) Jesus will Return to Earth to Resurrect and Judge all Men. Orthodox Muslims admit this. The Quran never mentions Mohammed returning to earth, raising the dead or judging all men. Jesus is the coming King and Judge. Mohammed can’t do this because he is dead.

Years later in debates with Christians, embarrassed Muslims being faced with the obvious fact that Mohammed was inferior to Jesus Christ, invented myths about Mohammed being sinless, doing miracles, ascending to heaven, etc. These claims are not found in the Quran or in early Muslim traditions. Later Muslim theologians borrowed events from the life of Jesus and attributed them to Mohammed. The Muslim myths of Mohammed’s miracles all date after heated debates between Christians and Muslims, and were invented in response to the challenge that Jesus Christ was obviously superior to Mohammed. On all the essential issues, Jesus is vastly superior to Mohammed.


The Bible has much historical narrative - the Quran has very little. The Bible explains unfamiliar terms - the Quran does not.
The Bible is ordered according to time and subject - the Quran has no logical order of thought.

a) Although Muhammed claimed to be a prophet of God, he did not foresee his own death by poisoning, so he made no preparations to gather his revelations into one document.

If he were a true prophet of God, he would have known the meal was poisoned and would not have eaten it. It was left to his followers to try to write down what he said.
The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam p 230 states:
‘The Quran was collected from the chance surfaces on which it was written: from papyrus, flat stones, palm leaves, shoulder blades and ribs of animals, pieces of leather, wooden boards,and the hearts of men’.

b) Sometimes animals ate the palm leaves or mats on which the only original Suras were written (Ali Dashti, 23 years, p28). Some men who were the only ones who remembered certain Suras, died in battle before they could write them down.

c) The Quran is arranged beginning with the longest Sura to the shortest Sura. This results in the confusion of no logical chronology.
d) Commands early in the Quran are contradicted by later commands.
e) The Quran repeats statements and stories many times
f) The Quran is incomplete. It has no beginning of the universe, nor does it conclude with the end of earth’s history as does the Bible.
g) The Quran could not be a continuation of the Bible as it claims, because it does not fit the Bible’s literary style or structure. To go from the Bible to the Quran is to go from the superior to the inferior, from the greater to the lesser, from the real to the counterfeit.
1. Missing Verses. Professor Guillaume in his book Islam p 191 states that one of the Suras (Sura 33) originally had 200 verses in the days of Aesha, Mohammed’s favourite wife, but by the time the third Caliph Uthman standardised the text of the Quran, it only had 73 verses. A total of 127 verses had been lost forever from that Sura. ‘The Shiite Muslims claim that Uthman left out 25% of the original verses of the Quran for political reasons.’ (McClintock and Strong, Vol 5, p 152).

2. Verses Changed. One of Mohammed’s scribes, Abdollah Sarh, would make suggestions to Mohammed about rephrasing, adding or leaving out parts of the Quran’s Suras. Mohammad often did as he suggested. Ali Dashti, 23 Years, p 98 explains: ‘Abdollah renounced Islam because the revelations, if from God, could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe as he. After he left Islam, he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites.’ When Mohammed conquered Mecca, one of the first people he killed was Abdollah, because he knew too much and opened his mouth too often.

3. Verses Abrogated (removed from the text). Verses which are contradictory to Islam have been removed from the text. Examples include the Satanic Verses where Mohammed approved the worship of Allah’s three daughters as goddesses.

4. Verses Added. For example, Ubai had several Suras in his Quran which Uthman omitted from his standard text used today. Uthman did not approve of these so he omitted them.

5. No Original. When Mohammed died, there was no collected text of the Quran.

Any original writings on palm leaves, tree bark, stones, leather, etc. have long been lost. If a Muslim claims that they have the original Quran, ask where this original manuscript is stored.

6. The Third Caliph, Uthman (650 AD) established the official text of the Quran and destroyed earlier conflicting texts. Ask:

a) Why did Uthman destroy other manuscripts if there were no other conflicting manuscripts?
b)Why did he use death threats to force people to accept his text, if everyone had
the same text?
c) Why did many people reject his text in favour of their own texts?

d)Why did he have to standardise a common text if a perfect text already existed? Some of these older Quran texts have survived and clearly show that Uthman’s text did not contain all the Quran. Encyclopedia Brittanica under “Caliphate”states: “Encouraged by the Caliph’s weakness, and by preachers who denounced his errors and innovations, notably his issue of an official text of the Quran and his order to destroy all others, the troops in Kufia and Al Fustat rebelled. A party from Egypt, headed by the son of Abu-Bakr, marched to Medina, beseiged Uthman in his house and killed him on June 17, 656 AD.

7. Mohammed’s Fingerprints. Muslims claim that the Quran was handed down from heaven and Mohammed was not its human author. Then why does its dialect, vocabulary, style and content happen to be the same Arabic used by a member of the Quraysh tribe living in Mecca around 600 AD? Does heaven speak 7th Century Quraysh Arabic? No, Muslim claims of the Quran having a heavenly origin are fictitious. It is of human origin.

Many modern Muslims love to criticise the Bible as being corrupt and contradictory, but when anyone dares to criticise the Quran, they label this as rude, offensive and racist. Muslims claim the Quran to be true, but they cannot prove it. If Muslims are free to criticise the Bible, then others should be free to criticise the Quran. Muslims must agree that in the West everybody is free to criticise the Bible, the Quran, the Hadith, the Book of Mormon or any ‘holy’ book. Any religion which doesn’t allow people to examine its sacred book, using normal rules of research and logic, obviously has something to hide.

Since the Quran claims to have no errors as proof of its inspiration in Sura 85:21,22, the presence of just one error in the Quran shows it to be false and not from God.
‘Surely this is a glorious Koran, inscribed on an imperishable tablet.’ (Sura 85:21,22). Throughout his early ministry, Mohammed constantly endorsed the truth of the Bible as the basis of his Quran. ‘Children of Israel, ... have faith in my revelations, which confirm your Scriptures.’ (2:40).
‘We gave Moses the Scriptures and knowledge of right and wrong, so that you might be rightly guided’ (2:53).
‘the Koran ... confirming previous scriptures.’ (2:97,101).

Question: Why is the New Testament God’s Word?

Answer: Because it fulfils prophecies given in the Old Testament.

Question: Why is the Quran NOT God’s Word?

Answer: Because it confirms NO prophecies in the New or Old Testament. The Quran is not a continuation of the New Testament, because the Quran contradicts the New Testament:

1) The Quran claims itself to be a continuation of the Bible and that it will not contradict it. Say: ‘We believe in God and that which is revealed to us (Quran) in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes; to Moses and Jesus and the other prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them.’ (2:136).

2) Hence Muslims believe that the same God (Allah) revealed the Bible and the Quran.

3) Hence the Quran should never contradict the Bible, otherwise Allah would be contradicting himself.

4) If Allah contradicted himself, he is not perfect.

5) If Allah is not perfect, then he is not God.

6) Since the Bible was before the Quran, and the Quran appeals to the Bible for verification, then whenever there is a conflict between the two, the newer (Quran) must give way to the older (Bible).

Muslim statement: : Muslims say that the Quran is always right because the Bible has been corrupted and is untrustworthy.

Christian reply: ‘Prove it has been corrupted. Who corrupted it, and when did they corrupt it?’

There is no manuscript evidence supporting the Quran’s claim that Jesus was not crucified. The Bible always taught that Jesus died on the cross.

Two choices face the Muslim, both of which disprove the Quran. Either,

1. If the Muslim rejects the Bible, he must also reject the Quran because it claims the Bible to be God’s Word, or,

2. If he accepts the Bible, he still must reject the Quran because it contradicts the Bible.

Instead of giving up the Quran, some Muslims say that the Bible was corrupted after the Quran was written. This is false because we have Bible portions going back as far as 200 BC in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Old Testament, and as far back as 90 AD with the New Testament. These are identical to the KJV Bible we have today. Hence the majority of Bible manuscripts have not been corrupted. Logically, then, the Bible must be preferred above the Quran because:

1. The Bible was before the Quran, and

2. The Quran appeals to the Bible as the already established higher authority.


1. Six or Eight Days of Creation? How many days did it take God to create heaven and earth?
a) The Quran in Sura 41:9,10,12 says God took 2 + 4 + 2 = 8 days to create the earth and heavens: ‘Him who created the earth in 2 days ... in 4 days provided it with sustenance for all alike. In 2 days he formed the sky into seven heavens.’ (41:9-12).

b) The Bible in Genesis 1:31 and Exodus 20:11 says: ‘In 6 days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day.” Question: Is the Bible corrupt by saying 6 days?

If it is, then so is the Quran in 7:51 and 10:3 where it also says 6 days:
‘Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in 6 days.’ (Q7:51). Hence, if 6 days is right, the Quran is wrong in 41:9,10,12.
If 8 days is right, the Quran is wrong in 7:51 and 10:3.

2. Scientific Mistakes. The Quran in 18:85,86 states that Alexander the Great (Dhul-Qarnayn) ‘journeyed on a certain road until he reached the West and saw the sun setting in a pool of black mud.’ This error is that the sun does not set in a pool of black mud, but earth orbits the sun in space.

3. The Trinity. Mohammed never understood the doctrine of the Trinity.

He wrongly thought that Christians worshipped three gods: ‘The Father, Mary and Jesus’.
‘Unbelievers say: “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary”.
Unbelievers say: “God is one of the three”. There is but one God.’ (5:73).

‘Then Allah will say: “Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind: ‘Worship me and my mother as gods beside Allah’?”’(5:116).
Christians believe in one God who is in three persons:The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christians do not believe that Mary is part of the Trinity. The Quran is so clearly wrong here.

4. Usury (Charging Interest) Mohammed condemned usury in the Quran: ‘Allah has permitted trading and made usury unlawful.’ (2:275).
‘Allah has laid his curse on usury.’ (2:276).
‘Believers, ... waive what is still due to you from usury.’ (2:278)
‘We forbad the Jews good things ... because they practise usury.’ (4:161).
In 7th Century Arabia, charging interest on money loaned to people was condemned as usury. Modern Muslims openly disobey the Quran here.
Today Muslim banks, Muslim governments and Muslims all charge interest and pay interest on money loaned and borrowed. If Muslims strictly obeyed the Quran’s teachings here, there would be no Muslim banks at all.

Muslims defend their practice of charging interest (usury) by saying that this was a 7th
Century Arabian cultural practice and could be disregarded today. If this principle applied to all other cultural practices in Islam such as dress code, the five pillars, civil and dietary laws, then Islam would collapse immediately.

Either the Quran is cultural and can be disobeyed, or it is the word of Allah and must be obeyed.

5. With Allah, is a Day Equal to 1 000 Years or 50 000 Years? (32:5.
‘All will ascend to Him in a single day, a day whose space is a thousand years by your reckoning’.
‘angels and the spirit will ascend to Him in one day: a day whose space is fifty thousand years.’ (70:4). Which is right? - 1 000 years or 50 000 years? Let us be consistent.

6. Did Jesus Die and Rise (19:33) or Did He Not Die (4:157)? ‘He spoke and said: He has ... ordained me a prophet.

He has purged me of vanity and wickedness. Blessed was I on the day I was born,and blessed I shall be on the day of my death and on the day I shall be raised to life. Such was Jesus, the son of Mary.

That is the whole truth, which they still doubt.’ (19:33).
‘They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did. ... they did not slay him for certain. God lifted him up to Him.’ (4:157).
Question: How can something stated in 19:33 be denied in 4:157? Which is correct? Think: If Muslims and the Quran state that Jesus never died, but was taken up to heaven alive, then they must admit that:

i) Jesus is still alive today in heaven, because people can’t die in heaven;
ii) If Jesus has not died (and never will), then Mohammed cannot claim to be the successor of Jesus.
iii)If Jesus never died and Mohammed did die, then Jesus is superior to Mohammed.

7. Did All of Noah’s Sons Survive (21:76) or Did One Son Drown (11:42,43)?

a) The Quran in 11:42 says that one of Noah’s sons refused to enter the Ark and was drowned in the flood. ‘Noah cried out to his son, who stood apart “Embark with us, my child. Do not remain with the unbelievers!”

He replied: “I shall seek refuge in a mountain, which will protect me from the flood”. ...
the billows rolled between them, and Noah’s son was drowned’. (11:42,43).
b) The Quran contradicts itself in 21:76 by saying that all Noah’s kinsfolk were saved:
‘Noah invoked us, and we answered his prayer. We saved him and all his kinsfolk from the great calamity’. (21:76).

The Bible in Genesis 7:1,7,13 and 10:2,6,22 states that Noah’s three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth, all entered the Ark and survived the flood.
Hence, the Bible and the Quran state that the Quran is wrong here in 11:42.

8. Historical Characters Out of Their Time

Mohammed and 7th Century Arabs did not think in terms of a historical time line as we do today. They viewed time as never ending cycles, with people of different periods living at the same time. This is why the Quran has Nimrod (2300 BC), Abraham (2000 BC), Moses (1500 BC), Haman (510 BC) and Mary (4 BC) all living and working together.The Quran has the Flood (2418 BC), Tower of Babel (2250 BC) and Pharaoh (1500BC) all living at the same time.This is a very serious and obvious blunder that proves the Quran to be man-made and NOT the Word of God, because it violates Bible chronology and secular history. Examples include:
i) ‘Pharaoh (1500 BC) said: Make me, Haman (510 BC), bricks of clay and build me a tower (2250 BC) that I may climb to the God of Moses.’ (28:38). Here the Quran has Pharaoh (1500 BC) telling Haman (510 BC) to build the Tower of Babel (2250 BC) with clay bricks to reach up to heaven.

ii) ‘When Saul marched out with his army, he said, God will put you to the proof at a certain river. He that drinks from it shall cease to be my soldier, but he that does not drink from it, or contents himself with a taste of it in the hollow of his hand, shall fight by my side.’ (Quran 2:249).
Here the Quran confuses King Saul (1000 BC) with Gideon (1249 BC) eliminating his soldiers by the water drinking test.

iii) ‘Pharaoh said, “... I will crucify you all”.’ (7:124). Here the Quran has Pharaoh (1500 BC) threatening to crucify people, when crucifixion was not invented until over 1000 years later.

iv) ‘We plagued them with floods and locusts, with lice and frogs and blood.’ (7:136). Noah’s flood did not occur in Moses’ day. Nor was a flood one of the 10 plagues on Egypt. The Quran is wrong in 17:100, ‘To Moses we gave nine clear signs.’ God sent 10 plagues on Egypt, not 9. (Exodus 7-12).

v) Mohammed confused Mary the mother of Jesus with Miriam (the daughter of Amran 3:34; 66:12) who was the sister of Moses and Aaron.
‘Carrying the child, she came to her people who said to her, Mary, this is indeed a strange thing! Sister of Aaron ...’ (19:28).
‘In Mary, Imran’s (Amram’s) daughter, who preserved her chastity and into whose womb we breathed of our spirit’. (66:12).
Quran 66:12 proves the Quran wrong here because Mary, Jesus’ mother, is stated as being the daughter of Imran (or Amram of Exodus 6:20) who was also the father of Moses and Aaron. This mistake was made because Mary and Miriam are spelt the same in Arabic. Mohammed, not having a Bible, would have been unable to distinguish between the two.
Mary did not give birth to Jesus under a palm tree (Quran 19:22) but in a manger (eating-trough in a stable in Luke 2:1-20). Mohammed made up fraudulent speeches and miracles for Mary in 19:23-26.

9. ‘The Jews say Ezra is the Son of God.’ (Quran 9:30).

The Quran is very wrong here because the Jews have never believed this. Why did Mohammed make up this false statement? Because he wanted an excuse to justify murdering the Jews.

10. ‘Unbelievers are Those That say: “Allah is the Messiah, the Son of Mary”.’ (5:72). Christians never said that Allah is the name of the Messiah Jesus Christ as 5:72 claims. The Messiah is Yahweh, Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man - not Allah. Mistaken identity!

11. A Carnal, Sinful Heaven.

The Quran offers a heaven full of wine and free sex. (2:25; 4:57; 11:23; 47:15).
If drunkenness and gross immorality are sinful on earth, how are they right in heaven? The Quran’s picture of paradise is exactly what a carnal, pagan 7th Century Arab male would have loved. What benefits do women have in heaven? Women don’t count!

12. Mohammed Misunderstood What ‘Son of God’ Meant.

In Mohammed’s mind, to say that God had a Son was to blaspheme God because he thought it meant that God had a male body that had sexual intercourse with Mary. ‘God forbid that he himself should beget a son!’ (Quran 19:35).
‘How should He have a son when he had no consort?’ (Quran 65:101).

Jesus Christ was the ‘Son of God’ before He was born of Mary (Proverbs 30:4;

Psalm 2:12; Daniel 3:25; 7:13). Neither was Jesus created sexually.‘Son of God’ is a title of Jesus Christ.

‘Son of God’ does not mean that He was produced by sex between God and Mary. Adam was called a ‘son of God’ (Luke 3:38), but Adam was not created by God having sex with a woman. Angels are called ‘sons of God’ (Job 1:6; 2:1), but God did not create them by sexual means. The Quran is 100% wrong on this issue.

13. Noah was age 600 years when the Flood came, not 950 years. (Q29:14). See Genesis 7:11.


Remember that in Mohammed’s lifetime the Old Testament and New Testament had not been translated into Arabic. Mohammed had the Jewish “Targum” and “Apocryphal Gospels” which contained many fictitious stories which he made small changes to and put them into the Quran.

This proves that Mohammed wrote the Quran from earthly sources available to him. Therefore the Quran is not of heavenly origin, nor should we believe it as God’s Word.

1. Arabian Sources The Quran repeats Arabian fables as if they were true. Examples include:

i) The story of an entire village of people who were turned into apes for fishing on the Sabbath day, was a popular legend in Mohammed’s day.
‘Each Sabbath the fish appeared before them floating on the water, but on the week days they never came near them. Thus did we tempt them because they had done wrong.’ (7:163).

‘We said to them, ‘Turn into detested apes’. (7:166; 2:65).

ii) The story of seven men and their animals who slept for 309 years in a cave and then woke up (Q 18:9-26): ‘We made them sleep in the cave for many years, and then awakened them (Q 18:12) after 309 years. (18:26).’

iii) The fable of four dead cut-up birds getting up and flying was well known in Mohammed’s time: ‘Take four birds, cut their bodies to pieces, Scatter them over the mountain tops, then call them back. They will come swiftly to you’. (Quran 2:260).

2. Jewish Sources. The Quran takes stories from the Jewish Talmud, the Midrash and Apocrypha. Abraham Geiger in 1833 and Abraham Katsh in 1954 (New York University) documented this.

i) The birth of Mary and the story of Allah giving her food comes from the Protoevangelium of James the Lesser.
‘Whenever Zacharias visited her in the Shrine he found that she had food with her. ‘Mary”, he said, “where is this food from?” “It is from Allah” she answered’. (Q 3:35-37).
ii) The Quran claims that Mary gave birth to Jesus under a palm tree which gave her fresh ripe dates. This came from the Protoevangelium of James the Lesser.
iii) Sura 27:17-44 comes from the Second Targum of Esther.

Solomon’s forces of jinn (demons), men and birds were called to Solomon. The lapwing was absent, so Solomon threatened to kill it. The lapwing on arrival told Solomon about the Queen of Sheba ruling a nation of idolators. One of Solomon’s jinn offered to
bring her throne 600 miles in an instant. When the Queen came to Solomon, she submitted to Allah.
iv) In 2:259 we read the unrealistic tale about Allah causing a man and his ass to die for 100 years, then raising them up to see that his food and drink had not rotted.
This was a Jewish fable that Mohammad put in the Quran.

v) In the Targum of Jerusalem, the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziah, and in pirke Rabbi Eleazer, we find the legend of how when Cain killed his brother Abel, a raven taught him how to bury the dead body. This story was included in the Quran in 5:30,31: ‘Then Allah sent down a raven which dug the earth to show him how to bury the naked corpse of his brother.’

vi) The story of two angels, Harut and Marut, who teach mankind magic and cause division between man and wife, was taken from the Midrash Yalkut Chapter 44 and included in the Quran 2:102.

vii) The story in the Quran 7:171 of Allah lifting up Mount Sinai and holding it over the Jews’ heads as a threat to squash them if they rejected the law came from the Jewish book

Abodah Sarah.
‘We suspended the mountain over them (they feared it was falling down on them) ...’ 7:171.

viii) Mohammed taught that a scale will be used on judgment day to weigh a person’s good deeds and bad deeds, to determine whether one goes to heaven or hell. He learned this from the Testament of Abraham and put it in the Quran 101:6-9. ‘Then he whose scales are heavy shall dwell in bliss; but he whose scales are light, the Abyss shall be his home.’ (101:65).

The problem with this is that, compared with God, we are all big sinners, none of us is righteous. Mohammed is comparing sinners with sinners, but if the true Holy God was writing it, sinners would be compared to God.

ix) The idea of seven hells and seven heavens comes from the Jewish books Zohar and the Hagigah. ‘God created the seven heavens one above the other’ (71:15; 67:3; 65:12).

(II Corinthians 12:2.
The Bible says there are only three heavens: the atmosphere, space and where God’s throne is located.

x) The false story of Jesus as a baby speaking in the cradle, came from Egypt (150 AD). Mohammed wrote this in the Quran 19:29,30, copying it from the false First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ.

xi) The false story of Jesus as a child making clay birds and breathing life into them, was copied from Thomas’ Gospel of the Infancy of Christ and placed in the Quran (3:49). The Bible tells us in John 2:11 that Jesus’ first miracle was at Cana of Galilee, not as a child.

xii) The Jewish idea, ‘whosoever kills a man, it shall be as if he had killed the whole of mankind’, was written in Mishna Sanhadrin (4:5) and found its way into the Quran (5:32).

xiii) The tale of Abraham being delivered from Nimrod’s fire (Q 37:97,98) came from the Midrash Rabbah, because the city of ‘Ur’ sounded like fire ‘Or’ in Aramaic.

3. Pagan Sources. Mohammad got some of his ideas from Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. The following were previously known stories which were later attributed to Mohammad:
i) The flying trip through the seven heavens.
ii) The Houries of paradise.
iii) Paradise with rivers of wine and women (Persian origin).
iv) The Peacock story.
v) Praying five times a day toward Mecca, came from the Serbians.

vi) Imraul Qaais’ daughter, on hearing Q 54:1,29,31,46, recognised them as her father’s poem and demanded to know how her father’s verses had become part of divine revelation, supposedly

preserved on stone in heaven. (Dr A Shorroh p 193).
vii) Worshipping at the Kabah stone.
viii) Fasting for part of a day for one month.
ix) Temporary marriage (Muta) was a well-known pagan Arabian custom.
x) Cutting off a thief’s hand (Q 5:38) came from the Code of Hammurabi, Law 253.

Conclusion: Although devout Muslims sincerely believe that Islam’s doctrines came from heaven
and not from earthly sources, historians have clearly proven them to come from pre-Islamic Arabian culture. Thus, Mohammad did not preach anything new.
Even the idea of the one true God was borrowed from Jews and Christians.

These facts prove Islam to be false, Allah is not God, Mohammed was not His prophet, and the Quran is not the Word of God.


Muslims believe that the Hadith is just as divinely inspired and as authoritative as the Quran.

The Hadith is a collection of early Muslim traditions which record Mohammed’s words and deeds according to his wives, family, friends and Muslim leaders.

The Muslim scholar, Dr Muhammed Hamidullah , in Introduction to Islam states that, ‘The original teachings of Islam are found above all in the Quran and the Hadith’ (p 250), and that these are ‘the basis of all Islamic law’ (p 163), and

‘both the Quran and Hadith are based on divine inspiration’. (p 23).

The Muslim writer, Abdalatati, in his book Islam in Focus says,

‘All the articles of faith are based upon and derived from the Quran and the Traditions (Hadith) of Muhammed.’ (p 21).

Hence, orthodox Muslims consider the Hadith to be divinely inspired and authoritative.

We use the nine-volume translation of Al-Bukhari’s Hadith by Dr Muhammad Muhsin Khan entitled The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Al-Bukhari. (Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, 1979).
It is recommended and approved by all Muslim authorities.
The Introduction states: ‘Al-Bukhari only chose 7275 Hadiths, of which there is no doubt about their authenticity. Allah revealed to Muhammad the Glorious Quran and the Second Inspiration

ie: his traditions’.
‘Al-Bukhari’s work is the most authentic book after the Quran’. (p 14).

Every Muslim must believe and obey the Hadith.

Key: Many Muslims, when confronted with some of Mohammed’s absurd teachings in the Hadith, will deny the Hadith’s authority and inspiration.

Mohammed’s absurd statements in the Hadith prove clearly that it could not be God inspired.

Muslims, when faced with Mohammed’s absurd statements in the Hadith, are forced to: i) defend the ridiculous and to bury their rational mind in an attempt to defend the indefensible; or
ii) admit that Muhammed is not a true prophet of God, that Muhammed is wrong, and that they must hence leave Islam as error.

Any thinking, honest Westerner, when faced with Muhammed’s foolish statements in the Hadith, would never consider Islam as a serious religion again.

The Hadith sets forth the rules and rituals Muslims must follow to earn their salvation and obtain Allah’s forgiveness. One mistake can cancel all good works you have done so far. Consider these ‘gems of wisdom’ from Muhammed in the Hadith:

1. He did not like people asking him questions about his claims to prophethood or revelation. He said: ‘Allah has hated you ... for asking too many questions’. (Vol 2, No 555 and Vol 3, No 591).

2. When a Muslim man converted to Christianity, died and was buried, the earth would not accept his body but kept throwing it out of the grave. (Vol 4, No 814, 3617).

3. Shouting Food.

As Muhammed ate food, the food would shout out loud and glorify Allah (Vol 4, No 779,

4. Muhammed taught that the majority of people in hell were women. ‘

The Prophet said, “I was shown the Hell-fire and the majority of its dwellers were women”.’

5. Women are deficient in intelligence. (Vol 1, No 28,301 and Vol 2, No 161). Vol 2, No 541 tells us that most people in hell are women because,
‘O women! I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.’ This is why women are not given equal rights under Islamic law.

6. A woman’s court testimony is worth only half that of a man. ‘The Prophet said: “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?” The woman said, “Yes”. He said, “This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind”.’ (Vol 3, No 826).

7. Muhammad taught that people are tortured in hellfire because they soil themselves with urine. (Vol 2, No 443, 1378). ‘One of the major sins is not to protect oneself (one’s clothes and body) from one’s urine. Once the Prophet, while passing a graveyard, heard the voices of two persons being tortured in their graves. The Prophet then said: “Yes!
(they are being tortured for a major sin). Indeed, one of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine”.’ (Vol 1, Chap 57, No 215).
What about when some people become old and incontinent? Do they become outcasts?

8. Muhammed ordered people to drink camel urine mixed with milk as medicine.

‘So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine)’. (Vol 1, No 234, 233).

9. Rules for urinating and defecating are:

i) You must not face Mecca when urinating or defecating. (Vol 1, No 144, 145, 148,
ii) You must not use your right hand to hold or wipe yourself. (Vol 1, No 153, 154).
iii) Whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with an odd number of stones. (Vol 1, No 162). This was because he was superstitious about odd numbers.
iv) He feared that evil spirits might enter his body whenever he urinated or defecated. Thus he prayed for special protection. (Vol 1, No 144).

10. He was afraid of a strong wind: ‘Narrated Anas: Whenever a strong wind blew, anxiety appeared on the Prophet’s face (fearing that the wind might be a sign of Allah’s wrath).’ (Vol 2, No 1034).
11. The Fly in the Cup: If a fly falls into your cup, do not worry about it because Muhammed said that while one wing has the disease, the other wing has the antidote. So drink up. (Vol 4, No 537).

12. 600 Wings: Muhammed tells us that the angel Gabriel has 600 wings. (Vol 6, No 380).

13. ‘Satan stays in the upper part of the nose all night’ (Vol 4, No 156) so said Muhammad.
This is why he would suck in water up his nose and then blow it out.

14. Satan urinates in your ears if you fall asleep during prayers. (Vol 2, No 1144).

15. Passing wind: Muhammed tells us that if you commit the sin of ‘hadath’ (passing wind out the bowel) while you are praying, then Allah will not hear your prayers. (Vol 1, No 445; Vol 9, No 86)

16. Bad breath means that Allah will not hear your prayers. You may not eat garlic before prayers.
17. Yawning is from Satan according to Muhammed in Vol 4, No 509.

It was really Muhammed, not God, that was offended by yawning, bad breath and passing wind, so he banned them in Allah’s name. Illiterate people believed him or they’d be killed.

18. What do spirits eat? The jinn or spirits eat dung and bones, according to Muhammed.

Vol 5, No 200

19. Muhammed spat into the hands of his followers so they could smear his saliva on their faces. ‘Whenever Allah’s Apostle spitted, the spittle would fall in the hand of one of them who would rub it on his face and skin’. (Vol 3, No 891; Vol.1, Chap.70, 241).

20. Adam was 90 feet tall states Muhammed in Vol 4, No 543.

‘The Prophet said, “Allah created Adam, making him 60 cubits tall (90 feet)”.’ How tall was Eve, and their children? Why are we not that tall?
Which Muslim will defend this idea of a 90 ft tall Adam?

21. Stars as missiles. The stars were created by Allah as missiles to throw at devils, to keep them away from listening to God’s conversations, according to Muhammed in Vol 4, Chapter 3, p 282.

22. Muhammed had no assurance of salvation. ‘The Prophet said, “By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me”.’ (Vol 5, No 266).

23. Death to those leaving Islam. The Hadith makes the repeated claim that no-one ever leaves Islam: ‘Does anybody who embraces Islam become displeased and renounce Islam afterwards? I replied “No”.’ (Vol 1, No 6 and 48).

Then it contradicts itself by saying that death is the punishment for those who leave: ‘The Prophet said: “ If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him”.’ (Vol 4, No 260).
It even records the execution of those who left Islam for another religion (Vol 5, No 630). Hadith (Vol 9) warns those leaving Islam that they will be murdered. (p 10,11,26,45-50, 341,342).
Vol 9, No 64 says, ‘So wherever you find them kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection’.

23. Gabriel opened Mohammed’s chest and washed his insides with Zam-Zam water. He poured wisdom and faith into his chest and then closed it up. (Vol 1, No 345; Vol.2,

24. Muhammed cuts the moon in half. When the Meccans asked Muhammed to do a miracle to prove he was Allah’s prophet, he supposedly reached up with his sword and
cut the moon in half. This is stated as fact in Vol 4, No 3636, 3637, 3638; Vol 5, No 208; Vol 6, No 387, 388, 389, 390.
How the two sides of the moon were put together and by whom, we are not told. That would have been an even greater miracle. Maybe Muhammed had a sword that was 250,000 miles long. The Arabs of 600 AD believed that the sun and moon were the actual size they appeared to the naked eye. Why did he have to conquer the Meccans by force? Would not such a miracle convert them?

25. A palm tree cried like a baby because Muhammed preached from a pulpit instead of standing beneath the tree to preach. So Muhammed left his pulpit and caressed its trunk until it stopped crying. (Vol 2, No 41; Vol 4, No 3583, 3584, 3585).

26. Muhammed referred to black people as raisin heads (Vol 1, No 662 and Vol 9, No 256).

27. Muhammed owned black slaves. When Al-Khattab came to Muhammed’s house, he found
‘a black slave of Allah’s apostle sitting on the first step’. (Vol 6, No 435). Jesus Christ did not own slaves, but came to set men free.

28. Muhammed was a white man, not black as some claim. A man entered a mosque and asked ‘Who among you is Mohammed?’ We replied, ‘This white man reclining on his arm’. (Vol 1, No 63). Also Vol 2, No 122 refers to Muhammed as a white person.

29. Bad tempered. Since he claimed to be a prophet, a man asked Muhammed where to find his lost camel. ‘The Prophet got angry and his cheeks and face became red.’ (Vol 1, No 91).

30. Sins of Muhammed included torturing people by:

i) cutting off their hands and feet;
ii) burning their eyes out with hot irons (Vol 1, No 234);
iii) leaving them to bleed to death after cutting off their limbs (Vol 8, No 794, 795);
iv) making people die of thirst.
Jesus Christ was the only one not touched (corrupted) by Satan at birth (Vol 4, No 506). This means Muhammed was touched by sin. Jesus being sinless, is superior to Muhammed being a sinner. Therefore Jesus can save us, but Muhammed cannot.

31. People could turn into rats, monkeys, apes and pigs according to Muhammed who claimed that Jews were transformed into rats. (Vol 4, No 524, 569).

Conclusion: There are no recorded miracles of Muhammed in the Quran, as he readily admitted. But after his death, his disciples began to invent miracels for him in order to escape the embarassment that he was inferior to the miracles of Moses, Jesus and pagan soothsayers. Many of his pretended miracles were originally performed by Jesus, Moses and pagan magicians, but now transferred to Muhammed.


The Hadith is filled with commands to make violent war on non-Muslims in order to force them to become Muslims. Muhammed wanted Islam to be spread mainly by the sword. Jihad was so important to Muhammed that he made it the second most important deed in Islam.

Allah’s apostle was asked, ‘What is the best deed?’ He replied, “To believe in Allah and his Apostle’. The questioner asked, ‘What is the next (in goodness)?’ He replied, ‘To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah’s cause.’ (Vol 1, No 25). Muslims must force Jews, Christians and pagans to embrace Islam or pay the Jizya tax for non-Muslims.

Jihad uses several methods:

1. Jihad of the Sword. People must either convert or by military violence be killed and enslaved. Muhammed warned the Byzantine king,
‘If you become a Muslim you will be safe’. (Vol 1, No 6).
If the king did not convert, he and his kingdom would be destroyed and enslaved. In Vol 3, No 495 we read, ‘Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests’. Key: When a Muslim murdered someone during a Jihad, he got to take the man’s property. The Prophet said, ‘Whoever has killed an enemy and has proof of that, will possess his spoils’. Vol 4, 379

This is the driving force behind Muslim violence in Africa today.
In Nigeria and Sudan, over 1 million Christians and pagans have been brutally slaughtered and enslaved by Jihad because they would not become Muslims. ‘Our Prophet has ordered us to fight you, till you worship Allah alone or give Jizya’.

(Vol 4, No 386)

2. Jihad of Taxation. Those who refuse to become Muslims must pay a special tax called Al-Jizya (Vol 4 , Chapter 21, p 251-2). This financial burden suppresses non-Muslims, making their life as hard as possible.

3. Jihad of Financial Reward. In Iraq a free university education has been offered to any Jew or Christian who will embrace Islam.
$1000 is offered to any South African black who will renounce Christianity and embrace Islam. They will be paid $500 for any other blacks they convert to Islam.
In Tanzania, a Muslim receives 25 000 shillings for winning a Christian to Islam, and 100,000 shillings ($150) for winning a priest or pastor to Islam.
No church is allowed to be built on Saudi soil, in order to suppress Christianity.

4. Jihad of Fear. The death penalty is applied to anyone who renounces Islam to follow another religion such as Christianity. In Egypt, many Christians are being tortured in prison, whose only ‘crime’ was to convert to Christianity.

5. Jihad of Kidnapping and Slavery. The only place in the world today where black slavery occurs is in Muslim countries. Sudanese Muslims capture and sell black women and children of the Dinka Christian tribe for $15 each (London Economist, Jan 90). Non-Muslim women who go to Saudi Arabia to work as maids are often enslaved, beaten and raped by their Muslim employers. When they try to escape, the Saudi government will not let them leave the country, but returns them to their masters.

6. Jihad of the Courts. Non-Muslims are denied equal access to and equal protection before the law, because their testimony in court is not valid against a Muslim. (Vol 3, Chap 31, p 525, 526). This applies even to murder:‘No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel’. (Vol 4, 283; Vol 9, 50).

7. Jihad of Paradise. Any Muslim who is killed while fighting in a Jihad is told that he will go straight to the sexual pleasures of paradise. (Vol 1, No 35 and Vol 4, No 386).

8. Jihad of Breeding. Muslims are told to marry several wives and breed more Muslim children in order to overpopulate the world, migrate to the West, become a majority and take over politically.

Why do Muslims commit such horrific acts of violence? They are simply being true to what their religion dictates. Allah in Q 9:19-22 states that Jihad attracts more rewards than other religious duties in Islam. ‘If victory is won in Jihad, Muslims receive the enormous booty of a country, which cannot be equalled to any other source of income. If there is defeat or death, there is everlasting paradise’. (Q 61:10-12).

Hence Jihad is NOT extremism, but normal in Islam.

A Christian once asked a Muslim man, ‘What would you do if your son becomes a Christian?’
He replied, ‘I’d cut his throat’.

The greatest hindrance to a Muslim following Christ is FEAR of what other Muslims would do to him.

Where immediate invasion of a country is not possible, the policy has always been as follows:

‘Migrate to Christian areas because they are tolerant. Pretend to be peaceful, friendly and hospitable; begin to clamour for religious, political and social rights and privileges that you will not allow Christians in an Islamic country; breed fast there and settle down; as you increase in a particular area, insist that there should be no Christian activities in your community. You may speak or write to discredit their religion, but they must not talk about Islam. Begin to expand your community. Christian activities should be restricted in all the places you expand to; the moment you have enough military might against the ‘disbelievers’, these trinitarian kaferis, go ahead and eliminate them or suppress them as much as you can, and be in control.’ (Who is This Allah, G J O Moshay, p 18).

A typical Muslim, following the Quran, must be violent, especially if he wants to get any reward in heaven. ‘Whoso fights in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him we (Allah) shall bestow a vast reward’. (Q 4:74).

In the Hadith, Mishkat (p 721, 810) Muhammad said, ‘The last hour will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them’. Read Ezekiel 37-39 to see what God will do to Iran, Libya, Sudan, Turkey and Russia when they invade Israel.

Many Westerners who are bothered by Islamic terrorism, are so engrossed with technology that they forget history. Islam originally meant ‘bravery, heroism, defiance of death, to die in battle.’

Ayatollah Khomeini said, ‘The purest joy in Islam is to kill and be killed for Allah’. (The Arabs, D Lamb p 287).

In 1984 he said, ‘In order to achieve the victory of Islam in the world, we need to provoke repeated crises, restore value to the idea of death and martyrdom. The important thing is to engulf the world in crises’. (Le Point Magazine No 599, 12 March 1984, p 89,91).

Serious Muslims are morbidly worried about the way Christianity is growing today.

‘Kuwait (a Muslim country) had just one Arab Christian family 50 years ago. Now they have over 35 evangelical churches in Kuwait’. In 2000, 5.3% of Kuwait claims to be Christian. Indonesia has over 6000 full-time Christian missionaries and 10% of its 200 million people claim to be Protestants.

Question: How can Islam spread without using violence?

What message of salvation have they to offer to a sinning, dying world, except to repeat ‘Allah is great’ one million times? Muslims see Christianity as its greatest threat in any land.

What Muslims need is a complete overhaul of the heart, a spiritual heart transplant, an operation done by the Spirit of God on their hearts, and to be born again.

Until a Muslim is born again, he cannot be peaceful.

To imagine a real, peaceful, gentle Muslim is like imagining a round square or a holy devil.

Who is this Allah that is so offended by the Gospel of Christ? Can he be the God of the Bible who said, ‘This is my beloved Son, hear him’. (Luke 9:35).

Jesus said to Christians, ‘Whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. These things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me’. (John 16:2,3).

The Allah that Muslims claim is God, is not the true God.

Muslim Violence in Nigeria includes these examples:

1. In 1980 the Islamic uproar in Kano saw 4,177 people slaughtered.

2. On 30 October 1983, eight big church buildings were burnt in Kano.

3. In 1984, Muslims in Yola and Jimeta went berserk killing 700 people and rendering 6000 people homeless.

4. In March 1987, Muslim students went on a rampage in Kafanchan, spreading to Kaduna and Zaria. All 150 churches but one in Zaria were burnt down in three days of Jihad. Many Christians were killed. The cause of the riot was a female Muslim student who accused a preacher of misinterpreting the Quran.
The Muslim atrocities against Christians in Nigeria and Sudan are so unspeakable that decency forbids a discussion of them.

For Islam, peace is not achieved until Islam has swallowed the nations.

To Muslims, peace means total eradication of their enemies. Nobody should even think of giving peace a chance in a nation with a large number of Muslims. Peace to Islam does not mean happy co-existence, it means destruction of their enemies.

For Muslims, it does not take two to fight; all they need to do is to take the Quran seriously. When the International Islamic Conference was held in Britain in 1976, Muslims determined & vowed “If we can win London for Islam, it won’t be hard to win the whole Western world”.
(Battle Cry, Chick, Sept 1990).

Challenge: If Muslims want their god, Allah, to rule us in the free world, they should allow us to study their god thoroughly first:

1. Do we want to lose our freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and lose our basic human rights?

2. Do women want to lose their right to vote? Do we want the god of Saudi Arabia where women cannot drive a car? Should a wife need an exit permit from her husband to leave the house?

Muslims do not want to be offended, but they can go to any length to offend and assault Christianity.

If we take the attitude of ‘live and let live’ towards Islam, it will surely live; but it will live to destroy
us and our freedoms.

Question: Why are you a Muslim?

Answer: Not because you sat down and compared different religions to see which one had the Divine supernatural credentials. You are a Muslim because centuries ago Muslims invaded your country, killed your ancestors and threatened everybody else with death unless they became Muslim.
Why be loyal to Islam when Muslims murdered your ancestors and would do the same to you today?
Ask: We must study who this Allah (the god of the Quran) really is, who has been inspiring Muslims to hate Christ and to murder Christians.

Could Allah be the devil disguising himself as God? Is Islam a case of mistaken identity


If Muslims are convinced that a person is blaspheming Allah or Mohammed, why don’t they let Allah or Muhammed punish the blasphemer? Is Allah so weak that he needs weak human beings to defend him? If Allah is so powerful, let Allah punish his Christian enemies.

The first war the Israelites fought was because of a direct assault from the Amalakites. Israel never started an unprovoked war.

When King David wanted to build a temple for God, God told him,

‘Thou shalt not build an house for my Name, because thou hast been a man of war, and hast shed blood’. (I Chronicles 28:2,3).

This is the God of the Bible - a peacelover.

We are sure He is completely different from the Allah god of the war-making Mohammed. Allah promises great rewards in paradise to Muslims who shed blood.

The God of the Bible disapproves of murder and says that murderers shall not inherit the Kingdom of God:
‘The works of the flesh are these ... murders ... they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, ...’ (Galatians 5:21,22). ‘Ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him’. (I John 3:15).

‘But ...murderers ...all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death’. (Revelation 21:8).
Muslims who are murderers and Allah who is a liar, ‘deceiving who he will’ (Q 74:31) will be thrown into the lake of fire.

The true religion will have Satan as an enemy who must be fought against with the strongest weapons available. With what weapons does Allah recommend to fight Satan? Stones and pebbles, because every Muslim pilgrim to Mecca must throw seven pebbles at a pillar regarded as the great Satan. Throwing pebbles cannot hurt a spirit. Satan must be laughing at such foolishness.
Muslims saw that Mohammed by using peaceful means could only convert 100 people in 13 years, but through raiding, looting and holy war, he could force or entice hundreds of thousands of people to embrace Islam in no time at all. ‘War is ordained for you.’ (Q 2:216). According to Islam, Muhammed is the perfect man, so all Muslims should treat their enemies, their wives and other people as Muhammed set the example.

New Muslim converts were gained by them seeing Allah fixing their economic problems by allowing them to raid and loot surrounding tribes all year round.
Muslim hunger was satisfied by the silly story that ‘when any dweller of paradise desires bird meat, the bird will automtically fly to him, well roasted and sliced into pieces. After eating their fill, the remaining birds will fly away.’ (Hadith).


1. Allah takes oaths by the sun, moon, day, night, heavens, earth (Q 91), by war horses (Q 100), by the fig, the olive, Mecca ...

2. Those who did not believe in Allah, neither helped the needy, will be chained with a chain 70 cubits long and will burn in hell fire. They will be given pus to drink (Q 69;
14:15). They will be made to drink boiling water, (Q 78, 53) and eat bitter thorns (Q 88:2).

3. Muhammad is not a madman (Q 81:22; 34:43,50), nor demon possessed (7:184).

4. Allah misleads whom he will and guides whom he pleases (14:1,4; 74:11-31 and 39). All plotting is Allah’s (13:42). Allah is the best of all plotters (8:30).

5. Unbelievers who said the Quran is fables will burn in hell (Q 83). People in paradise will be given pure wine to drink (Q 83:23). Muslims should take an active part in Jihad with their wealth and their persons, then their sins will be forgiven (Q 49 and 61).

6. Allah takes an oath by the star to ensure that he is not in error, nor is he deceived (Q 53).

7. Those who avoid big sins and commit only small ones, Allah will be merciful to them (Q 53). This is human viewpoint.

8. No laden soul will bear another’s load of sin. (Q 39, 53; 6:165).

9. The moon was cleft in two pieces, but instead of believing the prophet, they said it is pure sorcery (Q 54:1).

10. Muhammad is the first Muslim (Q 39). The Quran is in Arabic without any flaw or crookedness (39:7,11,23,28).

11. The Quraish of Mecca have heard the Quran and replied that Muhammad is demon-possessed (23:66-70; 68:2).

12. Never has Allah begotten a son (Q 23:91).

13. Jews and Christians need to believe in the Bible and the Quran (2:106).

14. Fighting is the way of Allah until all become Muslims or desist (2).

Hypocrites (unrepentent) should be seized and slaughtered (mercilessly) (33:10). Muslims should fight in the cause of Allah (22:52-78).

15. Wine, gambling and marrying idolaters are forbidden (5:89,90) (2:217-221).

16. The testimony of two women is equal to one man (2:254).

17. Anyone who offends Allah and his prophet is cursed; to annoy a Muslim is a gross sin (33:56-59).

18. A day (Judgment day) when Allah will call you, if he will have mercy on you, or if he wills he will punish you. (17:52-54).

19. When devils try to hear the Quran, Allah hits them with shooting stars (72:8,9 and 37).

20. Believers will be well provided for in the gardens of delight. They will be given white delicious drinks. With them will be the large and dark eyed virgins. The believer will see his unbeliever friend in hell and will dialogue with him. In hell grows the zaq qum tree; its fruits are as the heads of Satan. The unbelievers will fill their bellies with it and will be given a drink of boiling water (37:40-67). This will melt their bellies and skins. They will be lashed with rods of iron. (22:22).

21. We did send Noah to his people, and he tarried among them 950 years: but the Flood overwhelmed them while they (persisted in sin). (29:14). False, he was age 600 years when the Flood came (Genesis 7:11).
Abraham was thrown into a fire, but Allah saved him (29:14). False, the Bible never says this. The city ‘Ur’ sounds like ‘fire’ (‘Or’).
22. Satan said that he will seduce mankind as Allah seduced him (15:39).

Note: This makes God the cause of Satan’s fall, and allows Satan to seduce man, and man to seduce man.

23. Allah decreed that Lot’s wife be left behind. (15:60). This makes Allah unjust.

24. There is not one of you who shall not pass through hell. (19:71,72).

Allah will rescue those who had the fear of Allah, but the wicked will be left.

25. The Quran is not an invention of man (12:101).

26. Allah does not love the unbelievers (30:45).

27. Muslims should continue fighting until all become Muslims (8:38-40). During the Jihad, deal so severely that it may cause terror to others (8:55-60). Allah forbids taking captives before making a slaughter in the land (8:67). Allah will reward the holy warriors (8:72) (19).

28. Unbelievers question why Muhammad does not have any miracles (6:33-37).

29. Allah cannot have a son because he has no wife (6:102-104).

30. ‘Fire is your home forever’, except him whom Allah wants to deliver. (6:126-129).

31. Muslims who do not fight for Allah, he will afflict them with physical doom (9:38). The true Muslim never begs for exemption from Jihad (9:43).

32. ‘Muslims should make war on the infidels who dwell around them and treat them harshly’. (9:123).

33. Failing to deal justly, marry only one wife or captive women kidnapped during Holy War (4:1-3). Later the condition of dealing justly was removed in 4:129.

34. Those wives you fear disobedience, admonish them, send them to their beds apart and beat (scourge) them. (4:34). “Beat” (edribu) in Arabic permits any kind of beating. It does not restrict it to a small beating.

35. Allah will keep renewing the skin of unbelievers in hell to punish them. (4:56).

36. Allah promises a great reward for those who fight for him. Allah urges Muslims to fight for him.

Death is not to be feared. Allah has predestined for hell many jinn (demons) and men (7:178).

37. Muslims can eat the food of Jews and Christians and marry their women.

38. Allah can destroy the Messiah, his mother, and everyone on earth (5:17). Note: This is what the devil wanted to do at Christ’s birth (Matthew 2:13-20).

39. Muslims should be mindful of their duty to take part in Jihad for their success. (5:35).

40. A thief’s hand should be cut off (5:38).

41. True Muslims do not choose to be friends with Christians, for they make fun of Allah’s religion (5:57-60).

42. Idolaters and Jews are the worst enemies of Muslims (58:82).

43. Those who ridicule the Quran shall be sternly punished (45:9,11).

44. The wife of Imran (Amram, father of Miriam, Moses and Aaron) gave birth to Mary the mother of Jesus (3:26). False. Muhammad confused Miriam (1500 BC) with Mary. (4 BC).

45. Allah will not accept any religion except Islam. (3:85).
46. Allah will punish those who rejected the prophet and said that Muhammad is a madman (44:14,15).

47. The sinners will go to hell and eat the tree of Zaqqum, which will be like molten brass in their bellies.
Boiling water will be poured on their heads (44:43-58).

48. Muslims should strike off the heads of unbelievers in the battlefield and massacre them, deal severely with them, bind fast their captives, take ransom from them when they surrender. Those who are slain in the way of Allah will go to paradise where rivers of delicious wine and rivers of clearest honey will be flowing (47:1-15).

49. When Muslims are better off, they should not sue for peace. Muslims who turn away from their faith are seduced and inspired by Satan (Q 47).


1. Belief in Allah who claims to be the only God. He is described in the Quran as being unknowable, impersonal, distant, unloving, not holy, unpredictable, the author of both good and evil, not a moral being, but of absolute power.

2. Angels.

3. The Quran is God’s message, and the Hadith are authoritative

4. Main prophets are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.

5. Predestination - Everything that happens, both good and evil is predestined by Allah’s will.
They see Allah as the author of evil.

6. Day of Judgment - Good deeds are weighed against bad deeds to determine entry into heaven.
All first go to hell. Nobody, not even Muhammad, is sure of going to heaven.


1. Reciting the creed of Islam: ‘There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet’.

2. Prescribed prayers five times a day.

3. Observing the month of fasting each day, called Ramadan.

4. Giving money to the poor. This has created a class of professional beggars and has discouraged the provision of care for the needy.

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad’s birthplace.

6. Involvement in Holy War (Jihad) against other religions.

The Crusades came as a response to Muslims attempting to conquer Christian lands. Islam conquered all of North Africa, then crossed the Straight of Gibraltar and took Spain. During Islam’s first 100 years, they destroyed about 3200 churches, and much of the population became Muslim by force.

These nations fell from being civilized to poor and backward.

Islam is one of the greatest enemies of Christianity. Muslims view Christians as blasphemers for proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Son of God.


1. If you later on choose to leave Islam, Muslims will kill you.

2. If you are accused of stealing, you may have your hand cut off.

3. You will lose freedom of speech.

4. You will enslave your future generations to a religion of violence against other religions, from which they cannot escape.

5. You will end up in hell, because they insist you reject Jesus Christ as Saviour. (John 8:24).

6. You will be expected to join in a Jihad of killing non-Muslims when your Islamic dictator ruler tells you.

7. As a woman, you will be a second-class citizen with half the rights of a man.


Allah is totally different to Jehovah the triune God of the Bible. What differences exist between them?

1. Allah is a distant god. No-one can have a close personal relationship with him, as we can with the Biblical God.

2. Allah lacks attributes of holiness, love for sinners, and grace (undeserved favour in offering free salvation to all sinners).

3. Allah has a different nature and character. Allah only loves those who do good, but he is not merciful to those who do bad. He does not love the sinner, as the Biblical God does (John 3:16).

4. Allah is the author of evil, just as the Biblical devil is. The Biblical God is infinitely holy and righteous, and is not the author of evil.

5. Allah is not a Trinity of one God, existing as three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

6. Allah was a pagan god before Muhammad was born. (Psalm 96:5).


1. Allah is a murderer. ‘Muslims should strike ‘The devil was a murderer  
off the heads of unbelievers in the from the beginning’. (John  
battlefield and massacre them.’ (47:4). 8:44).  
2. Allah is a liar. ‘Allah misleads whom he ‘The devil is a liar and the  
will’. (74:39). father of lies’. (John 8:44).  
3. Allah is a deceiver/seducer. Satan said, ‘Satan which deceives the  
‘Allah, since you have seduced me’. whole world’. (Revelation  
(15:39). 12:9). Satan said, ‘I will  
seduce/tempt/deceive men on  
earth’. (Q 15:39).  
4. Allah does not love unbelievers. (30:45). ‘Jesus healed all that were  
oppressed of the devil’  
Acts 10:38
5. Allah hates Jews. ‘Idolaters and Jews are ‘Your adversary the devil’.  
the worst enemies of Muslims’. (5:82; (I Peter 5:8).  
6. Allah hates Christians. ‘True Muslims do ‘Your adversary the devil’.  
not choose to be friends with Christians’. (I Peter 5:8).  
7. Allah hates Jesus Christ being Son of ‘The dragon stood before the  
God. ‘Allah can destroy the Messiah’ woman ... to devour her child  
(5:17). as soon as it was born.’  
‘Never has Allah begotten a Son’ (23:91). (Rev. 12:4).  
8. Allah enslaves/binds people. ‘the slave- ‘whom Satan hath bound, lo,  
girls whom Allah has given you as booty.’ these 18 years, be loosed on  
(33:50). the Sabbath day.’ (Luke  
‘ ... the snare of the devil, who  
are taken captive by him at his  
will.’ (II Timothy 2:26).  
9. Some demons serve Allah. ‘The dragon fought and his  
‘Some of us (demons) are Muslims’. angels, and prevailed not.’  
(72:14). (Revelation 12:7,8).


Jesus Christ, being the Son of God and the second person of the Trinity Godhead, has been a major offence to Muslims.

Question: Is Jesus the Son of God? Can God have a Son? The Bible says Yes. Allah says No.
Because Christians insist that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, the Quran says, ‘Allah’s curse be upon them’. (9:30).
If a Muslim believes the Quran, he cannot believe that Jesus is the Son of God. What evidence proves that Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and God the Son?

1. Jesus is mentioned 97 times in the Quran, but Muhammad is only mentioned a bare 25 times. The Quran hence makes Jesus four times more important than Muhammad. The writer thinks of Jesus four times more than Muhammad.

2. The Quran misunderstands the Trinity by saying, ‘Unbelievers say: “Allah is one of three”.’ (5:72).
Christians never believed this. Christians believe that God is One God, in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). (Matthew 28:19; I John 5:7; II Cor. 13:14; Isaiah 48:16).

3. The Quran misunderstands when Jesus became the Son, thinking that He became God’s Son when born of Mary: ‘How should He have a Son when he had no consort”. (Q 6:101).
The Bible prophets (Daniel, David, Solomon, Isaiah) teach that Jesus, the Son of God, existed eternally in the past, well before He was born of Mary.

a) ‘Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his SON’S name’ (Proverbs 30:4 in 1000 BC).

b) ‘Kiss the SON, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way’. (Psalm 2:12).
c) ‘The form of the fourth is like the SON of God’. (Daniel 3:25 in 550 BC).
d) ‘Unto us a SON is given ... his name shall be called the Mighty God’. (Isaiah 9:6 in 700 BC).
4. If Allah is indeed ‘All-wise, and All-knowing’ as the Quran tells us, we would expect Allah to correctly understand the Bible’s doctrine of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and not to think of the Trinity as Father, Son and Mary, as in 5:116. ‘Allah will say: “Jesus, Son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind: ‘Worship me, and my mother as gods, besides Allah’?’’ (5:116).

5. The Allah of Muhammad hates the Sonship of Jesus, as seen here:

a) ‘They said God has a Son? NEVER! Say “He is Allah alone; God the eternal! He begetteth not, and he is not begotten. There is none like Him”.’ (Q 112). This is the key Sura for all Muslims.
b) ‘God forbid that He Himself should beget a Son.’ (Q 19:35).
c) ‘God is but one God. God forbid that He should have a Son!’ (Q 4:171).
d) Because God having a Son cannot be imagined by men, does not make it impossible with God. ‘How should He have a Son when He had no consort?’ (Q 6:101). Notice that this is NOT Allah speaking (because it is written in the third person ‘He’). This disproves the Muslim claim that all the words spoken in the Quran are spoken by Allah.

6. If Allah has three daughters ‘Al-Lat and Al-Uzza and Manat’ (Q 53:20), why can’t God have a Son? God said at Jesus’ baptism, ‘Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’. Mark 1:11

7. In Hadith Kudsi Allah is quoted as saying, ‘The poor are members of my family (my sons).’

Here Allah talks of ‘my family.’ If Muslims have this statement in their Hadith, why do they object to the Christian God having a Son? Why do they presume that Jesus’ Sonship had a sexual origin?

It is pride and arrogance for man to insist he must understand everything about something before accepting its reality. We believe it because God said it, whether or not we understand it.

The Trinity doctrine is the belief that God is made up of three parts, and Jesus Christ is one of them.

8. The belief by Muslims that Jesus was supernaturally born of a virgin, opens the door

to other supernatural possibilities. Two are: a)  The divinity of Jesus Christ;
b) Jesus being the Son of God.

‘I (Holy Spirit) have come to give you a holy son’.

‘How shall I (Mary) bear a child when I have neither been touched by any man nor ever been unchaste?’ said Mary.
‘That is easy enough for Me ... Thereupon she conceived.’ (Q 19:20-22).

So, the Quran’s question in 6:101 ‘How should he have a son when he had no consort (wife)?’, let Allah answer: ‘That is easy enough for me.’ (19:22).

9. If the nature of man is a mystery, how much greater a mystery is the nature of God? If man is a triune being (body, soul, spirit) (I Thessalonians 5:23), each part of which is 100% human, then why can’t God be a Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) (Matthew 28:19) each part of which is 100% God, especially since God created man in His own image and likeness? (Genesis 1:26,27).

We would expect God and man to have a Triune similarity.
10. (a) The New Testament says that God sent the angel Gabriel to announce Jesus’ birth to the virgin Mary: ‘That holy thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.’ (Luke 1:35).

(b) 640 years later, Muhammed claimed that the same angel Gabriel came to him with a different message from Allah that Jesus was not the Son of God that the Bible and Gabriel earlier said he was, but that He was just a good prophet.

Do Gabriel and God change their minds? Was Gabriel confused? Never! Question: Which Gabriel came to Muhammed?
Paul warns us of Satan’s deceptive disguises in II Corinthians 11:14: ‘Such are false apostles (Muhammed), deceitful workers (Muhammed), transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light’.
It is an angel of the devil that will contradict what God has already said.

11. The only reason Muslims say the Bible is corrupted is because it states that Jesus is the Divine Son of God. They say they cannot bow down to the man of Galilee. They claim that Jesus was a created being just as Adam was. ‘Jesus is like Adam in the sight of God. He created him of dust’. (Q 3:59). Let us accept this for the moment.
The Quran says in eight places that, when Adam was created, Allah commanded all the angels to bow down and worship the man He had made. ‘And we said to the angels, “Bow down yourselves to Adam”, and all bowed themselves, except Satan, who in his pride refused and became an unbeliever’. (Sura 2:34; 7:11; 15:29-335; 17:61-62; 18:50; 20:115-; 38:71).
So the Quran tells us that what made Satan an unbeliever was his refusal to bow down to Adam, a created being. In Suras 15 and 38, Allah put curses on Satan for this arrogance.

Question: If Muslims would have bowed down to Adam (the lesser), but refuse to bow down to Jesus Christ (the greater than Adam), then you have joined the forces of rebellion and arrogance with Satan, and you are under the same curse released on Satan.

12. Some illustrations of Jesus (the Son of God) revealing God to man are:

(a) As the fruit of a tree will reveal the kind of tree, so Jesus reveals the nature of
This is what is meant by Jesus being the Son of God, revealing the hidden nature of God to man.
(b) ‘Who (Jesus Christ) being the brightness of God’s glory’. (Hebrews 1:3). As the sun and its rays are distinct, in another sense they are one. So God the Father and God
the Son are distinct yet one. As the sun has fire, heat and light, as well as α,β,γ-rays, so God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

(c) How would a tree that cannot see a man, yet convinced of his existence, describe man to other trees? A tree would describe man as a kind of super tree, because that is all it can understand. Similarly, man being of a lower order and nature than God, can only understand God in human terms. Even the Quran explains Allah in human terms as having a face, hands, fingers, feet and eyes. ‘Yet still abides the Face of thy Lord, majestic, splendid’. (55:27).
‘Why do you not bow to him whom my own hands have made’. (38:74).

13. Jesus as “Son of God” does not mean “offspring of God” as seen from different Greek words.
a) “paidion” (3813) meaning “a young child” is not used to describe Jesus’ preexistence.

b) “teknon” (5043) meaning “a child” is not used to describe Jesus as “teknon Theou” a
“child of God”. The word teknon (child) comes from the verb “tiktoo” meaning “to give birth” which never applies to Jesus Christ in His eternity. God the Father never gave birth to God the Son. “Teknon” (child) denotes “derivation from”, while “huios” (son) denotes “relation to” and “fellowship with”.

c) “huios” (5207) meaning “Son” is used to describe Jesus as “the Son of God” because he proceeded from God, has the nature of God, and derived his human nature directly from God and not by ordinary generation (Luke 1:35). Adam was a son of God not by sexual generation (Luke 3:38). In Greek, “the Son of God” (ho huios tou Theou) means the fellowship of two co-equal and co-eternal personalities. Jesus claimed to have equality with God (John 5:18) & the prerogatives of God.

14. Son + genitive = quality, character. Sons of the prophets (Acts 3:25), Son of consolation (Acts 4:36), sons of thunder (Mark 3:17), Son of Peace (Luke 10:6), sons of disobedience (Eph. 5:6), son of perdition (John 17:12).

31. Mohammed’s Battles and Wars (Is Mohammed a man of Peace or a Butcher?)

1. Raiding Meccan Caravans

After 6 months in Medina, Mohammed sent out raiding parties to attack and capture Meccan caravans on their way to Syria. Unsuccessful at first, Mohammed’s men finally captured a Meccan caravan by attacking it in the pagan sacred month. Mohammed took 20% of the booty for himself.

2. Battle of Badr (624)

Mohammed learned that a rich caravan was to pass nearby and decided to attack it at Badr. The Meccans learned of Mohammed’s plans and so gathered a superior army (1000 men) to teach the Muslims (313 men) a lesson. The Muslims, inspired by Mohammed and Allah won a resounding battle. 70 Meccans were killed and Mohammed ordered the execution of 2 prisoners.

3. Battle of Uhud (625)

3000 Meccans marched to Medina to avenge their defeat at Badr. They faced 700 Muslims. Meccans attacked the Muslims from the front and rear. Many Muslims were killed, Mohammed was seriously wounded, but the Meccans were not able to completely destroy the Muslims.

4. Seige of Bani Nazir (a Jewish tribe).

Mohammed went here to collect some blood money. They seated Mohammed under the shadow of a wall while they collected the money. Mohammed suspected the Jews might kill him, so Mohammed returned to Medina, and sent an order for the Jews to vacate the settlement. The Muslims besieged Bani Nazir for 21 days. The Jews then surrendered and migrated to Syria.

5. Battle of the Trench (627)

A 10,000 man Meccan army set out to conquer the Muslims in Medinah. The Muslims could not face such a large force in the open, so they dug a trench around the city. The siege lasted 30 days, with the Meccans being unable to cross the trench. When a storm came, the Meccans retreated.

6. Massacre of the Bani Qurayza (a Jewish tribe). (627, p. ) Because Mohammed disliked the Bani Qurayza, he beseiged them in Medina for 2 weeks, then decapitated their 800 men in groups of 5 or 6, threw their bodies into a large trench dug in the market place, confiscated all their possessions, and sold their women and children as slaves. Mohammed sat watching the butchery from morning, all
day, and into the night. Are Muslims proud of their leader for this? Do Muslims recommend this for today?

7. Conquest of Khyber.

After being expelled from Medina, the Jews of Bani Qainuqa and Bani Nazir had settled at Khyber. Mohammed thought they were planning revenge for his massacring the 800 Jewish males of Bani Quraiza. So Mohammed led a Muslim force who conquered the Jewish fortress after a 21 day siege. The Jews surrendered. To mark the end of hostilities, some Jews gave a feast in honour of Mohammed, but they poisoned the food, killing Mohammed’s friend. After taking a few morsels, Mohammed fell sick of the poison and died later.

8. Conquest of Mecca (630).

Mohammed led a force of 10,000 to conquer Mecca. The Quraish of Mecca lost the will to defend, so surrendered and agreed to become Muslims.

9. Battles of Hunain and Taif.

Tribes surrounding Mecca rejected Islam, so Mohammed invaded the valley of Hunain with 13,000 soldiers. These tribes were routed and retreated to the impregnable fort of Taif. The Muslims besieged the fort for 2 months, without success, then returned to Mecca.

10. Battle at Tabuk (halfway between Mecca and Damascus).

The Christian Arab prince of Aylah did not agree to forsake Christianity, but agreed to pay the annual jizya tax. Ukaidar, the chief of Daumatul Jandal refused to accept Islam or pay tax to the Muslims. The Muslim Khalid led an expedition who took Ukaidar prisoner, brought him to Mohammed, where he was released on agreeing to pay the annual jizya tax.

32. Mohammed’s Murders, Assassinations, Tortures, Cruelty and Slavery.

Mohammed spoke “messages from heaven” to justify fighting battles, executing opponents, annexing territories, taking another man’s wife Zainab, taking as many wives as he pleased, taking people into slavery, and restoring order to his harem.

Muslim’s sources are full of references to Mohammed’s strange fits when he received revelations:

“The process was attended by a fit of unconsciousness accompanied by the sound of bells in the ears or the belief that someone was present; by a sense of fright causing perspiration, by foaming at the mouth, by a sense of headache.” (Why I am not a Muslim, Ibn Warraq, p.89).

These are Biblical symptoms of demon possession (“he foaming, and gnashing his teeth.”

Mark 9:17-29).

Mohammed hated the Jews for rejecting his claims of being a prophet.

1. The Battle of Badr. Mohammed’s army killed 49 Meccans. When the severed head of his enemy was cast at Mohammed’s feet he said: “It is more acceptable to me than the choicest camel in all Arabia.”

Then began a series of assassinations as Mohammed moved against his enemies, settled old scores, and ruthlessly established his power.

2. Mohammed ordered the execution of al-Nadar who scoffed at him at Mecca.

3. Muir describes the execution of Ocba: “Ocba was ordered out for execution. He asked: “Who shall take care of my little girl?” “Hell-fire!” said Mohammed. Ocba was then killed.”

Mohammed said “I give thanks unto the Lord that hath slain thee, and comforted mine eyes thereby.” Assassinations are sanctioned in Q8:67,68. “It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land.”

4. When the poetess Asma bint Marwan wrote against Mohammed, Mohammed said “Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan?” One zealous Muslim, Umayr ibn Adi, decided to execute Mohammed’s wishes and that night crept into her house, removed the suckling baby from her breast and plunged his sword into the poetess. Next morning Mohammed praised Umayr in front of the Muslims at the Mosque.

5. Soon, Abu Afak (over 100 years old), who criticised Mohammed was murdered while he slept.
6. In 627 the Meccans attacked Medina in the Battle of the Trench. The last Jewish tribe in Medina, the Bani Qurayza, helped defend Medina, but remained neutral. Mohammed questioned their loyalty and after the 2 week siege, moved against them. Realising they had no chance of surviving, the Bani Qurayza agreed to surrender on condition that their fate be decided by their allies, the Bani Aws, who were inclined to show mercy. Mohammed nominated one of the Bani Aws (Sa’d ibn Muadh) to be the judge. He pronounced, “My judgment is that the men shall be put to death, the women and children sold into slavery, and the spoil divided among the army.”

Mohammed adopted the verdict as his own: “Truly the judgment of Sa’d is the judgment of Allah pronounced on high from beyond the seventh heaven.”
Muir ((1), p.307,308) writes: “During the night trenches sufficient to contain the dead bodies of the men were dug across the market place of the city. In the morning, Mohammed himself a spectator of the tragedy, commanded the male captives to be brought forth in companies of 5 or 6 at a time. Each company as it came up was made to sit down in a row on the brink of the trench destined for its grave, there beheaded, and the bodies cast therein. The butchery, begun in the morning, lasted all day, and drenched the market place with the blood of about 800 victims. Having given command for the earth to be smoothed over their remains, Mohammed returned from the horrid spectacle to solace himself with the charms of Rihana, whose husband and all her male relatives had just perished in the massacre.”

The booty was divided, slave girls given as presents, women sold and property auctioned. Q 33:25-27 (“people of the Scriptures…Some ye slew…captive some”) was given as a revelation justifying this cruelty, barbarity and inhumanity meted out to the Jews. It is difficult to accept Mohammed’s innocence.
Mohammed taught that true nobility lay in forgiveness and that in Islam those who restrain their anger and pardon men shall receive Paradise (Q 3:128; 24:22 “those who possess dignity..Let them forgive”). Yet Mohammed failed to do this in treating the Bani Qurayza.

7. Mohammed ordered the murder of the chief of the Jews (Abi l Huqayq) of the banished Banu’l-Nadir. Mohammed’s henchmen assassinated Huqayq in his bed.

8. Mohammed, realising this assassination had not solved his problems, sent a delegation to Khaybar to persuade their new leader Usayr b. Zarim to come to Medina to discuss him being made ruler of Khaybar. Mohammed solemnly guaranteed his safety. Usayr set out unarmed with 30 of his men. On the way the Muslims killed all but one of their invited, unarmed guests. Mohammed gave thanks on learning of their fate saying, “Verily, the Lord hath delivered you from an unrighteous people”.

Later, Mohammed gave his philosophy of war saying, “War is deception.”
9. Mohammed and his men attacked and destroyed the forts in the vale of Khaybar one by one, saying,
“O you who have been given victory, kill! kill!”

10. All the forts fell, until the Muslims arrived at the fort of Khamus, where the chief of the Jews, Kinana b. al-Rabi was accused by Mohammed of concealing the treasure of Banu’l-Nadir. The Jews protested that they had nothing left. Ibn Hisham quotes “Mohammed gave Kinana over to al-Zubayr”, saying “Torture him until you extract it from him.” He burned his chest, then cut off his head. Conclusion: Thus Mohammed organised assassinations and massacres, secured and divided plunder as a robber chief, encouraged the same passion in his followers, authorizing and justifying his crimes by fabricating revelations from his deity Allah. (See “Why I am Not a Muslim”, Ibn Warraq, p.93-99).

33. BATTLES STARTED BY MUSLIMS (See “History of Islam”, Masudul Hasan, Vol.1, 1998).

Abu Bakr (632-634AD)

1. Battle of Dhu Qissa and Abraq

2. Battle of Buzakha

3. Battle of Zafar

4. Battle of Naqra

5. Battle of Bani Tamim

6. 4 Battles against Bani Hanifa (Musailma) Battle of the Garden of Death.

7. Battle of Bahrain

8. Battle of Daba in Uman (10,000 killed)

9. Battle of Mahrah

10. Battle of Yemen

11. Battle of Hadramaut

12. Battle of Kazima (633AD) opened Iraq.

13. Battle of Mazar on the Tigris (30,000 killed)

14. Battle of Walaja against Persians

15. Battle of Ulleis (70,000 Persians killed)

16. Conquest of Hirah (surrendered)

17. Battle of Anbar (633AD)

18. Battle of Ain-at-Tamr (Christian Arabs)

19. Battle of Daumatul Jandal (S.Iraq, Aug. 633)

20. Battle of Firaz (Iraq, Dec. 633)

21. Battle of Busra (July 634). Syria.

22. Battle of Ajnadein (50,000 Byzantines killed)

23. 3 Battles of Damascus (Aug 634. Abu Bakr died).

Umar Farooq (634-644AD) conquered Iraq, Persia, Syria, Egypt. Enforced Sharia in all matters.

24. Battle of Namaraq (against Persians).
25. Battle of Saqatiah (between Tigris and Euphrates)

26. Battle of the Bridge (635. Muslims defeated)

27. Battle of Buwaib

28. Battle of Qadisiyah (636)

29. Battles of al-Madain, Babel, Kutha, Bahra Sher.

30. Battle of Jalula (637 completed conquest of Iraq)

31. Battle of Fahl (in Jordan)

32. Battle of Yermuk (70,000 Byzantines killed).

33. Battle of Antioch (Syria)

34. Battle of Jerusalem (637, Umar occupied it).

35. Battle of Jazirah

36. Battle of Caesarea (649)

37. Battle of Ahwaz (in Persia)

38. Battle of Manadhar

39. Battle of Sus

40. Battle of Ramharz (Capital)

41. Battle of Shustar

42. Battle of Jandi Sabur

43. Battle of Nihawand (641; 30,000 Persians killed)

44. Battle of Ray

45. Battle of Azarbaijan (643)

46. Battle of Tabaristan (643)

47. Battle of Armenia.

48. Battle of Farama (640, East Egypt)

49. Battle of Bilbais

50. Battle of Babalyun

51. Battle of Naqyus

52. Battle of Alexandria (641)

Uthman (644-656AD)

53. Battle of Istakhar (Persia)

54. Seige and surrender of Nishapur

55. Battle of Herat

56. Battle of Tus

57. Battle of Meru

58. Battle of Roz

59. Battle of Kerman

60. Battle of Seistan

61. Conquest of Cyprus

62. Recapture of Alexandria
63. Battle of Tripoli (646)(Uthman standardized Quran to remove different readings. History of
Islam, p.122). In 652, Islamic expansion stopped. Ali (656-661AD)

64. Battle of the Camel (Civil war in 656. 10,000 died).

65. Battle of Siffin (657)

66. Battle of Nahrawan (658)

Mu’awiyah (660-680AD)

67. Reconquered North Africa

68. Conquered Sicily (666)

69. Conquered Rhodes (672)

70. Conquered Crete (674)

71. Seiged Constantinople unsuccessfully (668).

72. Conquered Kabul (670)

73. Conquered Khurasan (663-671)

74. Conquered Turks (674).

Yazid I (680-683AD).

75. Tragedy of Kerbala. Husain beheaded & abused.

76. Battle of the Lava (683 at Medina).

Marwan I (684-685)

77. Campaign against North Syria.

78. Conquest of Egypt.

Abdul Malik (685-705). Built Dome of the Rock.

79. Battle of Ain-ul Wada (Syria).

80. Battle of Kufa (687, 3 competing caliphs).

81. Battle of Deir al Jaliq (691, 2 competing caliphs).

82. Battle of Mecca (692, Civil War)

83. Battle of Deir al Jumajim (702)

84. Battle and razing of Carthage (695)

85. Battle of Tabarka (702), won North Africa.

Al-Waleed (705-715) eldest son of Adul Malik.

86. Conquered Balkh and Takharistan (706)

87. Conquered Bukhara (bloody battle).

88. Conquered Khawarzam (711)

89. Conquered Samarkand (712). Learnt paper making.

90. Conquered Khojand and Shash (714)

91. Conquered Kashgar (in Chinese Turkestan, 714).

92. Conquered Kabul to Khyber pass (North).

93. Conquered Makran and Daibal (711 in India)
94. Conquered Al Nirun (Hyderabad)

95. Conquered Multan (713) and all Pakistan.

96. Conquered Byzantine forts (711).

97. Conquered Antioch in Pisidia (712).

98. Conquered Medina, Sidonia, Carmona, Granada, Cordova & Toledo in Spain with 7000 men (711).

99. Conquered Seville, Saragossa, Terragossa, Barcelona.

Sulaiman (715-717) son of Abdul Malik.

100.Imprisoned, tortured and executed the Muslim conquerors of Spain (Tariq and Musol) and India. Ruthlessly slaughtered the Turks (716)

101.Attacked Constantinople (716) Umar (717-720)
102.Conquered Southern France to Tolouse. Yazid ll (720-724)
103.Conquered Kish and Nasf

104.Conquered Khazars of Azarbaijan and Armenia.

105. Conquered Qonia city & Dalsa fort (Byzantine, 722)

106. Suppressed revolts in Yemen.

Hisham (724-743) brother of Yazid ll.

107. Captured Nimes. Moved up Rhone Valley, France (725) 108.Captured Bourdeaux. Ravaged the countryside (732). 109. Lost Battle of Tours to Charles Martell. (Oct. 732) 110.Captured Avignon, then lost it and left France (737). 111.Captured Georgia (730)

112. Captured several Byzantine forts.

113. Battle of the Nobles (740)

114. Battle of Bagdoura (741). N.Africa lost to Berbers.

115. Re-conquered North Africa.

116. Conquered islands of Majorca, Minorca, Ivica, Corsica, Sardinia, Crete, and Rhodes making the Mediterranean Sea a Muslim Lake. (742).

34. Islamic Conquests Atrocities, Massacres and Genocide. “Why I am not a Muslim”, Ibn Warraq, 1995

1. Patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem (634-638) saw the Muslim invaders as “godless barbarians” who burnt churches, destroyed monasteries, profaned crosses, & horribly blasphemed Christ and His church.

2. Abu Bakr invaded Syria (634), the entire region from Gaza to Caesarea was devasted. 4000 peasants were massacred. In the campaigns of Mesopotamia
(635-642) monasteries were sacked, and monks killed. In Elam the population was put to the sword.
3. The “Chronicle of John”, Bishop of Nikiu (693-700) describes the Muslim conquest of Egypt. Amr exterminated the inhabitants of Behnessa, Fayum and Aboit: “Whoever gave himself up to the Muslims was massacred. They spared neither the old, nor the women or children.”

At Nikiu, the entire population was put to the sword.

4. In Armenia, the entire population of Euchaita was wiped out. Muslims decimated the populations of Assyria, forcing some inhabitants to accept Islam. (7th Century Armenian Chronicles).

5. Michael the Syrian tells how Mu’awiya sacked Cypus, dominating it by a “great massacre”.

6. Tripoli was pillaged in 643. Carthage was razed and most of its inhabitants were killed.

7. The same happened in Anatolia, Mesopotamea, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

8. North India was conquered by Hajjaj, governor of Iraq (712). He ordered his commander Qasim to “bring destruction on the unbelievers…whoever does not submit to Islam, treat him harshly and cause injury to him till he submits.” (Chachnamah, p.155).

At Port Debal, the Muslim army took 3 days to slaughter the inhabitants, then allowed some to practice their religion. Hajjaj disapproved of Qasim’s weakness and wrote to him: “The great God says in the Koran (47:4): “O true believers, when you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads.” This command of the great God must be respected and followed. You should not be so
fond of showing mercy. Henceforth grant pardon to no one of the enemy and spare none of them.”

Qasim went to Brahminabad and ordered all men of military classes to be beheaded with swords. Between 6000 and 16000 men were massacred.

9. Mahmud of Ghazni, head of a Turco-Afgan dynasty (1000AD) passed through India, destroying, massacring and plundering. He justified his actions by the Koran’s commands to kill idolaters. He invaded India 17 times, seeing it as a duty and pleasure to slay idolaters. He forcibly converted the inhabitants of Ghur to Islam. At the Battle of Somnath, he killed 50,000 Hindus.

10. Firuz Shah (1351AD) ruled North India. He made “the laws of the prophet his guide”. He indulged in wholesale slave-raiding, having 180,000 slaves in his city, all of whom became Muslims.

11. Aurangzeb (1618-1707) destroyed 123 Hindu temples at Udaipur, 63 at Chitor, and 66 at Jaipur.
12. Throughout Persia, forced conversions from the 16th to 20th Centuries decimated the Christian and Jewish communities. (Bat Ye’Or (1), p.61).

13. Muslims massacred over 6000 Jews in Morocco in 1033. Muslim rioters massacred the entire Jewish community of 4000 people in Granada, Spain in 1066.

14. Walid I (704-705) gathered the nobles of Armenia in the church of St. Gregory in Naxcawan and burned them to death. The rest were crucified or decapitated. Their women & children were enslaved.
15. The Sultan Baibars, had all the Christians of Damascus decapitated.

16. Timur the Lame (Tamerlane) constantly referred to the Koran and tried to turn every battle to a holy war. In 1403 he destroyed 700 large villages & minor towns in Georgia, massacring the inhabitants, and destroying all the Christian churches of Tifflis. He killed out of Koranic piety.

Tamerlane ordered the execution of 100,000 Hindu prisoners at Delhi in cold blood, on the pretext that they presented a grave risk to his army.

Tamerlane buried 4000 alive at Sivas, 70,000 at Isfahan, 100,000 at Saray, and 90,000 at Baghdad.

17. At the conquest of Istakr, Muslims slaughtered more than 40,000 Iranians.

18. From 1894-1896 Muslims massacred over 250,000 Armenians in Sasun, Trapezunt, Edessa, Wan Biredjik, Kharput and Niksar. Many villages were burned down & hundreds of churches were plundered.

19. A Muslim historian reports their destruction of 30,000 Greek churches in Egypt &

Conclusion: All these massacres resulted from a divinely sanctioned Koran policy toward non-Muslims. These were perpetrated to keep the conquered territories under Islamic control.

35. Modern Muslim Atrocities

1. Sudan had Sharia law imposed in 1983 with the Muslim north waging a pitiless war against Christians and Animists in the South. Since 1983 Muslims have killed about 2 million people, displacing many others and selling many into slavery. This was financed by Iran (Economist, 9 April 1994).

2. Indonesian Muslim youth and army massacred about 600,000 Chinese peasants in 1965. “They cut off women’s breast …. In the morning young muslims would come in swaggering with necklaces of human ears.” (Guardian Weekly, 23 Sep. 1990).

3. East Timor was invaded by Indonesia in 1975, resulting in over 200,000 civilians being killed.

4. Irani, Pakistani, Saudi Arabian Christians are often arrested, imprisoned, flogged and tortured for “crimes” of blasphemy, owning Bibles, crosses and pictures of Jesus. (Amnesty International 62, July 1993)

5. Slavery is accepted by the Koran and recognises the superiority of master over slave (Q 16:77; 30:28). According to the French magazine L Vie (no. 2562, 6 Oct 1994) 45,000 black Africans are kidnapped and sold into slavery a year in the Gulf States and Middle East. Slaves have no legal rights under Islam.


1. Mohammed consciously fabricated revelations to conveniently sort out his domestic problems.

Battles were fought, executions ordered, territories annexed, the affair with Maria the Coptic sanctioned, and passions for his adopted son’s wife were sanctioned by convenient revelations from his deity Allah. Mohammed’s revelations fitted in with his desires and pandered to his selfish pleasures.

2. Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael never went to Mecca, nor did they build the Kabbah because:

a) The Bible is silent about it.

b) No pre-Muslim sources mention it.

c) Early Muslims prayed toward Jerusalem, not Mecca, as seen by the alignment of early Mosques & Christian sources. This shows that Muslims fabricated Abraham, Isaac & Ishmael’s visit to Mecca.

d) Mecca was only chosen as the Muslim sanctuary later in order to completely break from Judaism after the Jews rejected Mohammed’s claim of being a prophet like Moses for the Jews.

3. Islam assimilated many foreign influences of people they conquered, such as rabbinic Judaism, Christianity (Nestorian and Jacobite), Hellenism, Persian ideas, Byzantine art and architecture.

4. There was a tendency for the information to grow the further away one went from the events described. For example, if one storyteller mentioned a raid, the next one would tell the exact date of the raid, and the third would tell us even more details.

An example is, Waqidi (died 823) who wrote 30-50 years after Ibn Ishaq (died 768), will always give precise dates, locations, names and details where Ibn Ishaq has none. No wonder that Muslim scholars love Waqidi. Where else do they find such wonderfully precise information about everything they want to know? Waqidis information is extremely doubtful, because all this was unknown to Ibn Ishaq.

4. Muhammed would never have succeeded had he preached humility and submission. He converted people by force of the sword.

6. Female circumcision in Islam results from the Muslim males’ fears of female sexuality.

7. Muslim association of sex with pollution is absurd and obsessive.

8. Concubinage is permitted by the Koran (Q 4:3; 23:6; 33:50-52; 70:30).

9. Military defeat at the hands of Christian Europe brought into doubt the truth of the Muslim revelation itself. (Kedourie, p.322 The World of Islam, 1976). Every failure and ill in the Muslim world is still blamed on the West, Israel, or some Zionist Conspiracy.

10. Regarding Mohammed’s concession to idolatry in the Satanic verses, Sura 53, we are told that Satan put words of reconciliation and compromise into Mohammed’s mouth:

“These (Alat, Uzza, Manat) are exalted Females, whose intercession is verily to be sought after.”

The Meccans were delighted with Mohammed’s recognition of their deities, but Mohammed claimed that Gabriel visited and reprimanded him for making such a concession to idolatry.

Question: Even if Satan really put these words into Mohammed’s mouth, what faith can we put in a man so easily led astray by Satan? Why did Allah let it happen?

Question: How do we know there are no other passages where Mohammed has not been led astray?

Here Mohammed abandoned the unity of God to please the Meccans.

or Mohammed


Q1: What archaeological proof is there that Abraham rebuilt the Kabah in Mecca? (2:127) (p.994).

Q2: Can you prove that the Quran is of heavenly origin? How, in light of its many earthly sources?

Q3: How do you justify the Koran’s commands to commit violence (fight and slay the pagans. 9:5).
Q4: How do you explain the presence of stories in the Quran from Christianity, Judaism, Arabia?1014.

Q5: Why does Quran never explain its rites or define words like Allah, jinn, pilgrimage, Kabah? (996)

Q6. The fertile crescent worshipped the pagan moon god. Doesn’t this show pagan influence in Islam?
Q7. Why do you worship a god Allah when you should worship the God of Abram, YHWH? (Ps. 96:5)

Q8. Doesn’t the different nature of the Biblical God from Allah, show that Muslims worship the wrong god? (997).

Q9. How do you explain Mohammed’s fits when giving a revelation? No Bible prophet did this? 998.

Q10. Doesn’t Mohammed asking forgiveness of sins prove He is a sinner? (40:55; 48:1,2).

Q11. How can you believe prophets are sinless when the Bible and Quran say they sinned (Adam (2:36), Moses (28:16), Jonah (37:142), David (38:15), Mohammed (47:19)?
Q12. How do you explain Mohammed’s 3 disqualifications of prophethood? (changing verses (16:101), no fulfilled prophecies (7:203), friendship with demons (Q 72:1-15; 46:29-31. Lev. 19:31; 20:27). (p.1000)

Q13. Why don’t you obey the Quran by obeying the Bible? (10:93,94 Ask those who read scriptures before).

Q14. Why did M command prayer to the Kabah which had 360 idols in it, not destroyed till 6 years later?

Q15. How do you explain the Satanic Verses being abrogated (cancelled) from the Quran? (p.1000).

Q16. At what age was Aesha when Mohammed married her and consummated the marriage? Isn’t this the sin of paedophilia?

Q17. Why did Allah permit Mohammed to take Zaenab, his son’s wife, when Jehovah never permitted this of other prophets, such as David?

Q18. Do you believe a temporary marriage (Mutah) is right?

Q19. Do you believe slavery is right? Slave girls (70:22-31; 23:1-7). Q20. Where did Jews say Ezra was the Son of God? (9:30).

Q21. Do you believe it is right for Muslims to fight and kill Jews and Christians? (9:29,30).

Q22. Do you think that Mohammed made up his own god who gave him a license to sin? (p.1003).

Q23. How can you believe a speech by evil, lying demons in the Koran? (72:1-15; 46:29-31).
Q24. Do you believe it is right to kill those who leave Islam? (4:89). (p.1018). (p.1006.
Q25. Doesn’t the 32 Old Testament prophecies about Jesus show him to be greater than Mohammed?

Q26. Doesn’t Jesus’ virgin birth and no sin nature, show Him to be greater than Mohammed’s normal birth? (p.1007).

Q27. Doesn’t Jesus’ sinlessness make Him greater than Mohammed? (40:55; 48:1,2). Q28. Doesn’t Jesus’ many miracles (3:49) make Him greater than Mohammed? (17:91-95).

Q29. Do you look forward to going to hell as the Quran says all will go there? (19:71). Q30. If prophets say Jesus is God, why don’t you believe them? (p.1008). (The Mighty God, Isaiah 9:6).

Q31. Doesn’t Jesus give a higher moral example for us to follow than Mohammed? Jesus never killed, lied, took men’s wives. (Every murderer gives excuses why he killed someone).

Q32. Don’t you think that Jesus’ beauty of speech is greater than Mohammed speeches of hell torture, hatred and killing non Muslims?

Q33. How could the Quran come from the true God, when it is an entirely different literary style?

Q34. Why did Uthman have to standardize a common text of the Quran if a perfect text already existed? How did Uthman know which readings were correct? (in 650AD).
Q35. What manuscript evidence exists to support Quran’s claim that Jesus was not crucified?
Who knows best that Jesus died & rose, hundreds of eyewitnesses in 33AD or Mohammed

600 yr later?

Who knows best that Jesus died, prophets David, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah, 1600 yr later?

Mistakes in Quran

Q36. How did the Quran misunderstand the Trinity was Allah, Jesus and Mary? (5:116; 5:73).

Q37. Will you reject the Quran because it mistakenly says that Pharaoh of Moses time (1500 BC), the Tower of Babel (2250 BC) and Haman (510BC) all existed at the same time? (28:38; p.1013)

Q38. Quran mistakenly says that these were 9 signs (17:100) but the Bible says 10 signs

(p.1013, Ex 7-12)

Q39. How can the sun set in a pool of black mud? (18:85,86) (p.1012).

Q40. Did all of Noah’s sons survive (21:76) or Did one son drown (11:42,43)? p.1013.

Q41. Noah was aged 600 when the flood came, not 950 years (Q29:14; Genesis 7:11). (p.1023).

Q42. How can the Quran be from God when it copied 26 stories from Arabian, Jewish, Christian and Pagan sources? (p.1014-1016).

Q43. Do you believe people are tortured in hellfire because they soil themselves with their urine? (1017)

Q44. How can Allah be just if he predestines some men to hell ? (7:179). Jehovah doesn’t (2 Peter 3:9).

Q45. Do you believe Mohammed cut the moon in half? How did he put it back together? (p.1018).

Q46. How can you hold Mohammed as your role model when he burnt peoples eyes out? (p.1019)

Q47. Isn’t Jihad morally wrong and against Moses’ and Jesus’ law for Muslims to force conversion to Islam or die? (p.1021).
Q48. Why do Muslims commit such horrific acts of violence? Are they all naturally violent, or are they doing what Islam dictates? (61:10-12, 4:74).

Q49. Why be loyal to Islam when Muslims murdered your ancestors and would do the same to you today? (p.1022).

Q50. Who is this Allah who has been inspiring Muslims to hate Christ and to murder Christians? Could Allah be the devil disguising himself as God? (p.1022).

Q51. If Allah is so powerful, why not let Allah punish his Christian enemies? (p.1022). Q52. How can throwing 7 pebbles at a pillar at Mecca hurt Satan? (p.1022).

Q53. How can you believe in a religion that permits husbands to beat (edribu) their wives? (4:34).

Q54. How can you remain a Muslim when the Quran says Allah predestines many men to hell? (7:178).

Q55. How can you remain a Muslim when Allah commands Muslims to strike off the heads of unbelievers and massacre them? (47:15). (p.1024).
Q56. Have you compared the differences and attributes of Allah and Jehovah? (p.1025,1026).

(Allah is not holy, not a Trinity, distant, author of evil, different nature, hates Jews, Christians, Jesus Christ and unbelievers).
Q57. Who is right about Jesus being the Son of God, Mohammed denying it or 12 prophets teaching it?

Q58. Is all the Quran spoken by Allah? What about 6:101 “How should He have a son when He had no consort” written in the third person by some man?

Q59. If the nature of man is a mystery, how much greater a mystery is the nature of God? (p.1027).

Q60. Why does the Quran have Gabriel saying Jesus is not the Son of God, which contradicts Gabriel’s message in Luke 1:35 that Jesus is the Son of God? (p.1028). Do Gabriel and God change their minds?

Q61. How can Mohammed be a man of peace when he started so many wars and inspired others to start wars? (p.1029). (Massacre of 800 Bani Qurayza Jews, Khyber, Mecca, Hunain, Tabuk).

Q62. Could Mohammed’s revelations and visions have come from Satan? Could Mohammed have been demon possessed as evidenced by the symptoms of Mark 9:17,18?

Q63. Is it right to kill those who speak against you as Mohammed did in the case of al-Nadar, Ocba, Asma, Abu Afak, Huqayq, Usayr, and Kinara? (p.1030).
Q64. Do you agree with Mohammed’s massacre of 800 innocent Jewish men and taking their wives and children into slavery from the Bani Qurayza tribe? (p.1030).

Q65. Do you approve of over 130 battles that Mohammed inspired his successive Caliphs to start from 632-742AD against innocent civilians? (p.1031).
Q66. Do you approve of Muslim invaders massacring the entire populations of Elam (634), Behessa, Fayum, Aboit, Nikiu, Euchaita, Cyprus, Carthage, Anatolia? (p.1033).

Q67. Do you approve of the Koran’s command to enslave people? (16:77; 30:28). Q68. Do you approve of Mohammed and Islam converting people by the sword? Q69. Do you approve of and practice female circumcision? Why?

Q70. If Satan put the Satanic verses into Mohammed’s mouth, could there have been other places in the Koran where this happened?

Q71. Do you approve of the Quran commanding fighting to spread Islam? (61 references, p.973)

Q72. Do you approve of terror to spread Islam as Quran commands in 3:151; 8:12; 8:59; 34:51; 59:2? p.973

Q73. Do you approve of the Quran’s 20 occasions of mistreating women? (slave girls (4:3); enemies (64:14), beating wives (4:34), your fields (2:223), inherit twice (4:11), replace a wife (4:20). (p.976-977).

Q74. Why does the Quran permit a divorced couple to remarry after being divorced from the 2nd spouse, when the Bible forbids this? (Jeremiah 3:1).
Q75. Don’t you suspect that the many threats of hell in the Quran were Mohammad’s way of scaring people into submission ? (p.978). This shows Allah is a different god to Jehovah the God of the Bible who loves all and wants all to be saved. (32:13 “I will surely fill hell with Jinn and humans all”).

Q76. Why does the Quran vilify Jews and Christians as the “vilest of all creatures” or “worst of created beings” (98:4-6) when the Bible says God loves Jews and Christians? (John 13:34; Romans 11:28).

Q77. Do you notice the difference between the Bible saying God loves all mankind and wants all to be saved (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9) with the Quran saying Allah does not love unbelievers and delights in massacring them (8:12) and torturing them in hell? (70 references. p.978).

Q78. Do you obey Jesus’ command in the Quran to “Follow me”? (43:63). Why could Mohammed not do miracles? (2:118).

Q79. How do you reconcile the contradiction where the Quran says Jesus did not die (4:157), with the Bible prophets saying Jesus did die, eg: David (Psalm 22:16), Isaiah (53:8,9,12), Daniel (9:26), Zechariah (13:6), (‘day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive’ Q19:33), and all 7 NT writers?

Q80. Why does Quran command Muslims to fight against those to whom the Scriptures were given (9:29)? Don’t you think the devil would want Muslims to kill those who believe in the prophets’ message ? Wouldn’t this make the devil the author of the Quran? (John 16:2,3; Luke 9:51-56).

Q81. Do you ask the people of the Book if you don’t know some spiritual truth? (10:95; 6:43).
Q82. How does the Quran confirm existing Scriptures when it denies Jesus’ death, resurrection, sonship? (2:41; 5:48; 12:111). (p.983).

Q83. Why did the Quran confuse Saul with Gideon? (2:249).

Q84. Why did the Quran contradict the Bible on whether giving money atones for some sins. Acts 8:20; (To give alms will atone for some of your sins, 2:271. Take alms from them, so they may be cleansed, 9:103).
Q85. Why does the Quran contradict the Bible on works for salvation. (Good deeds annul ill deeds 11:114; 53:32), (“not of works, lest any man should boast” Ephesians 2:8,9,10).
Mohammed broke the following of the 10 comandments:

10 Commandments - Exodus 20:1-17

Q86. Holy Spirit is the Comforter, not Mohammed because He shall :

a) Be with you forever. (John 14:16). b) The disciples knew Him “ye know him.” (John 14:17).

c) Be in you. (John 14:17). d) The world could not receive Him because they could not see Him.v.17

e) Be called the Holy Ghost. (John 14:26).

f) Be called the Spirit of Truth. (John 16:13); Mohammed abrogated some verses.

g) Glorify Jesus. (John16:14); Mohammed did not glorify Jesus as the Son of God. (p.985,6).

Q87. Quran is wrong in thinking it rained before Noah’s flood. Pre Flood people never saw rain till the Flood came. (Genesis 2:5,6; Hebrew 11:7). (p.986).
Q88. How can the sky have a crack in it? Doesn’t this show Mohammed’s ignorance of the gaseous atmosphere? (50:6; 67:3).

Q89. How does the sun move in an orbit? (21:33). It only appeared to orbit earth to Mohammed.

Q90. Quran is man made because the best that men could think heaven to be was sex. (p.988). 18 refs.

Q91. If Allah can change his mind about a verse in the Quran, this proves he is not the all knowing God of the Bible. (2:106).

Q92. Doesn’t Q 2:256 “no compulsion in religion” contradict Q8:39 “make war on them till idolatory shall cease…” (p.990).

Q93. Do you believe in all the Scriptures that God has revealed (42:15), such as the Bible?

Q94. How can every soul taste death (21:35) when I Corinthians 15:51-53 says “we shall not all sleep” due to the rapture (catching away) of living believers who will not experience death at Christ’s return?

Q95. Doesn’t Allah being a Plotter and Schemer (3:54; 8:30; 13:42) equate him with the devil who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9)?

Q96. Doesn’t Allah not loving the sinful (4:107), evil doers (3:57), transgressors (5:88) and unbelievers (30:45) prove that Allah is a different god to Jehovah of the Bible Who loves all mankind? (John 3:16).

Q97. How can Mohammed be a true prophet when he broke 9 of the 10 commandments ?

1. No other gods than Jehovah

2. No graven images

3. Don’t take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain

4. Keep Sabbath day holy

5. Honour thy Father and Mother

6. Thou shalt not kill

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery

8. Thou shalt not steal

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, wife, manservant, maidservant, ox, ass nor anything that is his.

1. Allah is a different god to Jehovah.‘all the gods of the nations are idols, but Jehovah made the heavens.’ (Psalm 96.5).

2. Mohammed prayed to the Kabah with 360 idols before he removed them (21:142; 53:19).


4. Mohammed taught people to worship on Friday not Saturday

5. Mohammed massacred many Fathers and enslaved many Mothers, such as the Bani Qurayza tribe.

6. Mohammed killed many people and commanded others to kill people (8:12 strike off their heads) (9:29 fight/kill those to whom the Scriptures were given).

7. Mohammed committed adultery by having sex with Maria the Coptic whom he was not married to (66:1-5).

8. Mohammed stole from caravans, from those he massacred (Bani Qurayza) and by the jizya tax on people he conquered.

9. Mohammed lied by saying “war is deception” and “Allah has given you absolutions from your oaths”. “Allah has allowed you to break your oaths.” (66:2).

10. Mohammed coveted and took his neighbours houses in lands he conquered, his neighbour’s wife, his son’s wife Zainab (33:36-38), as well as slaves and 20% of the booty had to go to Mohammed.